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Read the Instruction carefully and answer the following question

Base on your own understanding or opinion answer the following question.

1. What are the risk of adopting a new technology too early?

➢ Early adopters in the business world run a high risk of utilizing an
unrefined product or technology that may not be compatible with other
products they possess or may not work with those of their suppliers or
➢ Early adoption comes with obvious risks. The drawbacks of innovation
and early adoption include unstable systems, undocumented "features"
of the tools you use, and being out on your own while attempting to
make something work. Despite these drawbacks, each has its own

2. What are the risk of adopting a new technology too late?

➢ By delaying the adoption of new technologies, you effectively give your
rivals an advantage. Contractors who possess the culture of
technology and innovation that you lack will advance; they will secure
more business, complete projects more successfully, and establish a
reputation as industry leaders.
➢ Early adoption comes with obvious risks. Stable systems,
undocumented features of the tools you use, and being on your own
attempting to make anything work are all risks associated with
innovation and early acceptance, but they also provide advantages.

Read the Instruction carefully and answer the following question

By your own understanding or opinion answer the following
question. What do you think?

In what ways has technology benefited your life and work as a student?
➢ Students now have instant access to a wide range of activities and
information sources thanks to technology. Instead of travelling to the library,
where resources could be scarce, teachers can find leveled readers much
easier and students can choose research topics that suit their interests.

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