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Lithos 100 (2008) 1 – 13

Links between ophiolites and Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) in
Earth history: Introduction

1. Introduction Peninsula (Bortolotti et al., 2002; Saccani and Photiades,

2004; Beccaluva et al., 2005; Dilek et al., 2007) and in the
Plate tectonics cycle, driven by lithospheric subduction Mediterranean region (Robertson, 2002; Dilek and
and surface cooling, is responsible for the melting and Flower, 2003; Garfunkel, 2006) may be good ancient
primary differentiation of the Earth's mantle while also analogues for this model, although passive margin-trench
introducing chemical heterogeneity in the upper mantle. collisions ultimately arrested these arc-trench rollback
Oceanic crust generated at divergent plate boundaries cycles and nested oceanic crust formation in the Neo-
commonly gets recycled into the mantle via subduction Tethyan domains and caused ophiolite emplacement in
(Cloos, 1993), although the oceanic crust formed in the early stages of collisional orogens.
subduction zone environments may become incorporated Times of enhanced ophiolite genesis and emplacement
into continental margins through collisional and/or in Earth history appear to coincide with the timing of
accretionary orogenic events as in ophiolites. The major collisional events during the assembly of super-
majority of the world's best preserved ophiolites appear continents (basin collapse and closure), dismantling of
to have formed in suprasubduction zone (SSZ) settings, these supercontinents via continental rifting, and wide-
where slab rollback, mantle flow in the arc wedge corner, spread development of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)
subduction-induced mantle metasomatism, and upper (Coffin and Eldholm, 1994; Yale and Carpenter, 1998;
plate extension collectively lead to oceanic crust Dalziel et al., 2000; Coffin and Eldholm, 2001; Ernst and
formation (Pearce et al., 1984; Umino et al., 1990; Searle Buchan 2002; Courtillot and Renne, 2003; Coffin and
and Cox, 1999; Shervais, 2001; Ishikawa et al., 2002; Eldholm, 2005; Ernst et al., 2005; Bryan and Ernst, in
Dilek and Flower, 2003; Beccaluva et al., 2005; Dilek press) of oceanic affinity (oceanic plateaus, ocean basin
et al., 2007). Systematic studies of SSZ ophiolites and flood basalts, and related seamount chains), suggesting
suture zones in ancient and modern orogenic belts show spatial and temporal reactions between these events at
that most of these ophiolites evolved in an older and wider global scales (Fig. 1; Dilek, 2003a). The most discrete
ocean basin, following the initial collapse and consump- ophiolite pulse during 180–140 Ma coincides with the
tion of its floor as a result of intra-oceanic subduction formation and emplacement of the Tethyan, Caribbean,
(Dilek and Flower, 2003; Harris, 2003; Garfunkel, 2006). and some of the Circum-Pacific (Western Pacific and
Continued subduction, slab rollback, and upper plate North American Cordillera) ophiolites. In the Tethyan
extension and magmatism without any collisional system this timing marks the collapse of restricted basins
interference would result in successive periods of between various Gondwana-derived subcontinents prior
forearc–protoarc splitting and hence in the formation of to the terminal closure of oceans and major continental
nested oceanic crust formation with larger age ranges; the collisions. In the Caribbean system this was the period
modern and recent examples of this scenario include the when LIPs-generated oceanic lithosphere was accreted to
Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) system (Stern and Bloomer, the continental margins of northern South America and
1992; Bloomer et al., 1995) and the northern Philippines the northern Caribbean Islands (Lapierre et al., 1997; Kerr
(Encarnación, 2004; Yumul, 2007). The Jurassic ophio- et al., 1998; Giunta et al., 2002).
lites in California (Stern and Bloomer, 1992; Godfrey and The second important ophiolite pulse during the Late
Dilek, 2000), the Neo-Tethyan ophiolites in the Balkan Cretaceous follows the Mid-Cretaceous “superplume
0024-4937/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 Editorial

Fig. 1. Histogram showing the occurrence of major ophiolite pulses, the life spans of supercontinents and major collisional-orogenic events that led to
their assembly, and formation of LIPs and giant dike swarms through time (only through the Neoproterozoic). Large Igneous Provinces include the
‘classic’ flood basalts, oceanic plateaus and also those LIPs in which the plumbing system of dike intrusions, sills, and layered intrusions are exposed
(cf. Ernst and Buchan, 2001; Bryan and Ernst, in press). Note the change in time scale about the Phanerozoic–Proterozoic boundary. Abbreviations
for orogenic events (from youngest to oldest): Ar–Eu, Arabia–Eurasia collision; In–Eu, India–Eurasia collision; Al–Ur, Altaid–Uralian orogenies of
central Asia; Ap–Hy, Appalachian–Hercynian orogenies; Cld, Caledonian orogeny; Fmt, Famatinian orogeny; P–Af–Br, Pan–African−Brasiliano
orogenies; Grn, Grenville and related orogenies. Period of ‘No Magnetic Reversals’ between 120 and 80 Ma concides with the mid-Cretaceous
‘superplume’ event (Larson, 1991). After Dilek, 2003a (see the extensive citation in this paper for the data source used in the compilation of this

