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Video Games does not promote Violence

Do video games actually promote violence? This is a popular debate that started in the early 90s. Even
though there is no hard evidence that Video games are the main cause of murder and other violent acts,
many Politicians, Journalists, and TV personalities said that video games does make a person more
violent. I am here to prove that Violent Video Games is not the cause of violent acts.

Exhibit A: Violence depicted in Video Games is not the reason of violent behavior.

Violence is shown in video games because it makes the game more immersive and exciting. An article
about Violence in Video games, says that "If you want to create a good narrative, you need to create
conflict, and violence is a really easy way to create conflict” An example of this are movies about World
War 2 which depicts war conflicts in a violent and gruesome way. Zach Saale of iStrategyLabs states that
“When I play this, since it is more realistic, it is easier to lose yourself in the game while you're playing
it,” Violent games does not offer violent tendencies, but it offers a more realistic, immersive, and fun
approach to the game.

Exhibit B: Difficulty of a Video game makes gamers act more aggressive not the presence of Violence

Many pointed out that the Violence shown in Video Games are the cause of violent and aggressive
behavior, this is false. An example of this is a video from a popular Youtuber known as Markiplier, he
was playing a game called Getting over it, where you must control a man who is climbing a mountain
using a hammer, if you make a single mistake in the game you will fall down to the bottom of the
mountain and start over. In the video, he is shown to be throwing a chair and yelling explicit language.
To test if a difficult game makes a person more aggressive, I made my sister, who is not a gamer, play
Getting over it, she constantly yells whenever she fell down and described the game as “a game from
hell”. These are good example of why the presence of Violence in games is not the reason of violent

Counterclaim: Violent Games are the reason of mass murders

US Politicians blamed violent games for the El Paso and Columbine shootings, they blamed games
because the perpetrators played violent games, though it was proven by multiple sources that their
motives was hatred and revenge. This is important because eventually people will keep blaming violent
games for mass murders until violence in games are banned, even though violence makes the game
more fun and realistic.

In conclusion, does violence in games lead to violent behavior? The simple answer is no, difficulty of the
game does, violence simply makes it more interesting. Though I think that violence is inappropriate and
shouldn’t be viewed by everyone, I think that violence in games won’t be the main reason why violent
acts occur.

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