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Dear Bhimdat Malvee welcome to Prey Security Services (Guyana) Inc. you will be
employed in the position of Security Officer with effect from 12th November 2018.
In this position the following Terms and Conditions of employment shall apply.


a. Your probationary period will be for a period of six (6) months Upon satisfactory
completion of this period, you shall receive a letter of confirmation. The company
reserves the right to extend the probation period by not more than three (3) months.
Wherever the company considers such an extension to be necessary, you shall be
notified in writing and the reasons for the extension given


a. You will be required to work a five-day or six-day work week on a day and night shift
system of specified hours per week in accordance with Company Policy or otherwise if defined
by law or any other agreement in force at the time. Shifts may be from eight (8) to twelve (12)
hours duration. Rosters are made up based on the Operational and Contractual needs existing
on a weekly basis. A week may be made up of five (5) shifts, over a seven-day period or
otherwise as determined by Manv agement.

b. Your day(s) off each week will be reflected in the weekly roster issued to you by the office.


Due to the nature of the duties performed, meals will be taken at times convenient to the
operations and customers` needs. In any case not more than 30 minutes must be taken on
any one shift and you are not allowed to leave your site and must use your discretion to
ensure that eating does not interfere with your duties.

a. Upon first employment your rate of pay will be $290.00 per hour for hours actually

b. Salaries will be paid twice monthly. All salaries and related changes are at discretion of

c. Salaries are paid through the bank. You will be required to open an account in your name
at Republic Bank, if you do not already have one. The account number must be transmitted
to the Finance Department in writing during the first week of employment.
d. The Company will hold itself responsible for incorrect account number and bank
information being submitted by you for salary assignment.


a. You will be reporting to a Manager or a Supervisor in charge of the Region to which you are
assigned. You are subject to transfer from one Division or Region to another depending on
manpower needs and the contractual obligations of the Company.

b. Transportation costs due to such transfers will be at your expense.


Leave will be granted in accordance with the Company’s Leave Policy after completion of one
year’s continuous service.

a. Vacation leave
* Vacation leave will be calculated at one day’s leave for each completed month of
employment. Sundays and public holidays shall not be included as vacation leave with pay.
The days on which an employee may take vacation leave will be determined by the company.

All employees when on annual leave shall be paid wages based on a standard work week.

b. Sick leave
* After not less than 12 months continuous employment you will ne eligible for 6 days
(cumulative) paid sick leave annually on production of medical certificates from registered
medical practitioners. During these 6 days you will be paid at a normal rate of wages. If your
sick days become excessive the Company has the option to send you to a medical practitioner
of our choice; based on report from the medical practitioner we shall have the discretion as to
any action on our part.

c. Maternity leave
Maternity leave will be granted based on the existing legislation.

a. During your employment with the Company, you will be required to undergo periods of re-
training as well as other training necessary to improve your qualifications and standard of

a. You will be issued with uniforms within the first week of your employment.

b. Uniform issues will consist of:

 Headdress
 Shirts
 Trousers
 Tie
 Belt
 Footwear
 Buttons
Such uniforms will be expected to last a minimum of one (1) years, before being replaced
by the Company as and when they become unserviceable due to fair wear and tear. Items of
clothing to be replaced must be laundered before being presented for replacement. Any
other items issued, will have a cost applied to them which you will be advised at the time of

c. If a request is made and approved for issue of uniforms in addition to the standard issues,
you will be required to pay for the additional issues.

d. Company issues including uniform or equipment should under no circumstances be worn

other than for carrying out Company’s duties. Any officer found using the Company’s
equipment and/or uniform for his own personal use would have automatically committed a
serious breach of the Company’s Policies, which may result in disciplinary action. Associated
with this action, will be a forfeiture of an appropriate part of his first or subsequent earnings
and/or benefits as a claim for compensation to the Company, since unusual wear and tear may
have been put on the Company’s equipment and/or uniform other than that normally expected
within the time frame for which the issues represent.


a. Overtime at the rate of time and a half will be paid for all hours worked in excess of 40
hours per week.

b. Hours worked on Public Holidays will be paid for at double time.

c. A uniform allowance e of $15 per hour shall be paid to each security officer for all hours
worked. This is above the legislated $255.00 per hour per hour basic pay, and is including in
your basic pay of $270.00 per hour.

d. For driving a Company vehicle as a part of a rostered duty a driving allowance of ________
per day will be paid.