event” and coincides with the breakup of Pangea, the Dilek and Rowland, 1993, and the references therein;
closure of Neo-Tethyan seaways, and the emplacement of Garzanti et al., 1999; Lapierre et al., 2004, 2006). The
giant dike swarms and LIPs (Fig. 1). Some of the Alpine– emplacement of contemporaneous continental flood
Apennine ophiolites that formed during the breakup of basalts with similar geochemical signatures along some
Pangea represent rift-related mafic–ultramafic assem- of the rifted continental margins supports this model
blages (i.e., exhumed subcontinental mantle fragments) (Garzanti et al., 1999; Song et al., 2001; Nikishin, 2002).
and/or remnants of embryonic ocean floor (Dilek, 2003b, This topic is further explored in the papers by Song et al.,
and the references therein). The enhanced LIP formation Xiao et al., and Mo et al., in this issue.
(comprising mainly of flood basalts and giant dike Correlation of the ophiolite pulses with major
swarms) and ophiolite generation in the Late Cretaceous orogenic events that led to the assembly of super-
seem to be linked in space and time through the increased continents is particularly important during the Protero-
seafloor spreading rates, extensive oceanic plateau zoic and Paleozoic (Fig. 1), although our data from this
formation and widespread compression at convergent time window of the Earth's history are rather limited.
margins (Larson, 1991; Vaughan, 1995; Dalziel et al., The collisional buildup of Rodinia around 1 Ga, the
2000; Dilek, 2003a; Vaughan and Scarrow, 2003). Spatial collision of East and West Gondwana and the construc-
and temporal associations of rift volcanics showing tion of Pannotia (c. 700 and 600 Ma), Pan–African–
within-plate alkaline basalt (WPB) to subalkaline tholei- Brasiliano orogenies (520–500 Ma), Caledonian–Fama-
itic basalt (akin to MORB) chemistry with passive margin tian orogenies (460–440 Ma), Appalachian–Hercynian
sequences and ophiolites indicate that the plume activities orogenies (c. 300–270 Ma), and Altaid–Uralian oroge-
and thermal anomalies in the mantle may have been nies in central Asia (c 240 Ma) are the most important
responsible for the initial continental breakup, which led examples (Dilek, 2003a). Most ophiolites that formed
to the opening of ocean basins and seafloor spreading (i.e. during these orogenic events are the SSZ ophiolites
Editorial 3

representing subduction rollback cycles. We also see an record, and to better understand the significance of their
accelerated rate of production of LIPs and giant dike multi-varied evolution patterns in plate tectonic cycles.
swarms corresponding to the timing of major orogenic Some of these papers were presented in a thematic
events particularly in the Neo-Proterozoic and Early session at the 2005 Fall Meeting of the American
Paleozoic (Fig. 1). It is possible that major orogenic Geophysical Union (San Francisco). Characterizating
events may have supplied cold subducted slabs into the the origin of “ophiolites” in the older record may be
lower mantle, triggering large upwellings and thermal predictive regarding ore deposit potential. For instance,
anomalies feeding mantle plumes, which produced ex- ophiolites of suprasubduction zone settings (such as
tensive continental and oceanic LIPs (Moores et al., 2000; Troodos) are associated with massive sulphide (mainly
Nikishin, 2002). The ophiolite and LIP record for the Cu) deposits, whereas LIPs, and presumably ophiolites
Archean geology is not as nearly complete as the Pro- of LIP affinity, have potential to form Ni–Cu-PGE
terozoic and Phanerozoic history, and hence the related deposits. A careful review of the Precambrian and
discussions are highly limited (Ernst and Buchan, 2002; Phanerozoic ophiolite record should aid in recovering
Eriksson et al., 2004; Kusky, 2004). In fact, whether the the missing pre-Mesozoic record of oceanic LIPs. The
modern plate tectonics might have operated in the majority of the papers in this special issue have
Archean (particularly in the Mesoarchean and earlier) is extensive new petrological and geochemical data that
still debated (Hamilton, 1998; Stern, 2002; Polat et al., are interpreted within the regional structural and tectonic
2002; Hamilton, 2003; Smithies et al., 2004; Cawood framework of the area investigated. This new informa-
et al., 2006; Condie and Benn, 2006; Ernst, 2007b). tion on modern oceanic crust and plateaus provides
The record of oceanic Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) essential information on the mode and nature of
for the past ca. 200 Myr indicates that they have occurred geochemical and tectonic processes during their forma-
at an average rate of about one per 20 Myr (Fig. 2; Ernst, tion that we can use in our examination of the
2007a). On the other hand, few oceanic LIPs have been Phanerozoic and Precambrian record of ophiolites and
identified in the Proterozoic and Paleozoic (mainly as oceanic plateaus. It is our hope that this special issue
accreted packages in orogenic belts). This change in rate shall make a strong contribution to our knowledge of
of oceanic LIP identification is likely a result of poor oceanic crust and oceanic plateau formation, the
preservation potential of the oceanic LIPs during sub- possible spatial and temporal links between LIPs and
duction, coupled with the absence of oceanic crust older magma plumbing systems in divergent and convergent
than about 180 Ma. Some Phanerozoic and Precambrian plate boundaries and between the different geochemical
ophiolites and greenstone belts may be accreted scraps of reservoirs, and shall help us better understand the
oceanic plateaus and/or volcanic sections of plateau- dynamics of plate tectonics in the Precambrian.
like thick oceanic crust (particularly in the Archean). The papers in this issue are collected in three main
Because the average rate of continental LIP production sections. The first section contains three papers that
throughout the entire Proterozoic and Phanerozoic involve the theoretical aspects of the formation of
period (including within the last 200 Myr) was ap- oceanic and continental basaltic volcanism and their
proximately constant at about one per 20 Myr (Ernst and identification (through geochemical fingerprinting and
Buchan, 2002), we can infer that the oceanic LIP pro- field observations) and modeling. The next section
duction rate was also broadly constant back to 2500 Ma. includes papers that examine the geological record,
If we extrapolate the more recent oceanic LIP production geochemistry, and geodynamics of various examples of
rate to earlier times, we can surmise that there are more continental and oceanic plume-generated volcanism,
than 100 unrecognized oceanic events in the Proterozo- mainly in Asia and Japan. The papers in the last section
ic–Paleozoic time. Strategies for recovering this ‘lost’ provide extensive petrological and geochemical data
LIP oceanic record include: (1) recognizing which from the Tethyan (Mesozoic) and Appalachian (Early
ophiolites and other accreted volcanic/plutonic packages Paleozoic) ophiolites and from a Mesoarchean green-
are of oceanic LIP origin (e.g. Coffin and Eldholm, stone belt in SW Greenland, and discuss their
2001), and (2) tracing giant dike swarms (up to 2500 km tectonomagmatic evolution using regional tectonic and
in length) that radiate from ‘lost’ oceanic LIP centres geodynamic models.
onto formerly adjacent continental landmasses (Ernst
and Buchan, 1997). 2. Oceanic and continental basaltic volcanism
The contributions in this special issue of LITHOS
examine the LIP and ophiolite records through time to Identifying and fingerprinting oceanic basalts is a
develop the criteria for their recognition in the older rock valuable tool in better understanding basalt petrogenesis
4 Editorial

