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Republic of the Philippines


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Name: _________________________________ Score: ____________
Year/Section: ______________________ Date: _____________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your answer

1. His philosophy tells each man his inner self to light “Know Yourself.”
a. Aristotle b. Karl Marx c. Plato d. Socrates

2. His Philosophy claims to have respect for self. “Respect others as you would respect
a. Immanuel Kant b. Rene Descartes c. Socrates d. Plato

3. His philosophy tells us that the mind is what makes up a human being. “I think, therefore I
a. Aristotle b. Immanuel Kant c. Plato d. Rene Descartes

4. His Philosophy tells us that self is just a thing to which all perceptions of a man are
a. David Hume b. David Riley c. Immanuel Kant d. Rene Descartes

5. The unexamined life is not worth living.

a. Immanuel Kant b. Plato c. St. Augustine d. Socrates

6. Complete the components of soul: rational, spirited and________.

a. Appeal Soul b. Appetitive Soul c. Appositive Soul d. Vegetative Soul
7. It is a three-part soul constituted by Plato, responsible for our basic emotions such as love,
anger, ambition, aggressiveness, etc.
a. Physical Appetite b. Spirit c. Rational d. Appetitive

8. His ideas follow the view of Plato but add Christian ideas.
a. St. Augustine b. St. John c. St. Paul d. St. Paul

9. According to this Philosopher, the self is a thinking thing, separate from the body.
a. Descartes b. Hume c. Kant d. Plato

10. In the Dualistic view of reality, this is the realm that is unchanging, eternal, and perfect.
a. Ideal b. Matter c. Physical d. Soul

11. Philosophy came from the Greek word philosophia, which means________.
a. Love for Knowledge b. Love of Wisdom c. Seeking for Truth d. Wisdom

12. He says that the mind and body are so intertwined that they cannot be separated from one
a. David Hume b. Immanuel Kant c. Merleau -Ponty d. Gilbert Ryle

13. How did Aristotle come up with the idea that the human is just an animal who thinks?
a. This is nested in the idea that anything has souls and human beings possess the highest
level of soul, which is the vegetative soul or the ability to grow.

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b. This is nested in the idea that anything has souls and human beings possess all the
characteristics of different levels of souls and the highest level of soul or the ability to
think and reason out.
c. This is nested in the idea that anything has a soul and human beings are capable of
d. All of the above.

14. John accepts his pretty classmates’ friend request, despite knowing his girlfriend might feel
jealous or angry. What part of the human psyche did Juan prevail when his ultimate concern
was to achieve pleasure and self-satisfaction?
a. Id b. Ego c. Superego d. Both A and B

15. According to Freud, what is the function of the “ego”?

a. To boost a person’s self-confidence.
b. To push for the fulfillment of one’s self-interests.
c. To mediate between impulsive drives and the moral conscience.
d. To reveal a person’s repressed desires.

16. What is the role of the “Superego”?

a. To inflate a person’s ego and provide a self-confidence boost.
b. To provide a conscience and awareness of others through feelings such as guilt.
c. To reveal a person’s repressed desires.
d. To push for the fulfillment of one’s self-interests.

17. In what order do the following areas of the Psyche develop?

a. Ego, Super Ego, Id
b. Super Ego, Ego, Id
c. Id, Ego, Super Ego
d. Ego, Id, Super Ego

18. The “oral stage lasts from birth until approximately what age?
a. One year
b. Four years
c. Three years
d. Two years

19. A person who is anally expulsive might exhibit what behavior, according to Freud?
a. Over-regular use of the bathroom.
b. Messiness and disorganization.
c. Quietness, afraid to socialize
d. Neat and organized.

