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Tulunan, Cotabato

Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section: _____________________________Score: ________

Name of Adviser: ______________________________________ Date: _________
Name of Subject Teacher: _______________________________

MUSIC: Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.

___1. Koto is a Japanese musical instrument. This instrument is an example of ________________________.

A. Aerophone B. Chordophone C. Idiophone D. Membranophone

___2. These are two small bells made of high-tin bronze, without internal clappers. The player strikes the rim of one of
the bells against the rim of each other and allows both to ring freely. This Chinese instrument is called_________________.
A. Biwa B. Cymbals C. Pengling D.Yunluo
___3. Which of the following Japanese percussion instrument is known as the big drum?
A. Odaiko B. Otsuzumi C. Taiko D. Tsuzumi
___4. Refers to Japanese drum that comes in various sizes and is used to play a variety of musical genres.
A. Kotsuzumi B. Odaiko C. Otsuzumi D. Taiko
___5. Which of the following Japanese string instruments having a short-necked fretted lute, often used in narrative storytelling?
A. Biwa B. Erhu C. Koto D. Shamis
___6. Refers to Chinese mouth organ, looks like a set of panpipes, with 12 to 36 bamboo pipes.
A. Erhu B. Sheng C. Yunluo D. Zheng
___7. Literally known as “cloud gongs”, is a set of ten small tuned gongs mounted in a wooden frame of Chinese instrument is______
A. Haegum B. Koto C. Shamisen D. Yunluo
___8. Which of the following is the correct way of playing Kotsuzumi a Chinese instrument?
A. By blowing the mouth piece of the instrument and pressing the thumb hole to control the air
B. By holding the instrument in front of the chest and strumming its strings using a thumb
C. It is held on the right shoulder and the player alters the tone by squeezing the laces
D. The player strikes the head part of the instrument using a padded mallet
___9. Tsuzumi is a Japanese hourglass-shape instrument with two varieties the kotsuzumi and otsuzumi. Which of the following Korean
musical instrument is similar to Tsuzumi __________?
A. Changgo B. Geomungo C. Haegum D. Piri
___10. Why Erhu is one of the most popular Chinese instrument?
A. It is a transverse fue used in gagaku ensemble
B. Played with a spectrum, used for accompanying local operas
C. This instrument has an extremely wide dynamic range and remarkable expressive power
D. It is used as a solo instrument as well as in small ensemble or large orchestra and by various ethnic groups.
___11. What melody is used in the folk song “Mo Li Hua”?
A. Diatonic B. Harmonic C. Melodic D. Pentatonic
___12. Chong-ak literally means___________, and its tradition includes both instrumental and vocal music cultivated mainly by
the upper class of the Joson society.
A. Fast music B. Right or correct music C. Slow music D. Upper class music
___13. Which of the following BEST described Korean music?
A. It is slow in tempo, very peaceful and pensive character C. It is meditative and highly ritualized
B. It is gentle, lyrical and pentatonic melody D. It is slow and melancholy
___14. Which is TRUE about the main tone of Japanese music having two modes; (I) the Yosen and the In-sen, both consist of five
primary tones based on a scale with seven tones. (II) The two remaining tones are considered as auxiliary tones.
A. I but not II B. II but not I C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II
___15. How is Chinese music described?
A. It is gentle and lyrical C. It is meditative and highly ritualized
B. It is slow in tempo and is and is very peaceful D. it is slow and melancholy

