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Pharmacology II
Self-Directed Learning
◦ Dermatitis refers to a group of inflammatory conditions. It affects
the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis.
◦ Though the disorder can have many causes and occur in many
forms, it usually involves swollen, reddened and itchy skin
◦ Dermatitis is not life-threatening or contagious
◦ Common signs and symptoms include:
◦ Redness
◦ Swelling
◦ Itching
◦ Skin lesions
Different Types of Dermatitis
Contact Atopic
Dermatitis Dermatitis


Stasis dermatitis is caused by fluid

accumulation under the skin of the
legs due to poor circulation
Contact Dermatitis
◦ Dermatitis that results from direct contact with one of many
irritants or allergens.
◦ Common irritants include
◦ Laundry soap, skin soaps or detergents, and cleaning products.
◦ Irritant- shorter time to develop dermatitis
◦ Allergen-longer time to develop dermatitis
◦ Initial exposure – Sensitize immune system
◦ consequent brief exposure to a small amount
of it can cause dermatitis.
◦ Allergen sensitivities is for life.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
◦ Red rash with yellowish and "oily" scales, usually on the scalp
◦ Accelerated cell turnover
◦ Malassezia organisms indirectly cause it
◦ In adult
◦ during times of physical stress, travel or in people who have
neurological conditions, such as Parkinson's disease
◦ In infants
◦ cradle cap
Atopic Dermatitis
◦ A.k.a Eczema
◦ A type of dermatitis that often runs in families and is associated
in patients who have asthma or allergies.
◦ Unknown cause
◦ Likely due to a combination of
◦ dry, irritable skin together with a malfunction in the body's immune
◦ Stress can exacerbate atopic dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis
◦ Identifying the cause
◦ avoiding the irritant or allergen
◦ Topical corticosteroids
◦ help relieve inflammation and itching
◦ Antihistamines
◦ To relieve the itching
◦ Antibiotic, antiviral, or antifungal medicines
◦ If it has other infection
◦ Duration
◦ two to four weeks for to clear up
Contact Dermatitis
◦ Topical corticosteroids
◦ Example:
◦ Hydrocortisone: 1%, 0.5%
◦ Betamethasone: 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.1%
◦ Clobetasol :0.05%
◦ In different dosage form and strength
◦ Lotion, cream and ointment
◦ Suppress various components of the inflammatory reaction
◦ Modify body's immune response to diverse stimuli.
Topical Steroid Potency
Potency Topical corticosteroid Brand/ Combination creams
Hydrocort cream/ Fucidin-H/
Hydrocortisone 1%
Mild Daktacort
Desonide 0.05% Desowen Lotion
Moderate Betamethasone valerate
¼ Bet cream
(2-25 times 0.025%
hydrocortison Flucinolone acetonide
e potency) 0.00625%
Mometasone Furoate
Elomet cream
0.1% cream
Bethametasone valerate
Potent F/S Bet Cream, Fucicort,
0.1% cream
(100-150 times
Beprosone/ Combiderm/
hydrocortison Betamethasone
diprogenta/ gentrisone/ Neoderm/
e potency) diproprionate 0.05%
Triderm/ Fobancort
Fluticasone proprionate
Cutivate Cream
Clobestasol Proprionate
Dermovate/ Cloderm
Very Potent
(600 times
diproprionate 0.05% in Diprocel
optimized vehicle
e potency)
Diflucortolone valerate
Contact Dermatitis
◦ Topical corticosteroid
◦ Adverse Effect
◦ Rare side effect with mild and moderate group
◦ Thinning and drying of skin
◦ Acne at side of application
◦ Mild pigmentation (reversible)
◦ Potent topical steroid may cause serious systemic side effects such as :-
◦ Cushing syndrome
◦ Pituitary adrenal axis suppression
Contact Dermatitis
◦ Topical corticosteroid
◦ Precaution/Warning
◦ When treatment with topical corticosteroids begins. Prescribe medicines in a
pulse pattern
◦ use corticosteroids for 2 weeks. Stop using them for 2 weeks. Then apply
corticosteroids for another 2 weeks
◦ No prolong usage
◦ Use moisturiser to keep skin hydrated (as topical steroid can cause dry skin)
Contact Dermatitis
◦ Antihistamines
◦ Example:
◦ Sedating: Chlorpheniramine, Hydroxyzine
◦ Non-sedating: Loratadine, Cetirizine
◦ Blocking the histamine processes in an allergic reaction
◦ Side Effect
◦ Drowsiness
◦ Weakness
◦ Blurred vision
◦ Upset stomach
◦ Dry nose, mouth, & throat
◦ Precaution
◦ In those who have bladder/eye condition
◦ Children and elderly more prone to side effect
Seborrheic Dermatitis
◦ Medicated shampoos are usually the first treatment choice
◦ contain tar,
◦ zinc,
◦ salicylic acid or
◦ ketoconazole
◦ Hydrocortisone (steroid) creams and lotions may soothe nonscalp
seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic Dermatitis
◦ Medicated Shampoo
◦ Salicylic acid
◦ Tar
◦ Selenium
◦ Zinc
◦ Soften thick scalp plague
◦ Precaution
◦ Do not use everyday, use in alternate day with normal shampoo
Seborrheic Dermatitis
◦ Antifungal Shampoo
◦ Example:
◦ Ketoconazole 2%
◦ MOA:
◦ Inhibit biosynthesis of ergosterol – damage fungal cell wall
◦ Inhibit enzyme causing intracellular accumulation of peroxide - toxic to
fungal cells.
◦ Usage:
◦ Shampoo: After lathering, let soak in for 10 min prior to rinsing
◦ Max is 3 times a weeks
Atopic Dermatitis
◦ Topical corticosteroids
◦ Antihistamines
◦ Antibiotic, antiviral, or antifungal medicines
◦ Topical calcineurin inhibitors
◦ Oral corticosteroids
◦ Cyclosporine
Atopic Dermatitis
 Calcineurin inhibitors (topical immunosuppressants)
 Example:
 Pimecrolimus
 Tacrolimus
 Suppress body's immune system.
 AE: Transient burning, erythema, and pruritus
 Precaution
 Caution when prescribing and using because of a potential cancer risk
 Only be used as directed
 Second line therapy
 Approved for children older than 2 years of age.
Atopic Dermatitis
◦ Cyclosporine
◦ Immunosuppressant
◦ Suppress the immune system
◦ Precaution
◦ Increased blood pressure and kidney problems
◦ Blood pressure and kidney function are monitored every 2 to 4 weeks during
◦ Avoid sun exposure
◦ Increase chance of skin cancer

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