20. During the Latency stage, conflicts tend to be reduced compared to the oral, anal, and
Phallic Stages?
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. Not sure

21. Who would a boy experiencing an Oedipus Complex pursue the affection of?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Sibling
d. None of the above

22. This characteristic of the self states that the self is distinct from other selves.
a. Consistent b. Separate c. Private d. Unitary

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23. One of the characteristics of the self that allows the human person to be studied, described,
and measured.
a. Consistent b. Separate c. Private d. Unitary

24. This refers to a person’s sense of who he is, his body, and his basic identity.
a. Gender b. Moi c. Personne d. Personality

25. He is a French anthropologist who claimed that every self has two faces.
a. Lev Vygotsky b. Marcel Mauss c. Sigmund Freud d. William James

26. _____ as both publicly shared and privately utilized symbol system is the site where the
individual and the social make and remake each other.
a. Culture b. Language c. Society d. Symbol system

27. A social factor that affects the early days of a person’s life?
a. School
b. Church
c. Friends
d. Family

28. Tarzan grows in the forest with apes and other animals. His sole interaction with them made
him like one of them. What does this show about the development of the human person?

a. Humans are unique because of the soul infused into us.

b. Human persons will not develop like human persons without intervention.
c. Humans can cope with any environment.
d. Our growth and development are not a product of our interaction with external reality.

29. Filipinos most probably do not consider Philippine national roads as something external to
who they are. However, when he is in a foreign territory where nothing technically belongs to
him. He must follow the rules or else be apprehended. What does this tell us about the self?
a. The self is static.
b. The self is constant and cannot change over a long time.
c. The self simply morphed according to the circumstances and contexts.
d. The self is not dynamic.

30. Buninay’s point of view about herself changes as other people’s views about her change.
This shows that Buninay base her sense of self on how they believe others view them. What
theory of self is this?
a. Psychoanalytic Theory
b. Psychosocial Development Theory
c. Looking-Glass Self Theory
d. Social Self Theory

31. It is a trait characterized by overly high self-esteem and self-centeredness.

a. Egoism b. Narcissism c. Altruist d. Venus

32. It entails self-evaluation.

a. Social Justice b. Social Comparison c. Social Contrast d. Social Evaluation

33. It is comparing ourselves with those who are better than us.
a. Downward Social Comparison
b. Ego
c. Upward Comparison
d. Social Comparison

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34. It is a common type of comparing ourselves with others.
a. Downward Social Comparison
b. Ego
c. Upward Comparison
d. Social Comparison.

35. Other similar concepts of self.

a. Culture b. Family c. Identity d. Society

II. TRUE or FALSE. Read each statement below carefully. Write T if you think a statement is
TRUE and F if you think the statement is FALSE.
_____36. William James was one of the earliest psychologists to study the self and
conceptualized the self as having two aspects, the “I” and the “me.”
_____37. Self-concept is composed of characteristics, social roles, and responsibilities, as well
as affiliations that define who one is.
_____38. Identity is what basically comes to your mind when you are asked about who you are.
_____39. We can create ourselves out of nothing.
_____40. Whether you like to admit it or not, we need others to affirm and reinforce whom we
think we are.
_____41. Taoism prefers to live a simple life like Confucianism.
_____42. Eastern Self focuses on self.
_____43. Individualism is an orientation concerned with the independence and self-reliance of
an individual, whereas collectivism is an orientation characterized by belongingness to larger
_____44. Eastern conception of the self is collectivistic.
_____45. Western is referred to as the school of thought from Greek Philosophy.

III. ESSAY. Construct a response to the given questions. Write at least five sentences for each
question. (5 pts.)

a) Do you affirm the claim that self-awareness can be positive or negative? Why or why not?

b) Based on your observation and experiences, give three manifestations of individualistic

culture among Filipinos. Explain each.

c) Based on your observation and experiences, give two manifestations of collectivist culture
among Filipinos. Explain each.

IV. CREATE. By using a graphic organizer, diagram, or concept map. Present the similarities
and differences of the following. (10 pts)

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a. Society and Culture
b. Western and Eastern thoughts about Self.

Structure/Presentation 2
Meaning and Relevance 4
Understandability of Metadata 4
Total: 10

Prepared by:


COS Instructor

Reviewed by:

Program Chairperson

Approved by:

College Dean

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