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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Second (2nd) Quarter District Summative Test #1 English 9

Name: ____________________________ Section: ____________ Score: ____

Test l. Directions: Read each item below and answer the questions correctly. Write
the letter on the blank provided before the number.
___ 1. These refer to the source of a conflicting opinion on the grounds of what is
perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal life or interpersonal social life
A. Local issues B. National issues C. Social issues D. Global issues
___ 2. These are issues that affect people more locally in their communities, schools
or places of work.
A. Local issues B. National issues C. Social issues D. Global issues
___ 3. This is one of the common social issues that involve an individual or a group
misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable
to stop it from happening.
A. Powerless B. Bullying C. Worthless D. Depression
___ 4. When families or individuals cannot afford basic necessities, they are forced
to make some difficult choices.
A. Eating habits B. Bullying C. Poverty D. Depression
___ 5. It is an idea that men and women are not equal, and that gender affects an
individual’s living experience.
A. Gender discrimination B. Poverty C. Air pollution D. Bullying
___ 6. This refers to the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s
atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by the increased
levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.
A. Air pollution B. Global warming C. Erosion D. Tree planting
___ 7. When there is presence of substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to
the health of humans and other living beings caused by solid and liquid particles
suspended in the air.
A. Global warming B. Air pollution C. Erosion D. Landslides
___ 8. This is a family of viruses caused by CoviD – 19.
A. Coronaviridae B. Corona C. Flu D. Pneumonia
___ 9. This occurs when a species’ population becomes so excessive that people
deem, it must be managed.
A. Family planning C. Overpopulation
B. B. Population control D. Educate the people
___ 10. It is a social issue among teen girls who are sexually active and occasionally
become pregnant and give birth between thirteen and nineteen years of age.
A. Eating disorders B. Teenage pregnancy C. Bullying D. Depression
___ 11. Which action of a person is not an effect of bullying?
A. Academic achiever B. Depression C. Anxious D. Feel tired/sad
___ 12. This occurs when a person is actively searching for employment and is
unable to find work. This social issue is referred to ______________
A. Overemployment B. Bystander C. Unemployment D. Worker
___ 13. Severe financial hardship and poverty, debt, homelessness and housing
stress, family tensions and boredom are some of the effects of _______________
A. Overemployment B. Unemployment C. Worker D. Bystanders
___ 14. Falling mortality rate, underutilized contraception, and lack of female
education are the causes of _______________
A. Overpopulation B. Unemployment C. Worker D. Bystanders
Test ll. MATCHING TYPE. A) Directions: Analyze the picture/s based on the social
issues and dispositions faced by teenagers of today. Match the pictures in column A
with the description in column B. Write the letter on the blank provided.
___15. A.Poor eating habits
B. Alcoholic
C. Teenage pregnancy
D. Gender discrimination
E. Cyberbullying
F. Bullying




B. Directions: Match the cause/s of the social issues in column A with the effects in
column B. Write the letter only.
20. Global warming is caused by the increased concentrations of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere.
21. Poverty is caused by the unequal distribution of wealth, colonization,
discrimination, and poor governance.
22. Teen suicidal is caused by a psychological disorder, especially depression,
bipolar disorder, and alcohol/drug use.
23. Air pollution is caused by solid and liquid particles and certain gases that are
suspended in the air.
24. Gender discrimination is caused by uneven access to education, lack of
employment equality, job segregation, and racism.

A. Unfair treatment based on a person’s sex
B. Lead to heart disease, lung cancer, respiratory diseases such as emphysema
C. Hurting oneself without meaning to cause one’s own death
D. Linked with negative conditions, homelessness, inadequate nutrition and food
E. Higher temperatures are worsening many types of disasters, including storms,
heat waves, floods and droughts
Test lll. Reading Comprehension. Directions: Read and understand the passages,
then answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Outdoor air pollution is a mix of chemicals, particulate matter, and biological

materials that react with each other to form tiny hazardous particles. It contributes to
breathing problems, chronic diseases, increased hospitalization, and premature mortality.
The concentration of particulate matter (PM) is a key air quality indicator since it is
the most common air pollutant that affects short term and long term health. Two sizes of
particulate matter are used to analyze air quality; fine particles with a diameter of less
than 2.5 µm or PM 2.5 and coarse particles with a diameter of less than 10 µm or PM10.
PM2.5 particles are more concerning because their small size allows them to travel
deeper into the cardiopulmonary system
The World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines recommend that the annual
mean concentrations of PM 2.5 should not exceed 10 µg/m3 for PM a0.

25. What are the components of outdoor air pollution?

A. mix of chemicals C. biological materials
B. particulate matter D. all of the above
26. What is formed when outdoor air pollution react with each other?
A. tiny particles C. tiny hazardous particles
B. pollutants D. pollution
27. What is considered as the key air quality indicator for it is the most common
air pollutant that affects short and long term health?
A. 10 µm B. particulate matter C. PM D. b and c above
28. What organization that recommend the air quality guidelines and should be
made annually for its mean concentrations of PM 2.5 should not exceed 10µg/m3 for
PM aO?
29. How does outdoor air pollution affect or contribute to humans’ health condition?
A. breathing problems
B. chronic diseases, increased hospitalization
C. premature mortality
D. all of the above
The issue on teenage pregnancy is widespread in various parts of the country.
Today, we face the painful reality that at a very young age, most young people have
children of their own.
During the world Population Day Forum held in Quezon City last July 2019, the
Commission on Population (Popcom) raised concerns about early and unplanned
pregnancies by citing that around 500 teenage girls have given birth in the country
everyday as more adolescents engage in premarital sex.
Popcom said some 196,000 Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 19 years old get
pregnant each year.

30. What specific social issue is depicted in the passage?

A. gender discrimination B. transgender C. self- identity D. staff
31. How can we eliminate gender discrimination?
A. increase diversity in the workplace C. practice social inclusion
B. get women on boards D. all of the above
32. In the passage, the social issue states on…
A. Popcom Day Forum C. Adolescents engage in premarital sex
B. Teenage pregnancy D. 196,000 Filipinos get pregnant each year
33. How can the government help prevent teenage pregnancy?
A. design programs aimed at reducing the rate of teen pregnancy
B. provide education about birth control
C. promote community service activities and teach skills to cope peer
D. all of the above
Test lV. Directions: Read each statements carefully, then answer the questions that
follow. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided for.
___ 34. Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain
some type of labor or commercial sex act.
A. Experiences devastating psychological effects
B. Works well with fellow teenage group
C. Ends – up traumatic stress
D. Has severe forms of mental trauma
___ 35. Which phrases are possible solution to human trafficking?
A. holds events to raise awareness C. help survivors
B. stay informed D. all of the above
___ 36. Which phrase is not a cause of human trafficking?
A. lead to higher risk C. create vulnerability
B. stay focus towards work D. complex and interlinked with political factors
___ 37. Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents
a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and
over 30 is obese. What social issue is depicted in the text?
A. overweight B. underweight C. obese D. obesity
___ 38. What is the normal weight of a person?
A. over 25 B. below 25 C. over 30 D. below 30
___ 39. Which practice is not a common cause of obesity?
A. physical inactivity C. experiencing psychological factors
B. overeating D. eating nutritious and healthy foods
___ 40. Which statement is not an obesity prevention to adults?
A. Consume less “bad” fat and more “good” fat
B. Consume less processed and sugary foods
C. Eat more servings of vegetables and fruits
D. Engage least in physical activity

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

English 9 Teacher- Sangat NHS MT1 – English

Edited by:

School Head – CLONHS

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