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Easy Round (multiple choice)

The spellers will be given 2 seconds to choose the correct spelling of each word from the given choices.
There will be 15 spelling words in this round worth 1 point. The spellers who got 7 and above scores will
advance to the next round. Always remember honest hearts produce honest actions. Good Luck!

1. noun
a planned route or journey.
i·tin·er·ar·y /īˈtinəˌrerē/
Our itinerary included an official visit to the oldest church in town.
2. Verb
accept or admit the existence or truth of.
(of a body of opinion) recognize the fact or importance or quality of.
acknowledge /əkˈnäləj/
We have to acknowledge the hard work of our frontliners in this uncertain time.
3. Noun or verb
a formal promise or assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be fulfilled,
especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality and durability.
provide a formal assurance or promise, especially that certain conditions shall be fulfilled
relating to a product, service, or transaction.
guar·an·tee /ˌɡerənˈtē/
Parents will guarantee that they will love and take care of their children.

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