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NAME: _____________________ score: ____________________

ETLVE PAPER – Energy in Europe

Answer the following questions about the news report (video)

1. Give two adjectives to underline what is particular about the German village in the document.
It is a _________________________ village.
It is _________________________ in energy.

2. How do the inhabitants produce energy?


3. Complete the following paragraph with the appropriate information.

The farmer, who is at the head of the project, has on his farm a ________________ __________________
which is fuelled by liquid ________________, __________________ and ___________________. The gas
_____________two __________________ .In other words, he uses _________________ (name of the gas)
to make electricity.

4. What are Germany’s plans for the future?


Translate the following sentences in English .

a) Mon exposé traite de l’énergie en Suède.


b) La première diapositive montre un camembert sur les importations.


c) Je crains de ne pouvoir répondre à votre question.


d) Avez-vous des questions ?


e) Merci pour votre attention.


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