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Explain visual-verbal
relationships illustrated in
tables, graphs, and 1-10 9,10 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 6
information maps found in
expository texts

Use opinion-marking 11,14,15,

11-20 12,13,18, 16,20
signals to share ideas 19
Compare and contrast the
presentation of the same 21,22,23, 25,26,27,
21-30 28
topic in different 24 29,30
multimodal texts
Compare and contrast own 32,33,34,
opinions with those 31-40 38,39,40 31
presented in familiar texts 35,36,37

Recognize positive and 41,43,44,
negative messages 41-50 43 48, 49,
conveyed in a text 45


Name: _________________________________________ Grade and Sec: ______ Score: _________

Directions: Read carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. The map below shows that_______________________.
A. Australia is part of Asia C. Africa is the smallest continent
B. Asia is the largest continent D. North and South America are considered as one continent

2. In the concept map below, which one is NOT an example of figure of speech?
A. hyperbole B. metaphor C. oxymoron D. verb

For items 3-4, please refer to the table below.

3. How many students prefer modular learning?
A. 8 B. 12 C. 24 D. 44
4. Which learning modality do students prefer the most?
A. blended learning C. online learning
B. modular learning D. television
For items 5-6, please refer to the graph below.
5. Which of the shows has the highest
number of votes?
A. Ang Lihim C. Ang Mortal
B. Misyonaryo D. Nilalang
6. What conclusion can you draw from the graph?
A. All show the same votes.
B. Ang Mortal is the most favorite show.
C. Ang Lihim has the highest number of votes.
D. People have the same interests in television shows.

For items 7-8, please refer to the graph below.

7. Which part of the pie has the smallest budget of

Annie’s monthly expenses?
A. clothing C. electric bill
B. education D. house rental

8. What percent is the budget for house rental? A. 4% B. 12% C. 16% D. 28%

For items 9-10, please refer to the flow chart below.

How to Apply First Aid Measures of a Bone Fracture

9. Which is a sign and symptom of having a bone fracture?

A. perspiring B. salivating C. swelling D. trembling
10. Which among the measures should you NOT do in applying first aid to a bone fracture?
A. Check the signs and symptoms. C. Tell the patient to avoid unnecessary movement.
B. Splint or sling the injury in position. D. Carry the person without knowing the affected area.
11. Where in a sentence is an opinion-marking signal usually written?
A. at the end B. at the middle C. at the beginning D. both at the beginning and end
12. Which of the following phrases is an example of an opinion-marking signal?
A. I believe… C. Based on the recent survey…
B. According to research… D. In the press conference conducted…
13. All of the sentences below are opinions, EXCEPT
A. In his interview, the mayor announced that they will provide assistance to thestudents.
B. Lino believes that all students will be happy about the mayor’sannouncement.
C. From what Lino knows, many stakeholders extended help to assist thelearners in their studies.
D. Lino is confident that, through the assistance of the many stakeholders, hewill survive the school
year despite the many challenges.
For item nos. 14 to 16, please refer to the sentence below.
Marissa is certain that we will all survive the COVID-19 crisis.
14. What is the opinion-marking signal used in the sentence?
A. that we will… C. will all survive…
B. the COVID-19 crisis… D. Marissa is certain that…
15. What does the opinion-marking signal express?
A. a doubt B. a desire C. a certainty D. a possibility
16. Which of the following opinion-marking signals similarly means to the one used in thesentence?
A. In her experience… C. From what Marissa knows…
B. Marissa is sure that… D. Marissa might be wrong, but…
17. Which of the following sentences uses the appropriate opinion marking signal toanswer the question
below? How do you feel about going to Bohol?
A. For me, Bohol has the most beautiful beaches.
B. I cannot deny that Bohol has beautiful beaches.
C. I love going to Bohol and visit its beautiful beaches.
D. I hope I could go to Bohol and visit its beautiful beaches.
18. Which of the following sentences answers the question below with certainty? Why is it important to
use opinion marking signals in expressing opinions?
A. Maybe they are important because they are used to introduce opinions.
B. I might be wrong, but they are important because they refer to personal beliefs.
C. I feel that they are important because they are usually written in the beginningpart of a sentence.
D. I am certain that they are important because they are used as signal wordsthat help express and
identify opinions.
19. The following are examples of opinion-marking signals that can be used in the samemanner and for
the same purpose EXCEPT
A. Maybe… and Probably… C. It is the belief… and From what I know…
B. I am certain that… and I am sure that… D. Based on my experience… and In my experience…
20. What would you say to encourage tourists to visit the Philippines?
A. In my opinion, it is more fun in the Philippines.
B. I am certain that it is more fun in the Philippines.
C. If I am not mistaken, it is more fun in the Philippines.
D. I might be wrong, but it is more fun in the Philippines.
21. What do we mean by multimodal text?
A. It is a text that requires processing of one method and the recognition of the interconnections
B. It is a text that requires processing of two methods and the recognition of the interconnections
between information.
C. It is a text that requires processing of more than one method and the recognition of the
interconnections between information.
D. It is a text that requires processing of more than one method while disregarding the
between information.
22. Which type of live multimodal text is the expression of an idea or emotion through the use of body
movements in a rhythmic way, accompanied with music?
A. animation B. dance C. films D. oral presentation
23. Which type of digital multimodal text is a multimedia presentation of a narrative structure combining
variety of digital elements? A. animation B. digital stories C. posters D. slideshows
24. Which type of paper-based multimodal text presents information and data with the use of words in
diagrams and drawings? A. comics B. graphic texts C. infographics D. posters
25. What type of multimodal text is presented below?
A. comics B. infographics C. picture D. poster
26. Which of the following is an example of a graphic text?

