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KIIT Deemed to be University

Online End Semester Examination(Spring Semester-2021)

Subject Name & Code: Internet of Things & IT-4021

Applicable to Courses:B.Tech(CSE,IT,CSCE,CSSE)

Full Marks=50
Time:2 Hours

SECTION-A(Answer All Questions. Each question carries 2 Marks)

Time:30 Minutes
(7×2=14 Marks)

Question Question Type Question CO Answer Key

No (MCQ/SAT) Mapping (For MCQ
Questions only)
Q.No:1 SAT Define IOT.What do you 1
mean by Things in IOT?
SAT Give the reason for using 4
IPv6 over IPv4 for IoT
SAT In which situations M2M 1
is preferred over IOT?
SAT Which IoT level is best
suitable for implementing
a Weather Monitoring

Q.No:2 MCQ Which of the following 2 D

must an IoT gateway
a) Simple and fast
b) Security with
hardware c) Data storage
d) Protocol abstraction

MCQ which specification 1 D

defining the PHY and
MAC layer of low power


MCQ MQTT belongs to which 1 C

of the following protocol.
a) Machine to Machine
b) Internet of Things
c) Machine to Machine
and Internet of Things
d) Machine Things
MCQ DHCP uses which of 1 D
following transport layer

b. TCP
d. UDP

Q.No:3 SAT Which Sensors are used in 3

Smart Lighting System of
SAT Which Sensors are used in 3
Smart Parking System of
SAT Which Sensors are used in 3
Smart Irrigation System of
SAT Which Sensors are used in 3
Home Intrusion Detection
System of IOT?
Q.No:4 MCQ How an IoT device is 2 B
uniquely identified in the
a) NAT address
b) MAC (Media Access
Control) address
c) Wired connectivity
d) HTTP address
MCQ NETCONF uses following 2 B
transport layer for security
a) TCP
b) TLS
c) UDP
d) IP
MCQ Which statement is NOT 2 D
a. IoT WAN connects
various network segments.
b. IoT WAN is
geographically wide.
c. IoT WAN is
organizationally wide.
d. None of these.
MCQ Which of these statements 1 D
regarding sensors is
a. Sensors are input
b. Sensors can be analog
as well as digital
c. Sensors respond to
some external stimuli.
d. All of these.
Q.No:5 MCQ Point out the wrong 1 D
a) A MapReduce job
usually splits the input
data-set into independent
chunks which are
processed by the map
tasks in a completely
parallel manner
b) The MapReduce
framework operates
exclusively on <key,
value> pairs
c) Applications typically
implement the Mapper and
Reducer interfaces to
provide the map
and reduce methods
d) None of above
MCQ Which of the following 1 B
node in a Hadoop cluster
accepts the Map, Reduce
and Shuffle tasks
from the JobTracker :
a) JobTracker
b) TaskTracker
c) MasterNode
d) Secondary Node
MCQ Point out the wrong 1 D
a) SaaS applications come
in all shapes and sizes
b) Every computer user is
familiar with SaaS
c) SaaS software is not
d) None of the mentioned
MCQ Which is false among all 1 B
about YARN:
a) YARN architecture
divides two main
functions of JobTracker,
into separate components
b) components of YARN
are Resource Manager and
client manager
c) Resource Manager RM
manages the global
assignment of computer
resources to
d) A node manager
manages the user
processes on that machine.
Q.No:6 SAT Write few Limitations of 3
BeagleBone Black.
SAT Write few Limitations of 3
SAT Write few advantages of 3
Arduino Uno over
Raspberry Pi.
SAT Write few Limitations of 3
DHT-11 temperature
Q.No:7 MCQ Cloud computing is a kind 2 C
of abstraction which is
based on the notion of
combining physical
resources and represents
them as _______resources
to users.

a. Real
b. Cloud
c. Virtual
d. none of the
MCQ Which of the following is 2 B
an essential concept
related to Cloud?

a. Reliability
b. Abstraction
c. Productivity
d. All of the
MCQ _________ as a Service is 2 C
a cloud computing
infrastructure that creates
a development
environment upon which
applications may be build.
a) Infrastructure
b) Service
c) Platform
d) All of the mentioned
MCQ ______ offering provides 2 B
the tools and development
environment to deploy
applications on another
vendor’s application.
a) PaaS
b) IaaS
c) CaaS
d) All of the mentioned

SECTION-B(Answer Any Three Questions. Each Question carries 12


Time: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes

(3×12=36 Marks)

Question No Question CO Mapping

(Each question
should be from
the same CO(s))
Q.No:8 A)Explain Characteristics of IOT? 1,2,3,4
B)Explain Logical design of IOT
with diagram?
A) How an IOT System Works?
Explain the Main components in
B) Give steps to read a value
from the potential meter?
A) Explain Communications
models in IOT with diagram.
B) Write few differences
between Arduino Uno and
Raspberry Pi.
Q.No:9 Explain the design methodology 1,2,3,4
steps involved in IoT based smart
Parking systems .
Explain the design methodology
steps involved in IoT based Industry
Explain the design methodology
steps involved in IoT home
Q.No:10 Explain the difference between IoT 1,2,3,4
and M2M?
B)How IoT devices are vulnerable to
attack, explain various challenges
involved in IoT security.
Explain various deployment models
in Cloud Computing?Explain the
concept with the help of a diagram
depicting the services under user
control and under cloud service
Draw block diagram of Arduino
Uno. Explain the working principle
of interfacing an LED with switch
using Arduino Uno
Q.No:11 Explain Interfacing an LED with 1,2,3,4
Switch using Arduino Uno.
Explain how data analytics and big
data play an important role in IOT?

Define Cloud Computing? What are

the various services offered by Cloud
Service Providers? Differentiate
between these services based on any
four categories.
A) Explain Cloud Storage
Models & Communication APIs in
B) Explain various steps
involved in measuring temperature
and humidity using DHT-11
temperature sensor?

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