e. For carrying a firearm as part of a rostered duty, a firearm allowance of $_______ per day
will be paid.

f. Notice of any changes to the value or policy Allowances will be given at least one month in
advance, legislation allowing , on the official Notice Board at the Divisional Office.


a. You will be subject mandatory drug and psychometric testing as a precondition of
employment the cost of which will be at your expense except where special conditions apply
(see sect 14) if the preemployment drug test is proven positive the offer of employment will be
withdrawn. Random testing as determined by Management will also be conducted, during the
tenure of your employment with the Company.
b. during your period of employment if you are tested positive during random drug testing ,
you will be liable to immediate termination of services.


a. You will be required to inform the Company in writing, thorough the Human Resource
Department, of any change of Personal information will include but not be limited to:
 Change of Address
 Change or installation of Telephone number
 Change of name through marriage or otherwise
 Change in Marital Status
 Variation in Dependants {addition/deletion}
 Change or identification of Beneficiary

b. involvement in any activities, which will create conflict with your job or create advantages
to similar type organizations and their operations, will result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination of services.

c. You will not be permitted to take up employment with any of the Company`s clients in the
capacities of Security Officer or any similar position for which you have been trained or
prepared by Prey Security Services (Guyana) Limited without giving the Company three
months in writing, In default, you will be required to pay to the Company the sum of Thirty
thousand ($30,000.00) dollars in lieu of cost incurred.


a. You will be required to give the Company at least one month`s notice of your intention to
resign your position.


a. You will be required to familiarize yourself with the Company`s Policies, Procedures and
Work Instructions through your Manager, or Immediate Supervisor. Information will also be
posted on the Official Notice Board at the Company`s Office from time to time

b. The onus will be on you to check the Official Notice Board on a regular basis to familiarize
yourself with any information regarding Policies, Procedures. Work Instructions and any other
information pertaining to Company Operations and activities.

c. You will be required to familiarize yourself with the company`s Code of Conduct as it
relates to discipline of security personnel within the organization.


a. I understand that all answers given, information provided and documents submitted during
my interview or any other time during my employment will be true originals, and correct
information, to the best of my knowledge and belief

b. I am aware that before signing my application form I must understand and agree to the
aforementioned conditions of employment as set in the recruiting package, and that I have
agreed to accept this job varying in nature, of the conditions and the parameters involved as

c. I understand that I will be subject to ramdom searches of my personal effects during my

tenure of employment with Prey Security Services (Guyana) limited.

d. I understand that this job involves life -threatening situations and I am to take responsibility
for my actions. This includes all associated costs for legal compensations to my employers, the
public or his client.

d. I understand that secrecy of information that becomes available to me as a recruit or Officer

of the Company must remain confidential. Any information which is volunteered without due
authorization is a breach of Company regulations and is grounds for immediate dismissal.
Under my employment agreement and while employed, I am not authorized to make any
release or have any interviews on any matters relative to Company Operations, Proceedings,
Administrative Functions or Company Policies or Trade or Those of its Clients.

e. I understand that I am not permitted to make any release to the Media or otherwise, while in
Company Uniform [i.e. matters that are unrelated to the guard service for which I choose to
make a commentary on], I can be free to make comment but not in uniform and on non-
Company issues or Policies.

f. I understand that I am required at all times to maintain the discipline and the standards that
have been set during my training and subsequent employment.

g. Any information that becomes available to me while employed with Prey Security Services
(Guyana) limited. That is of a National interest relative to the Country`s Security as well as any
information that endangers life or any loss of assets and property. I am expected to report it to
my most Senior Officer so that appropriate action may be taken to safeguard the loss of life and
property including the maintenance of the integrity of the security of our Nation


a. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions set out above persons who are being employed
under special conditions will be guided by the information below

b. The under mentioned processes must be completed before you would be allowed to
commence work:

 Submission of resignation letter from previous employer and request for transfer of
Firearm User`s License.
 Pre-screening Drug test to be conducted at your expense.

c. The cost of the Psychometric and Psychiatric tests will be at the company expense.
d. You will be required to work as a Baton Officer until the Company`s pre-screening process
and transfer of your Firearm Users License has been completed however you would be
afforded the wages as set out based your initial terms of employment.

I agree to accept this job based on the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT
as outlined

Name of Employee

_____________________ _______________
Signature of Employee Date

__________________ _______________
Manager Date

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