27. Which of the following is NOT an example of infographics?

For items 28 to 35, compare and contrast the information illustrated in the multimodal texts to answer the
following questions.

28. Are the information presented in the two multimodal texts the same?
A. Yes, they have the same topic and data.
B. No, the topic and data given are different.
C. Yes, the topic is the same but the data are different.
D. No, the topic is different but the data are the same.
29. What is the rank of Myanmar from lowest as shown in the graphs?
A. third B. fifth C. sixth D. tenth
30.Which two countries have the lowest population presented in the two multimodal texts?
A. Brunei and Singapore C. Myanmar and Thailand
B. Laos and Cambodia D. Vietnam and Malaysia
31. Why do we need to compare and contrast our culture to other countries?
A. to love our culture C. to simply compare and contrast
B. to know their culture D. to appreciate diversity of cultures
32. In stating an opinion showing comparison or contrast, what should be done first?
A. Analyze only one picture being shown
B. Make sure that there is an evidence as basis.
C. Draw a diagram showing similarities and differences.
D. Analyze a diagram showing similarities and differences.
33. When comparing, what part of the Venn Diagram is filled in when writing down the similarities
two things or ideas?
A. Universal set C. All parts of the circle
B. Subset of the circle D. Intersection/Middle part
34. Listed below are aspects of the culture which are compared among Asian countries like Thailand
the Philippines EXCEPT___________.
A. traditions and beliefs C. science and technology
B. religion and practices D. pop culture and entertainment
35. What is the most appropriate transition signal to be used for comparing in the sentence below? Zeng
thought his cat might be killed ________ what happened to his chickens.
A. similar to B. different to C. opposite to D. in contrast to
36. Which transition signal for comparing should be used to complete the sentence below? There are
traditions and beliefs of Thais which are ________ the Filipinos.
A. different to B. in contrast to C. opposite to D. the same with
37. When comparing the cultures of Asian countries like Thailand and Philippines, which graphic
is most appropriate to be used?
A. Timeline Chart B. Venn Diagram C. Schematic Diagram D. Organizational Chart
38. Choose the best answer to the question. We need to compare and contrast persons, things, and
in order to…
A. draw out information from a text C. picture similarities
B. give an opinion about a certain issue D. make a Venn Diagram
39. Celebrating festivities and respecting elders are common traditional practices of both Thais and
Filipinos. What ideas are expressed in the sentence?
A. appeals B. arguments C. differences D. similarities
40. Choose the best answer to the question. We need to compare and contrast persons, things, and
in order to…
A. make a Venn Diagram C. give an opinion about a certain issue
B. picture similarities D. draw out information from a text
41. These are rejections or discouragements that can create a hardship for a person
A. Buffer B. Fake news C. Positive message D. Negative messages
42. Positive message is defined as the following, EXCEPT _____________.
A. messages about acceptance C. an expectation you give to someone
B. messages that provides good news D. encouragement or congratulations to another person
43. Thank you for your order. We appreciate your interest in our product. But we are currently out of
The underlined sentence is an example of ___________________.
A. Buffet B. Butter C. Buried D. Buffer
44. It is an approach where a person gradually builds up to the purpose, to avoid or to minimize the
of the negative message. A. Direct B. Buffer C. Indirect D. Bumper
45. Where can we often read negative messages?
A. Facebook B. Youtube C. Instagram D. A, B and C
46. How are you going to tell your classmate to stop commenting on your Facebook post with negative
A. Hi. I will erase your comments now.
B. Continue having fun with my post.
C. Do you really think you can comment anything on my post? It is my post and I will decide who can
D. Hello, I really appreciate you noticing my post. However, I would allow only positive comments.
you for understanding.
47. Why do we have to be positive whenever possible?
A. It is trendy. C. It can be very stressful.
B. It is taught in school. D. It builds harmonious relationship with others
48. Which is the most positive way to state the following statement? “This pandemic is very depressing.”
A. This is the end of the world.
B. We are going to die sooner or later.
C. Challenges can be very depressing but we can go above this pandemic by helping one another.
D. Problems are part of our life, so we should be serious about this pandemic which going to take
of our hopes.
49. “You failed in the entrance exam”. To state this in a positive way, we can say _____________.
A. Sorry, you are a failure.
B. You don’t have what it takes
C. You are not on the list, maybe you have failed to in the exam.
D. Thank you for registering. Your name is not on the list. You can still try again next year.
50. Is using positive messages rather than negative ones help yourself and other people to have a
outlook in life?
A. Yes. But I really don’t mind.
B. No. It would not change anything about you.
C. Yes. It will make you become more optimistic in life.
D. No. you have to keep up with what’s going on in social media.
1. B 26. C
2. D 27. A
3. B 28. C
4. A 29. C
5. D 30. A
6. B 31. D
7. A 32. B
8. C 33. D
9. B 34. A
10. B 35. A
11. C 36. D
12. A 37. B
13. A 38. B
14. D 39. D
15. C 40. C
16. B 41. D
17. C 42. C
18. D 43. D
19. C 44. C
20. B 45. D
21. C 46. D
22. B 47. D
23. B 48. C
24. B 49. D
25. D 50. C

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