Fig. 2. Barcode and cumulative frequency diagram of LIP events (after Ernst, 2007a). Selected LIPs are labeled; NA, SA, EU, AF, AS, PA refer to
North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Pacific Ocean, respectively. The average rate of preserved LIP production (on cumulative
frequency diagram) from 2500 to about 200 Ma is about 1 per 20 Myr, a rate which continues between 200 Ma and Present for Curve B (plotting only
the continental record of LIPs). Curve A (which plots all the available LIPs during that interval) is steeper because it includes the full oceanic LIP
record that is mostly lost during ocean closure, and therefore is greatly diminished and obscured in the pre-Mesozoic record.

and the mantle's evolution and in reconstructing the presents new ones that optimize the choice of elements.
geodynamics of ancient ocean basins. Therefore, He points out that present methodologies for the
basaltic rocks in ophiolites and plume-related igneous identification of oceanic basalts are limited in part
complexes are important sources of information to because those discriminant diagrams based on immobile
explore the plate tectonic evolution of the Earth, elements are problematic due to the “complexity of
possibly back into the Archean. Using proxies for oceanic volcanism and the common interactions be-
specific petrogenetic processes, Pearce evaluates the tween plumes and ridges that cause basalt suites to cross
existing methods for fingerprinting oceanic basalts and discriminant boundaries”. Pearce demonstrates that two
Editorial 5

