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Adjectives may be divided into the following classes:-

 Adjectives of Quality (or Descriptive Adjective) show the kind or

quality of a person or thing; as,

1. Kolkata is a large city.

2. He is an honest man.
3. The foolish, old crow tried to sing.

(Adjectives formed from Proper Nouns (e.g., French wines, Turkish tobacco,
Indian tea, etc.) are sometimes called Proper Adjectives. They are generally
classed with Adjectives of Quality) language.

Adjectives of Quality answer the question: Of what kind ?

 Adjectives of Number (or Numeral Adjectives) show how many persons or things are meant,
or in what order a person or thing stands; as,
1. The hand has five fingers.

2. Few cats like cold water.

3. There are no pictures in this book.

4. I have taught you many things.

5. All men must die.

6. Here are some ripe mangoes.

7. Most boys like cricket.

8. Thereare several mistakes in your exercise.

9. Sunday is the first day of the week.
Adjectives of Number (or Numeral Adjectives) are of three

kinds: (i) Definite Numeral Adjectives, which denote an

exact number; as,
One, two, three, etc. -- These are called Cardinals. Examples:

1. She provided me with three pencils.

2. Our team consisted of nine players.

3. Ten chairs have been kept aside for the guests.

First, second, third, etc. -- These are called Ordinals. Examples:

1. He stood fourth in his class.

2. Kiran Bedi was the first lady IPS in India.

3. Today is their seventh marriage anniversary.

[A Cardinal denotes how many, and an Ordinal the order of things in a series]

(ii) Indefinite Numeral Adjectives, which do not denote an exact number; as, All, no;
many, few; some, any; certain, several, sundry.

(iii) Distributive Numeral Adjectives, which refer to each one of a number; as.,
1. Each boy must take his turn.

2. India expects every man to do his duty.

3. Every word of it is false.

4. Either pen will do.

5. On either side is a narrow lane.

6. Neither accusation is true.

Adjectives of Quantity show how much of a thing is meant as,

1. Iate some rice.

2. He showed much patience.
3. He has little intelligence.
4. We have had enough exercise.
5. He has lost all support.
6. You have no sense.
7. He did not eat any rice.
8. There has not been sufficient rain this year.

Adjectives of Quantity answer the question: How much?

In order to differentiate between ‘Adjective of Quantity’ and ‘Adjective of Number’, we need to

observe the noun first. If the noun is ‘UNCOUNTABLE’, it will be ‘Adjective of Quantity’. If the
noun is ‘COUNTABLE’, it will be ‘Adjective of number’.

The following table will help you eradicate all doubts.

Adjective of Quantity Adjective of Number

1. I want some rice.

1. I want some oranges.

2. You have no sense.
3. I have enough sugar. 2. There are no pictures in this

3. There are enough spoons.

Demonstrative Adjectives point out which person or thing is meant; as,

1. This boy is stronger than Hari.

2. That boy is industrious.

3. These mangoes are sour.

4. Those offenders must be punished.

5. Yonder fort once belonged to Shivaji.

6. You should refrain yourself from mingling with such insincere friends.

 What, which and whose, when they are used with nouns to ask questions, are called
Interrogative Adjectives; as,

1. What manner of man is he?

2. Which way shall we go?
3. Whose book is this?
 The word ‘what’ is sometimes used as an Exclamatory Adjective; as.
1. What genius!
2. What folly!
3. What an idea!
4. What a blessing!
5. What a piece of work is man!

EXERCISE B Identify the adjectives in the following sentences and state the kind
of each:
1. The ship sustained heavy damage.
heavy- Adjective of quality 2.
I have called several times.
Several- Adjective of number (Indefinite) 3.
Every dog has his day.
Every- Distributive Numeral Adjective
4. A live ass is better than a dead lion,
Live, dead- Adjective of quality 5.
Every man has his duties.
Every- Distributive Numeral Adjective
His- Possessive Adjective
6. Say the same thing twice over.
Same- Adjective of Quality
7. Several persons were present at the time,
Several- Adjective of number (Indefinite)
8. He is a man of few words. Few-
Adjective of number (Indefinite) 9.
Neither party is quite in the right.
Neither- Distributive Numeral Adjective 10.
What time is it?
What- Interrogative Adjective
11. Which pen do you prefer?
Which- Interrogative Adjective
12. The way was long, the wind was cold, the minstrel was infirm and old.
Long, cold, infirm, old- Adjective of Quality
Form adjective from the following:
1. Ease
2. Pity
3. Time
4. Heaven
5. Health
6. Wealth
7. Love
8. Need
9. Cost
16. Labour

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