Multiple Choice: Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided before the number.
___1. In East Asia, the objects or items that are usually put into paintings are called_________________
A. Concept B. Design C. Themes/subjects D. Title
___2. Which of the following are the subjects or themes of Chinese painting?
A. Flowers and birds, Palaces and temples C. Four gracious plant
B. Scenes from everyday life D. Bamboo and portraits
___3. Which of the following BEST describe the subjects of Japanese painting?
A. Animals B. Human figures C. Landscapes D. Narrative scenes crowded with figures and details
___4. The following are the motif of Korean painting EXCEPT one.
B. Four Gracious Plants B. Human figures C. Landscape painting D. Minhwa
___5. This was regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting.
A. Bamboos and stones B. Human figures C. Landscape painting D. Palaces and temples
___6. In Chinese landscape painting, what concept is mostly applied?
A. Abstract B. Geometric C. 3- Dimensional D. YinYang
___7. How is Chinese painting described?
A. Applies human and earth concept C. It features Chinese architecture design
B. Calligraphy is part of the Chinese painting D. The concept is all about daily life activities of the Chinese
___8. Calligraphy is the art of beautiful hand writing. How is Chinese calligraphy done?
A. It is done with a brush dipped in black or colored ink C. It is done with a brush dipped in paint on a canvass
B. It is done with a brush dipped in oil and water D. it is done with a brush dipped in water color on a silk
__9. Why mountain and water are important features in Korean landscape painting?
A. It is a site for building temples and buildings C. It is their favorite destination for adventure
B. It is a subject and motif in painting D. It is a place where they can relax and at peace with nature
___10. Paintings in East Asia, do not only apply on paper, silk and wood. Performers of Kabuki in Japan, and Peking Opera in China
use their ___________ as the canvas for painting.
A. Arms B. Body C. Face D. Legs
___11. It is a character in Chinese Peking Opera used red color which indicates devotion, courage, bravery, uprightness and loyalty.
A. Guan Ju B. Hwang Pang C. Zhang Fei D. Zhu Wen
___12. In Japanese Kabuki, what type of makeup is applied to villains and heroes?
A. Jingju makeup B. Kumadori makeup C. Lianpu makeup D. Standard makeup
___13. In Korean mask, black, red and white are bright and vibrant colors. When the wearer wears a half red and a half white mask
it symbolizes________________
B. The idea that the wearer has two fathers C. Indicates that the character was born out of wedlock
C. Indicates that the character has two mothers D. Indicates that the character was born of an adulterous mother
___14. How is Peking Opera face-painting or Jingju Lianpu is done?
A. By using different colors in accordance with the performing characters’ personality and historical assessment
B. By painting the false mask to be used by the performers highlighting with bright colors
C. By composing dramatic lines and shapes using colors that represent their character
D. By applying standard makeup ask for the performers’ individual role
___15. Why black is applied to Zhang Fei character in the Chinese Peking Opera?
A. Black face tells the audience that the character is not only impulsive and violent, he also lack self-restraint
B. It symbolizes roughness and fierceness also indicates bold character and selfless personality
C. Black signifies fierceness, ambition and cool-headedness
D. It suggests treachery, suspiciousness and craftiness

Prepared by:

MAPEH Teacher

Checked by:


Principal I



Principal I
___1. What element of art expresses artist wide range of emotions which set a specific mood?
A. Color B. Form C. Line D. Shape
___2. When a shape acquires depth and becomes three-dimensional, then it takes on ____________
A. Form B. Form C. Shape D. Size
___8. __________ is the first type of paper cutting design and these cut outs are also used to decorated doors and windows.
A. Calligraphy B. Jianzhi C. Jinju lianpu D. Kite making
___9. Which of the following statements about Chinese kites is TRUE?
A. Kite is an assembled or joined aircraft traditionally made of silk or paper with a bowline and a resilient bamboo
B. Kite was used by the Chinese during 5th century B.C. as a message for rescue mission, for measuring distance
C. Chinese kites can be originated in Wei Fang Sandong, China was capital city of Kites during the Song Dynasty
D. Kites were decorated with mythological motifs and legendary figures.
___10. How is Korean decorative knot described?
A. Decorative knot work is known as maedeup or called dorae or double connection knot varies in different colors
B. Made of abaca and soaked on natural dye using bark of trees for its unique colors
C. Focuses on single knots and made of recyclable materials
D. It emphasizes on braids and focuses on individual knots
___11. The art of beautiful handwriting is called
A. Woodblock printing B. Peking Face – paint C. Calligraphy D. Ukiyo-e
___12. It is the Japanese art of paper folding.
A. Calligraphy B. Origami C. Sycee D. Ukiyo-e
___13. How is Chinese traditional funerals described?
A. Burning of incense on the graves of their love ones
B. Having rituals on the temple by offering prayers and in-kind
C. Chinese bereaved family wore white color shirt to express love for their beloved departed ones’
D. Burning yuanbao, which is afolded paper that looks like gold nuggets or ingots called sycee, done at their ancestors’ graves

14 – 15. Analyze the elements and principles of arts used in these

paintings and write a description about it.

A. Make and design an artwork out of colored or recycled paper

(newspaper, magazine) through paper cutting. Free style, you may choose one subject based on flowers, animals, birds,
geometric shapes, etc. Please be guided with the criteria given below.
Content (Decorative Paper Cutting) 30%
Visual Impact (use of colors, shapes 30%
Creativity and resourcefulness 20%
Neatness/Workmanship 20%
TOTAL: 100%
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