geochemical proxies are particularly significant in the of continental lithospheric thickness in melt evolution.
classification of oceanic basalts, the Th–Nb and Ti–Yb Assuming that melting results from adiabatic decom-
proxies. Modeling the sensitivity of the Th–Nb proxy to pression in rising plume heads beneath the continental
crustal addition shows how magma–crust interactions, lithosphere, he constrains the melting depth to 120–
crustal recycling, and subduction processes may affect 150 km or deeper and the plume potential temperatures
magma compositions and drive them away from the to z 300 °C higher than the ambient mantle adiabat
diagonal MORB–OIB array, which commonly repre- (Tp = 1350 °C). The MgO-rich (N20%) primary melts
sents the field of typical oceanic basalts. The Ti–Yb that are well above the solidus in the lithosphere interact
proxy is useful for deciphering the depth of melting and with and assimilate the fusible components of the
hence is sensitive to variations in mantle potential lithospheric mantle, and they hence become modified
temperature and lithospheric thickness. Modeling the during their ascent. Further differentiation and assimi-
sensitivity of the Ti–Yb proxy to garnet melting lation may take place in shallow-depth magma cham-
indicates that OIB originates by less melting with bers and/or due to circulation within plume heads and
residual garnet beneath thicker lithosphere, whereas reactions with eclogite patches, adding to the diversity
oceanic plateau basalts originate from a higher degree of of magmas within single eruptive provinces. No
melting of fertile mantle beneath progressively thinner significantly high concentration of fusible/metasoma-
lithosphere (particularly at volcanic rifted margins and tized lithospheric components is required during the
oceanic plume–ridge interactions). evolution of continental flood basalt (CFB) magmatism,
This proxy is particularly useful for further classify- and no significant lithospheric stretching associated
ing Phanerozoic and Proterozoic MORB ophiolites into with continental rifting is necessary for CFB formation
contaminated (C-MORB), normal (N-MORB), enriched although magma intrusion weakens the lithosphere and
(E-MORB), and plume-influenced (P-MORB) sub- assists initiation of rifting. CFB emplacement is,
types, and thus for assisting the subdivision of ridge therefore, immediately followed by the formation of
environments into plume-distal vs. plume-proximal volcanic rifted margins. Comparison of continental LIPs
ridges, ridge-subduction settings, subduction-distal (e.g. CFBs) and oceanic LIPs should consider, therefore,
back-arc basins, edges of LIPs, and incipient oceans at the role of magma differentiation through ascent and
volcanic and non-volcanic rifted margins. Pearce argues interaction with the continental lithosphere during melt
that while the Th–Nb proxy is useful in detecting the evolution of CFB volcanism.
extent of crustal interactions in the petrogenetic Dobretsov et al. present a more elaborate modeling of
evolution of the Archean basalts, the Ti–Yb proxy is thermochemical plumes originating from the base of the
ineffective for fingerprinting Archean tectonic settings lower mantle and offer the Siberian Traps as an example
because of higher than modern mantle potential of an ancient thermochemical super plume event. The
temperatures and the insensitivity of the residual garnet authors suggest that thermochemical plumes form at the
occurrence to lithospheric thickness in the hot Archean core–mantle boundary in the presence of heat flow from
mantle. He questions the applicability of modern-day the outer core and with local chemical doping, which
proxies to the Archean and warns that there are results from the reactions of lower mantle minerals (i.e.,
precautions needed in interpreting Archean basalts of perovskite and magnesiowustite) with hydrogen, meth-
unknown affinities. ane and/or components of a fluid phase derived from the
The occurrence of large igneous bodies associated core. A plume starts its ascent when the lower mantle
with LIPs within short time spans in the Earth's history begins to melt as the melting point of the thermal
suggests that extensive melting caused by significant boundary layer at the core–mantle boundary becomes
changes in physical conditions at depth must have lower than the surrounding temperatures, and the
occurred. These events are commonly interpreted to diameter of this plume conduit remains nearly constant
have resulted from mantle plumes derived from deep as it rises. A mushroom-shaped plume head develops
thermal boundary layers, although recent studies when the plume reaches a refractory layer (dunite–
suggest that these melting anomalies can also be a harzburgite) whose melting point is higher than the melt
natural result of non-rigid plate tectonics (e.g. Anderson, temperature in the conduit. The plume size, shape and
2005; Foulger, in press). Garfunkel examines the evolution during its ascent are controlled mainly by melt
formation of continental flood volcanism, one of the viscosity, ascent time and velocity, temperature differ-
most ubiquitous modes of LIPs magmatism commonly ences in the conduit, and thermal power. Dobretsov et al.
focused on rifted continental margins, in terms of suggest that giant volumes of lavas and sills forming
temperature and depth conditions of melting and the role major continental flood basalt provinces and traps have
6 Editorial

originated from superplume events that commonly plume. Depleted mantle model ages (TDM) of these
have three main stages of formation. The early phase basal tephrites (2.60–2.15 Ga) suggest the existence of
producing variable picrites and alkali basalts corre- an Archean subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath
sponds to the initial stages of plume ascent (one or SW China.
several independent plumes), the main phase generating Xiao et al. report on the geology and geochemistry of
tholeiite plateau basalts follows the formation of thick the Permo–Carboniferous volcanic units in the Xiaruo–
lenses of mantle melts underplating the lithosphere, and Tuoding area of the Yunnan Province in SW China and
the final phase creating ultrabasic and alkaline lavas and explore their genetic relation with the Emeishan LIP.
intrusions coincides with the emplacement of differen- These volcanic rocks are composed of OIB-like basalts,
tiated mantle melts in the uppermost crust. The Permo– characterized by high TiO2 values (2.2–3.55 wt%),
Triassic Siberian Traps in NE Russia display these major moderate MgO contents (4.15–6.49 wt%) and Mg
stages of superplume magmatism. The granite–syenite numbers (0.37–0.50), high-Ti/Y ratios (N 450), LILE
plutonic rocks and the coeval bimodal volcanics along enrichment, and ɛNd(t) values of − 1.43 to +1.90, that are
the margins of the Siberian Traps represent the similar to the upper tholeiitic basalt unit of the Emeishan
magmatic products of lower crustal melting (∼65– continental flood basalt sequence. The Xiaruo–Tuoding
70 km at depth) caused by the plume's thermal effects. volcanic rocks, more than 2 km in thickness, are part of a
volcanosedimentary unit of a passive margin sequence
3. LIP magmatism in Asia and Japan associated with the opening of the Jingshajiang Ocean (a
Paleo-Tethyan basin). The authors suggest that the
The Permian Emeishan large igneous province in initial rifting that led to the opening of this basin was
Dongchuan of SW China is one of the best and well- caused by the Emeishan mantle plume, which was active
studied examples of plume magmatism, and it provides along the western margin of the Yangtze Craton during
an excellent laboratory to study the geochemical 300–260 Ma. They argue that the Emeishan flood
evolution of magmas derived from plume activities basalts represent the last magmatic episode of a long-
and affected by plume-lithosphere interactions. In lived mantle plume, which might have operated in
addition, the spatial and temporal associations of the pulses.
Emeishan continental flood basalt sequence with the The Permian was a time of widespread plume-related
Paleo-Tethyan passive margin units and structures magmatism, both terrestrial and marine, suggesting a
indicate that the plume magmatism and continental large-scale super plume event in the Permian. Ichiyama
rifting here were intimately linked in space and time, et al. document the occurrence and petrogenesis of the
offering a relatively complete geological record to Permian greenstones in the Jurassic Mino–Tamba
further investigate this relationship. The next two papers accretionary complex in SW Japan. The Permian
in this issue involve the evolution of the Emeishan LIP volcanic rocks in the Funafuseyama–Haiya nappe
and its association with the development of a Tethyan within the Mino–Tamba complex are associated with
volcanic rifted margin. pelagic limestone, chert and mélange units in a
Song et al. describe the Emeishan continental flood mudstone matrix and consist of three geochemically
basalt sequence in Dongchuan and document the distinct series. The most voluminous lavas intercalated
occurrence of its two geochemically distinct volcanic with Lower Permian chert and limestone are composed
units. The upper tholeiitic basalt unit with high TiO2 of low-Ti volcanics with slightly more enriched
contents (3.2–5.2 wt%), relatively high REE concentra- geochemical and isotopic signatures than MORB. The
tions (La: 140–60 ppm, Sm: 12.5–16.5 ppm, Yb: 3– lavas of a transitional series show more enriched
4 ppm), moderate Zr/Nb (4.3–10.2) and Nb/La ratios geochemical signatures than MORB, and their isotopic
(0.6–0.9), and ɛNd(t) values of − 9.4 to +2.3 represents characteristics are divided into enriched and depleted
the products of partial melting of the Emeishan plume ones. A younger series, consisting of sills and
head at a garnet stability depth (N 80 km). The basal hyaloclastites within a Middle Permian chert and dikes
tephrite unit with high P2O5 (1.3–2.0 wt%), low REE intruding the transitional series, has high-Ti and MgO
concentrations (e.g., La: 17–23 ppm, Sm: 4–5.3 ppm, contents and is characterized by enrichment in incom-
Yb: 2–3 ppm), high Nb/La ratios (2.3–4.2), and very patible trace elements and an isotopic composition
low ɛNd(t) values (− 11.1 to − 10.6) most likely represent comparable to HIMU-type basalt. The authors suggest
magmas derived from partial melting of a previously that the low-Ti series lavas were produced by partial
metasomatized, volatile-rich subcontinental lithospheric melting of a shallow mantle plume head below a thick
mantle when heated by the upwelling Emeishan mantle oceanic lithosphere in the Early Permian, while the
Editorial 7

