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Read the Instruction carefully and answer the following question.

By your own understanding or opinion answer the following question.

1. What is the importance of Evaluating the good services in the business?

 You can enhance your procedures by evaluating your customer
service. You might be able to make more informed decisions about
your rules and processes by recognizing trends in your customer
service. You may meet client wants more successfully and raise
customer satisfaction rates by following these trends.
 The first focus of company marketing was on strengthening the brand's
reputation and offerings. A group of pleased and satisfied consumers is
like receiving the highest possible rating for your company.

2. What is the different between good and services?

 These commodities and services can both be considered as these
things. Services are ethereal in nature, whereas goods are tangible in
the sense that they have a physical existence and can be touched.
Both commodities and services are intended to be useful to and
satisfying for the consumer.
 Goods are observable, touchable, and palpable objects. Services are
immaterial items that the user experiences but which cannot be
touched, seen, felt, or heard.

3. What is the different between wants and needs?

 A need is something that is required in order to exist and function.
Something that can raise your quality of life is a want. According to
these standards, a needs entails access to food, clothing, housing, and
healthcare, and a want entails everything else.

Read the Instruction carefully and answer the following question.

Base on your own understanding or opinion answer the following question.
1. For you what is flexibility?
 In its broadest meaning, flexibility relates to how one or more varia
respond. the alteration of one or more relevant factors. It denotes that
in management. responsiveness of management strategies and
initiatives to environmental changes. is a quality that enables
management to react to changing circumstances.

2. What is cost?
 A cost is the worth of money that has been expended to produce
something or provide a service and is therefore no longer available for
use in production, research, retail, and accounting. In the case of an
acquisition cost, the money spent on the acquisition is considered the
 Cost is the sum of money needed to produce, market, and sell goods
and services or to purchase assets. A cost is added to costs when
anything is sold or consumed. The charge to expense in the case of an
asset may be postponed for quite some time.

3. What is quality?
 Quality refers to how good something is compared to other similar
things. In other words, its degree of excellence.

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