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Terms in this set (31)

it is one of the major techniques in gathering data

or information.

It is defined as a purposeful face to face

relationship between two persons, one of whom
called the interviewer who asks questions to
gather information and the other called the
interviewee or respondent who supplies the
information asked for.

- It yields a more complete and valid information

- The interview can be used with all kinds of
- The interviewer can always clarify points or
questions which are vague to the interviewee.
- Only the interviewee respondent can make
Advantages of the Interview
replies to questions of the interviewer
- The interviewer can observe the nonverbal
reactions or behavior of the respondent
- Greater complex questions can be asked with
the interviewer
- There is flexibility

behavioral or attitudes that are not specifically

Subliminal cues
stated but are covertly displayed.

Subliminal cues are "behavioral or attitudes

Treece and Treece Jr. behavioral or attitudes that are not specifically
stated but are covertly displayed..."
- Sometimes, selected respondents are hard to
contact or cannot be contacted.
- It is expensive
- The responses may be inaccurate
- It is time consuming
- It is inconvenient for both the interviewer and
the interviewee in terms of time and sometimes in
Disadvantages of the
terms of place.
- There is no anonymity.
- There is a tendency of interviewers to introduce
- If the interviewer modifies a question, the
standardized construction of the questions is
lessened and, categorization and tabulation
become a problem.

Treece and Treece Jr. Author: Types or Classes of Interviews

a.k.a. "formal interview", In this type of interview,

the interview is not allowed to change the specific
Standardized interview
wordings of the questions in the interview

a.k.a "Informal interview", In this type, the

interviewer has complete freedom to develop
Nonstandardized interview
each interview in the most appropriate manner for
each situation.

The interviewer is required to ask a number of

semistandardized interview specific major questions, and beyond these he is
free to probe as he chooses.

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