transitional series formed simultaneously along the eastern India, and NW Australia, in a far more extensive
margins of the mantle plume head. The younger, high- fashion than previously considered.
Ti series rocks were the products of smaller degree of
partial melting of a deep mantle plume tail in the Middle 4. Phanerozoic and Archean ophiolites and models
Permian. Collectively, the Permian volcanic units in the for ancient oceanic crust
Mino–Tamba accretionary complex were the products
of an intra-oceanic superplume event and may have Ophiolites have been the subject of considerable
been part of a large oceanic plateau subsequently interest since their recognition as on-land fragments of
accreted to the Eurasian continental margin. ancient oceanic lithosphere formed at divergent and
Possible links (in space and time) between plume convergent plate boundaries. Since they are the only
magmatism and continental rifting and volcanic rifted remaining vestiges of the Early Jurassic and older
margin evolution are further explored in the eastern oceanic crust, ophiolites are particularly important to
Himalaya of south Tibet by Zhu et al. in the next paper. understand the igneous, metamorphic, hydrothermal,
These authors document the internal stratigraphy and sedimentological, biological, and structural processes
petrogenesis of the Lower Cretaceous Cona mafic rocks involved in magmatic accretion, seafloor spreading and
and suggest that these geochemically diverse volcanic tectonic emplacement of the early Phanerozoic and
assemblages were the magmatic products of variable Precambrian oceanic crust. They record significant
degrees of partial melting of distinct mantle sources, evidence for the evolution of oceanic crust from rift–
resulted from the interactions between the incubating drift through the accretionary and collisional stages of
Kerguelen plume and the continental lithosphere. continental margin evolution in various tectonic settings
Basaltic flows and diabasic dikes and sills of Group 1 and different stages of the Wilson cycle evolution of
in the Cona mafic sequence have high TiO2 and P2O5 ancient ocean basins (Dilek and Robinson, 2003). The
contents and OIB-like trace element patterns with a papers in this section present several case studies from
relatively large range of ɛNd(t) values (+ 1.84 to + 4.67) the Phanerozoic and Precambrian ophiolite record, and
and may have formed from magmas derived from partial document the structural, magmatic, and metamorphic
melting of enriched garnet–clinopyroxene peridotite. evolution of ancient oceanic lithosphere in suprasub-
Gabbroic sills and intrusions of Group 2 show lower duction zone environments.
TiO2 and P2O5 contents and “depleted” N-MORB-like Dilek et al. present new geochemical data and a
trace element patterns with relatively higher, homoge- petrogenetic model from the Jurassic Mirdita ophiolite
neous ɛNd(t) values (+ 5.67 to + 6.37) in comparison to (Albania). Together with other coeval ophiolites in the
Group 1 rocks and likely formed from magmas derived Balkan Peninsula the Mirdita ophiolite constitutes a
from the partial melting of spinel–lherzolite. Group 1 critical link between the slightly older MORB ophiolites
and Group 2 units have been dated at 144.7 ± 2.4 Ma and in the Alps–Appennines to the west and the younger
131.1 ± 6.1 Ma, respectively. Group 3 basaltic lavas (Cretaceous) suprasubduction zone ophiolites in the
intercalated with the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Anatolian and Himalayan orogenic belts to the east. The
pelitic rocks constitute a transitional sequence between Middle Jurassic Tethyan ophiolites in the Balkan
the first two groups as suggested by their flat to slightly Peninsula show a geochemical dualism with both
enriched trace element patterns. Zhu et al. propose that MORB and SSZ signatures displayed by their crustal
the formation of Group 1 units in the Cona Sequence and mantle units. Their internal architecture ranges from
was related to the incubating Kerguelen plume— highly attenuated, thin (∼3 km) Hess-type oceanic crust
continental lithosphere interactions, whereas the forma- analogous to oceanic core complexes (Ildefonse et al.,
tion of the younger Group 2 units was related to the 2007) to thick (∼12 km), Penrose-type idealized and
interaction between an anhydrous continental litho- complete oceanic crust, which is reminiscent of fast-
spheric mantle and a rising depleted asthenosphere, spreading oceanic lithosphere (Dilek et al., 1998; Dilek,
which was enriched by a “droplet” originated from the 2003b). The occurrence of these different geochemical
Kerguelen plume. The transitional units of Group 3 may affinities with significantly different crustal architec-
be attributed to thermal erosion of the continental tures within the same ophiolite belts has been a subject
lithospheric mantle that led to its partial melting and to of debate over the years, and different petrogenetic and
the subsequent, long-term incubation of a magma tectonic models have been proposed.
chamber at shallow crustal levels. Thus, according to Dilek et al. show that the shift from MORB to SSZ
these authors, the Kerguelen plume may have played an affinities in the Mirdita ophiolite is both lateral and
active role in the continental breakup of Greater India, stratigraphic (vertical), indicating changes in the melt
8 Editorial

