Energy-Basic Vocabulary 2013

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a) Give the translation of words or sentences:

Fossil fuels are fuels* formed by natural processes such as decomposition of dead organisms.
Renewable energy is energy that comes from resources which are continually replenished**.
* fuel : carburant, combustible ** to replenish : se remplir

……………………..………. : pétrole ………… : charbon, houille

…………… UK
……………. F
Peat: (A mass of recently accumulated to
partially carbonized plant debris. This
material is on its way to becoming coal but
its plant debris source is still easily
recognizable) :

wind turbine :……………………………………
solar panel :……………………………………
waste :……………………………………
nuclear power station / power plant :……………………………
eco-friendly :……………………………………

b) Put a cross in the corresponding box:

Energy used as
Renewable energy
Fossil fuels Electricity Heat Fuel
oil / petroleum
sun (photovoltaic)
sun (thermal)
solid biomass
natural gas
geothermal heat
rivers, tides and waves

c) Use the verbs below to complete the sentences: produce / consume / pollute / reduce

 In industrialized countries, people ……………………… more electricity than in rural areas of developing
countries. That’s why they must ……………………… more.

 The government has just made a law which obliges industries to ………………… CO2 emissions.
As a result, factories should ………..………… less in the future.

d) Choose the appropriate word among the ones in italics: (cross out the wrong word)
 This French company sells electricity to foreign countries.
In fact, they export / import 20% of their production / consumption.
 According to experts, the use of green energy will decrease / increase significantly
in the near future.

e) Read the data and answer the questions:

Energy by power source 2008 World energy consumption
TWh %
Oil 48 204 33,50% Nu- Hy Other RE
clea dro
Coal 38 497 26,80% r Oil
Gas 30 134 20,90%
Nuclear 8 283 5,80%
Hydro 3 208 2,20%
Other RE* 15 284 10,60%
Others 241 0,20%
Total 143 851 100,00% Coal
Source: IEA *=solar, wind, geothermal and biofuels

What is the total percentage of fossil fuels? ...........................................................

What is the total percentage of renewable energy? ...........................................................

a) Give the translation of words or sentences : Document complété

Fossil fuels are fuels* formed by natural processes such as decomposition of dead organisms.
Les combustibles fossiles sont des combustibles formés à partir d’un processus naturel
comme la décomposition d’organismes morts.
Renewable energy is energy that comes from resources which are continually replenished**.
Une énergie renouvelable est une énergie qui provient de ressources qui se remplissent
* fuel : carburant, combustible ** to replenish : se remplir

oil, petroleum : pétrole coal : charbon, houille

dam : UK
Peat: (A mass of recently accumulated to
partially carbonized plant debris. This
material is on its way to becoming coal but
its plant debris source is still easily
recognizable) :

Tourbe : Une masse de débris de

végétaux récemment accumulés et
wind turbine : éolienne partiellement carbonisés. Ce
solar panel :panneau solaire matériau est en train de devenir du
waste : déchets charbon mais son origine de débris
nuclear power station / power plant : centrale nucléaire
de végétaux est encore facilement
eco-friendly : respectueux de l'environnement

b) Put a cross in the corresponding box:

Energy used as
Renewable energy
Fossil fuels Electricity Heat Fuel
oil / petroleum    
wind  
coal    
peat    
sun (photovoltaic)  
sun (thermal)   
solid biomass    
biofuels    
natural gas    
geothermal heat    
rivers, tides and waves  
uranium   
c) Use the verbs below to complete the sentences:
produce / consume / pollute / reduce /
 In industrialized countries, people consume more electricity than in rural areas of developing countries.
That’s why they must produce more.

 The government has just made a law which obliges industries to reduce CO2 emissions.
As a result, factories should pollute less in the future.

d) Choose the appropriate word among the ones in italics: (cross out the wrong word)
 This French company sells electricity to foreign countries.
In fact, they export / import 20% of their production / consumption.
 According to experts, the use of green energy will decrease / increase significantly
in the near future.

e) Read the data and answer the questions:

Energy by power source 2008 World energy consumption
TWh %
Oil 48 204 33,50% Nu- Hy Other RE
clea dro
Coal 38 497 26,80% r Oil
Gas 30 134 20,90%
Nuclear 8 283 5,80%
Hydro 3 208 2,20%
Other RE* 15 284 10,60%
Others 241 0,20%
Total 143 851 100,00% Coal
Source: IEA *=solar, wind, geothermal and biofuels

What is the total percentage of fossil fuels? The total percentage of fossil fuels is 81.2 %
What is the total percentage of renewable energy? The total percentage of renewable energy is 12.8 %

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