PEH 11 Quiz

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Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section:______________

Maryhill College Date: ________________________

Physical Education and Health 11 -CFPWHJIMoCoFo

First Quarter Structured Quiz

I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write “FIT” if the statement is true and “FAT” is the
statement is false.
FAT 1. Many people believe that one should engage in sports and exercise only to
be Physically Fit.
FIT 2. Sports and exercise are part of the activities that can be classified under
recreational physical activity.
FAT 3. Inactive healthy lifestyle helps develop motor control and coordination.
FAT 4. Weight lifting is considered as an example of Flexibility enhancing activities.
FIT 5. It is said that Fitness is the major goal of Physical Education.
FAT 6. Eating Mc Donald’s everyday helps maintain a healthy body composition
FIT 7. Dancing is considered as an example of Aerobic Exercise.
FIT 8. Some individuals engage in exercise to release tension and manage stress.
risk factor in the development of many non-communicable diseases.
FAT 9. Eating plenty of food and drinking beer after a strenuous activity is good for
the health.
FIT 10. All forms of exercise are beneficial to one’s health and will contribute to
improved performance.

II. CLASSIFICATION: Classify whether the following exercises is Aerobic, Flexibility

exercises or, Muscle Strengthening Exercises. Write capital letter A if Aerobic, FE if
its Flexibility exercises and MSE if it’s a Muscle Strengthening Exercises on the
space provided. (1 point each)

MSE 1. Pull-ups MSE 6. Pushing down a lawn mower

FE 2. Gymnastics FE 7. Sprinting
A 3. Mountain FE 8. Yoga
A 4. Jumping rope A 9. Dance
MSE 5. Pushing down
a lawn mower FE 10. Tai Chi

III. Identification: Identify the components of skill-related fitness whether it is Speed,

Power, Agility, Reaction Time, Coordination and Balance.

POWER 1. Box jumps COORDINATION 6. Baseball

SPEED 2. Marathon training POWER 7. Battle Rope
AGILITY 3. Ladder Drills SPEED 8. Sprint
COORDINATION 4. Jumping Rope BALANCE 9. Yoga
BALANCE 5. Standing on one foot COORDINATION10. Dribbling a ball

“God bless!”

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