compositions and mantle sources through time within developed as part of the Vardar basin to the south of
the same tectonic setting. The 3–4 km-thick western the SerboMacedonian-Rhodope continental fragment.
Mirdita ophiolite (WMO) consists of lherzolite perido- The island arc rocks are composed of low-Ti tholeiitic
tites, gabbros, and extrusive rocks mainly composed of basalts and boninitic-like calc-alkaline volcanics (basal-
basalt and basaltic andesite. These volcanic rocks tic andesites and andesites) and metamorphosed pyro-
display MORB affinities with Ti and Zr contents clastic rocks. These rocks are intruded by dioritic dikes
decreasing upsection in a 600 m-thick sequence in showing a boninitic affinity. Mafic lavas and pyroclastic
parallel with low-Ti and HREE abundances, and Cs and rocks show LILE enrichment, flat REE patterns with a
Ba enrichments detected in the uppermost basaltic slight LREE depletion, negative Nb anomalies and
andesites. The ɛNd(t) values (+ 8 to + 6.5) remain nearly positive ɛNd(i) values ranging from + 4.87 to + 6.09.
constant throughout the WMO extrusive sequence. These geochemical features suggest a depleted MORB-
These geochemical features suggest that WMO magmas like mantle source, which was modified by subduction-
were derived from partial melting of fertile MORB-type derived LILE-enriched components. Late-stage dioritic
mantle, and that they were increasingly influenced by dikes have lower ɛNd(i) values (− 2.61) and are slightly
subduction processes in their evolution. The ∼ 12 km- more Pb radiogenic, suggesting the involvement of
thick eastern Mirdita ophiolite (EMO) contains harz- crustal contamination and/or recycled sediments in their
burgitic peridotites, gabbros, plagiogranites, sheeted magma genesis.
dikes, and a thick (1.1 km) extrusive sequence This MORB to IAT to boninitic evolution of the
composed of basaltic to basaltic andesitic pillow lavas Jurassic eastern Rhodope mafic assemblages is analo-
in the lower 700 m, and andesitic, dacitic and gous to the geochemical evolution of the Mirdita
rhyodacitic sheet flows in the upper 400 m. Basaltic ophiolite in Albania and appears to be a common
and basaltic andesite rocks in the lower sequence have tectonomagmatic pattern of incipient island arc devel-
lower Ti and Zr contents than but similar ɛNd(t) values opment in the Tethyan domains (Ishikawa et al., 2002;
(+ 7.5 to + 6.5) to those of the WMO lavas and show Arai et al., 2006; Dilek et al., 2007). The authors suggest
variable enrichment in subduction-enriched incompati- that the Jurassic island arc magmatism in eastern
ble elements. The more felsic volcanics in the upper Rhodope was a result of the southward subduction of
sequence have low Ti and ɛNd(t) values (+ 6.5 to + 3.0) the Meliata–Maliac ocean floor that led to the opening
and large variations in their Ba, K and Pb contents, of the Vardar back-arc basin by the Late Jurassic.
suggesting that the mantle source of these rocks was The Jurassic Othris ophiolite in Greece is part of the
variably enriched in Th by melts derived from Western Hellenide ophiolite belt, occurring west of the
subducted sediments. The occurrence of boninitic Pelagonian subcontinent. Barth et al. report on the
lavas higher up in this sequence also indicates that the geochemistry and petrogenesis of upper mantle perido-
late-stage magmas of the EMO were produced from tites in the Othris ophiolite. The peridotite samples
partial melting of highly depleted mantle. collected from the western part of the ophiolite (Fournos
The authors argue that this lateral (from west to east) Kaïtsa and western Katáchloron sub-massifs) are
and vertical transition from MORB to SSZ magmatism compositionally similar to high-Ti basalts and basaltic
in the Mirdita ophiolite was a result of an eastward shift andesites of the Agoriani mélange in the northwestern
in the protoarc–forearc magmatism, keeping pace with part of Othris and indicate a MORB-type mantle source.
slab rollback in this direction. The Mirdita and other These samples also show close resemblance to the
western Hellenic ophiolites (i.e., Pindos, Vourinos, intermediate-Ti basalts found in the same mélange that
Othris) formed during the closing stages of a marginal have geochemical characteristics between typical low-Ti
basin (Pindos basin), which had evolved between the island arc tholeiites and high-Ti MORB. The authors
Apulian and Pelagonian subcontinents within the suggest that these peridotites likely experienced initial
Tethyan realm. melting in the garnet stability field followed by
The occurrence of Jurassic island arc volcanism in a moderate degrees of anhydrous near-fractional melting
different Tethyan domain in the Balkan Peninsula, in the spinel stability field beneath a mid-ocean ridge
currently exposed in the eastern Rhodope of Bulgaria, is spreading axis. The plagioclase peridotites here were the
documented by Bonev and Stampfli in the next paper. products of impregnation of harzburgites with a
Mafic extrusive rocks and the associated greenschist fractionating, MORB-type melt. The peridotite samples
rocks are found in a mélange-like, low-grade Mesozoic from the Metalleio, Eretria, and western Katáchloron
unit in the eastern Rhodope and SW Trace (Greece) and sub-massifs in Othris are highly depleted and have
define an early-Middle Jurassic island arc system that significantly low concentrations of Al2O3 and HREE,
Editorial 9

