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Swayam Verma Sourish Mandal

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Kalinga Institute of Industrial

Bharat Kishore Maheshwari

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology

Abstract: Modern technology makes it impossible for humans to travel

everywhere, so we are putting forth a mind-controlled vehicle that can be used
for a variety of purposes, including military remote surveillance and robots that
disperse bombs. As part of our approach, we have put Arduino instructions in
programmes that serve as a middleman between an android controller and an
Arduino vehicle. The Android mobile controller tracks motion with a variety of
mobile sensors. To enable first-person vehicle viewing through the headset, a
camera is installed on the vehicle, and live video is transferred with the aid of a
Raspberry Pi to the receiver in the headset. After doing all of this, we must
thoroughly test the project to find any flaws or illogical sequences of instructions
in the microprocessor programme. We can only firmly say that we have
accomplished our stated goal after finishing this activity.

Keywords: Arduino Uno, HC-05 Bluetooth Module, Motor Driver Module L298N,
Micromors and Grippy Wheels, Jumper Wires, Bluetooth Controller vehicle,
Camera, FPV Transmitter, Raspberry Pi.


This is an Arduino based, Mind controlled RC vehicle. It is controlled by a

smartphone application. A smartphone app is used to control it. Instead of using
buttons, gestures, or any other control method, a Bluetooth-enabled vehicle is
operated by an Android smartphone. The vehicle may be moved forward,
backward, left, and right by simply touching a button on an Android phone. As a
result, a Bluetooth module installed in the vehicle is employed as the receiver
and an Android phone as the transmitter. In order for the vehicle to travel in the
desired direction, such as forward, backward, turning left, turning right, and
stopping, the Android phone will communicate commands using its built-in


This model is designed using Arduino Uno, HC-05 Bluetooth Module, Motor
Driver Module L298N, Micromorts and Grippy Wheels, Jumper Wires, Bluetooth
Controller vehicle, Camera, FPV Transmitter, FPV Receiver (Goggles), Raspberry
Pi. The first step was to measure and study the characteristics and features of
the sensors. Different mobile sensors are used by the Android mobile controller
to monitor motion. The second step was the decision making, sensing,
measuring, fixing of the threshold value, periodicity of sensitivity, timing and
space and sensor data acquisition. Then the mounted camera sends the live
feed when operated by the Raspberry Pi to the android application in VR via Wi-
Fi. The mind-controlled vehicle will travel to locations that are inaccessible to
people or that are too dangerous for them to explore


We proposed a mind-controlled vehicle which helps us in doing various tasks.

We used a camera to check its surroundings while driving it

Working: The project's objectives include designing an Android user interface,

an Arduino bot, and programming an Arduino microcontroller. The Arduino
microcontroller in the Arduino vehicle has some basic mobility characteristics.
Instructions are included in Arduino applications that act as a mediator between
an android controller and an Arduino vehicle. A vehicle is made that will be used
based on the use case. Different mobile sensors are used by the Android mobile
controller to monitor motion. To allow users to interact with the Arduino-powered
automobile, we must develop an Android application . To enable first-person
vehicle viewing through the headset, a camera is installed on the vehicle, and
live video is transferred with the aid of a Raspberry Pi to the receiver in the
headset. The transmitted image will be changed to a format which is the most
compatible with the VR headset by Raspberry Pi using Owl OS. The interface is
simple to use and transmits feedback to the Arduino microcontroller through
Bluetooth after receiving commands for a variety of activities from the interface
via Bluetooth module.

Figure 1: Circuit Diagram


RC vehicles have been created to provide access to areas that are inaccessible
to people.
If this concept is used in drones and in big vehicles, its use cases will multiply by
a lot such as transporting/delivering and driving vehicles for disabled
respectively, etc.
It can be used by the military in surveying rooms before entering to look out for
enemies then by archeologists to move around in newly discovered ruins safely

Figure 2: RC vehicle
Figure 3: FPV Receiver


Various use cases will result in a change in the model's price and structure.
Our model will be a basic model that will work on the most basic tarain. But the
model can be improved with additional equipments and additional sensors
depending on different use cases.

● Exploring areas that pose a risk to human safety.

● Remote controlled food delivery.
● For armed forces expeditions.
● Using airborne drones to capture ground views.
● A remote-controlled vehicle for aerial photography and mapping
We can develop a user interface like a web app which can display information to
the user.


We created a remote-controlled car that can be operated with a VR headset.

Depending on the various use cases, the automobile will drive or perform
different functions in accordance with the movements of the VR headset.
This model can be changed to fit various use cases. If the use case changes,
additional modifications to the vehicle will be required. The vehicle's usefulness
can also be increased by adding various other components and sensors.
The device requires very little maintenance and is both affordable and eco-
friendly. Depending on the use case, the vehicle may be sturdy and light or
heavy. For example, if the terrain is steep and difficult, we will require a heavy-
duty truck.


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