and are compositionally similar to the very low-Ti The western mantle section, the Caribou Mountain
basaltic andesites and andesites found in the Agoriani Block (CMB), contains mainly porphyroclastic harzbur-
mélange and to the boninitic lavas in the Agrilia gites with a strong mylonitic foliation that is oriented
Formation in the southern part of the Othris ophiolite. parallel to the spreading-related extensional faults in the
These peridotites have enriched LREE contents and crust. These harzburgites include pods of dunite and
represent residual upper mantle rocks that underwent in chromitite and orthopyroxenite veins, indicating re-
the presence of slab-derived fluids hydrous melting of equilibration with magma percolating through channeled
mantle sources that had previously experienced extrac- flow that was facilitated by the subhorizontal lithospher-
tion of MORB-type melts. ic fabric. The existence in the mantle rocks of olivine and
These observations and interpretations suggest that pyroxenes with high Mg #s and spinel and pyroxenes
MORB-type magmatism was followed closely in time with high Cr #s suggests extensive partial melting, which
by SSZ-type magmatism. This mantle evolution of the was responsible for the production of boninitic magmas
Jurassic Othris ophiolite is similar to that of the that generated the lavas and cumulate rocks in the
Cretaceous Oman ophiolite, as recently documented Thetford Mines ophiolite. The authors suggest that the
by Arai et al. (2006) based on the chromian spinel magmatic evolution of the ophiolite occurred in an
geochemistry of its upper mantle peridotites. Barth et al. extended forearc setting of a subduction zone, which was
proposed that this spatially and temporally close dipping eastward (in the present coordinate system) and
association of the inferred MORB and SSZ magmatism away from the Laurentian continental margin.
recorded in the Othris ophiolite may be explained by The origin and tectonic evolution of Archean
intra-oceanic thrusting and forced subduction initiation greenstone belts are subject to debate partly because it
at or near a mid-ocean ridge. The implication of this is often difficult to establish primary igneous features
model is that there seems to be an evolutionary path and geochemical affinities of these highly deformed and
from MORB to IAT to boninitic magmatism through a metamorphosed rocks, but also because whether the
very short time period above a west-dipping subduction modern plate tectonics operated in the Archean to
zone during the development of the Othris ophiolite. produce oceanic crust and ophiolites is still hotly
This pattern is consistent with the coeval Mirdita contested (Hamilton, 1998, 2003; Stern, 2005; Cawood
ophiolite in the same belt farther north. et al., 2006; Ernst, 2007b). Polat et al. report on the
Pagé et al. discuss the mantle petrology and geochemical makeup and origin of Mesoarchean mafic–
mineralogy of the Early Ordovician (∼ 480 Ma) Thet- ultramafic rocks in the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt
ford Mines ophiolite in the southern Québec Appala- (∼ 3075 Ma) in SW Greenland and suggest that these
chians (Canada) and present a petrogenetic model for its rocks collectively represent a remnant of a dismembered
evolution in a forearc tectonic setting. The mantle Mesoarchean SSZ ophiolite. The oceanic rocks include
sequence in the Thetford Mines ophiolite consists pillow basalts and ultramafic lavas, gabbros, minor
mainly of foliated harzburgite (V 5–6% cpx) cut by diorites and serpentinized peridotites, spatially associ-
dunitic (± chromitite cores) and orthopyroxenitic veins ated with sulfide-rich siliceous volcaniclastic sedimen-
and dikes, and are subdivided into two sections based on tary rocks. The large ɛNd(i) values (+ 2 to + 6) of the
differences in the mineral chemistry, textures, and crustal rocks suggest a long-term LREE-depleted mantle
structural fabrics. The eastern section, Duck Lake source(s) (i.e. the source of modern N-MORB) for the
Block (DLB), has peridotites with secondary granular Mesoarchean Ivisaartoq ophiolite. However, the LREE-
textures and two sets of high-T °C ductile foliations: an enriched and Nb-depleted (relative to Th and La) trace
earlier foliation sub-perpendicular to the Moho but element patterns of the majority of these rocks are
subparallel to the sheeted dike orientation, and an consistent with a subduction zone origin of their
overprinting younger foliation subparallel to the Moho. magmas. Therefore, the authors propose that the
The earlier foliation represents asthenospheric flow Mesoarchean Ivisaartoq ophiolite may have had a
associated with upwelling beneath a spreading axis, tectonic evolution similar to that of its Phanerozoic
whereas the younger foliation is a high-T °C lithospher- counterparts. Following the initiation of an intra-oceanic
ic fabric (crust–mantle shear) associated with seafloor subduction zone, an N-MORB-like sub-oceanic deplet-
spreading. The DLB mantle rocks may have experi- ed mantle source was emplaced in a sub-arc mantle
enced ∼ 27–38% partial melting and have interacted wedge position, where it was metasomatized by slab-
with an impregnating melt through both channeled and derived hydrous fluids and melts. Extensive partial
diffuse porous flow that was facilitated by the vertical melting of this subduction-modified mantle at shallow
fabric. depths beneath the forearc region was responsible for
10 Editorial

the production of LREE-enriched and HFSE-depleted estimate the average P-T conditions of metamorphism of
magmas. The inferred subduction zone origin of the the amphibolites at 630–770 °C and 6 ± 1.5 kbar,
Ivisaartoq greenstone belt implies that modern plate corresponding to a burial depth of 18–20 km in a
tectonics did operate in the Mesoarchean, and perhaps subduction zone. The geochemical signatures of the sub-
even earlier (Polat et al., 2002; Furnes et al., 2007). ophiolitic amphibolites indicate two dominant groups of
The emplacement of oceanic lithosphere onto conti- protoliths, within-plate alkaline basalts and tholeiitic
nental margins to form ophiolites is a first-order tectonic island arc basalts. Isolated diabasic dike swarms,
problem and is inherently related to the tectonic setting intruding both the metamorphic sole rocks and the
of oceanic crust formation and the relative motions of the overlying upper mantle peridotites, show trace element
bounding continents (see Wakabayashi and Dilek, 2003 patterns indicating that dike magmas were derived from
for an overview and other relevant references). Tethyan- partial melting of a variously enriched and subduction-
type ophiolites tectonically resting on the passive margin metasomatized, heterogeneous mantle source(s). Some
sequences of microcontinents are underlain by thin dike rocks occur as blocks in the sub-ophiolitic mélange
slivers (∼ few 100 m) of high-grade rocks forming beneath the sole, but there are no dikes observed to occur
metamorphic soles. These soles contain thrust sheets of as intrusions in the mélange. These dikes are common in
highly-strained (locally mylonitic) metabasic and meta- the entire Tauride ophiolite belt and are interpreted to
pelitic rocks, whose pressure-temperature conditions of have intruded before the emplacement of the ophiolites
metamorphism are consistent with high-T °C metamor- onto the northern edge of the Tauride carbonate platform
phism beneath sub-ophiolitic mantle. Typical soles show (Dilek et al., 1999). The magma source for these dikes
inverted metamorphic field gradients and an inverted may have been below the Benioff zone and from an
ocean crustal sequence such that the high-grade asthenospheric window through the subducted slab
components transition downwards from metagabbros (artifact of slab breakoff). The tectonic model presented
to metabasalts to metamorphosed pelagic sedimentary in the paper provides additional constraints on the
rocks (Jamieson, 1986; Hacker and Mosenfelder, 1996). emplacement direction and kinematics of the Tauride
Although widely accepted models suggest that high- ophiolites and on the protoliths of the sole rocks.
grade metamorphism and the sole formation occur at the
inception of subduction (Williams and Smyth, 1973; Acknowledgements
Nicolas and LePichon, 1980; Spray, 1984; Jamieson,
1986; Hacker, 1991; Searle and Cox, 2002), where and We thank our colleagues and members of the
how this subduction starts and whether this inferred international scientific community for their help with
subduction may have been related to the igneous timely and thorough reviews of the papers in this issue.
evolution of ophiolites remain controversial questions We extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to Patricia
(see the recent debate on the Semail ophiolite of Oman Massar, Joanna Aldred, and Tim Horscroft in the Earth
by Boudier and Nicolas 2007; Warren et al., 2007). How Sciences Department of Elsevier Science B.V. for their
these metamorphic soles were eventually exhumed to the help and diligent work during the preparation and
surface from depths of ∼ 25 km (∼ 8 kbar) in a production of the Special Issue. We also thank the
subduction zone (as inferred from the P-T conditions of Editor-in-Chief, Professor Steve Foley, for his invitation
the formation of amphibolites, Warren et al., 2007) also to produce this special issue and for his help with the
remains an unresolved problem. Therefore, systematic editorial handling of the processed papers.
studies of metamorphic soles beneath ophiolites provide
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Editorial 13

Yumul Jr., G.P., 2007. Westward younging disposition of Philippine Richard Ernst
ophiolites and its implication for arc evolution. Island Arc 16, Ernst Geosciences, 43 Margrave Avenue, Ottawa, ON,
Canada K1T 3Y2
Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University,
Yildirim Dilek
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6
Department of Geology, Miami University, Oxford,
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OH 45056, USA
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