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Checklist (Dos and Don'ts) for Kartik (Damodar) month

Kartik (Damodar) is the best, the purest of purifiers, and the most glorious of all months. Kartik month is particularly
dear to Lord Sri Krishna. This month is full of bhakta vatsalya. Any vrata, even the smallest, will yield huge results. The
effect of performing a Kartik Vrata lasts for one hundred lifetimes, Kartik or the festival of offering lamps to Lord
Krishna, glorifies Lord Krishna’s pastime of being bound with ropes by Mother Yashoda.

❏ Chant the minimum quota (16) rounds of Hare Krishna maha mantra

❏ Chant extra rounds of Hare Krishna maha mantra

❏ Wake up early & take bath in the Brahma muhurta hours (around 2 hours before sunrise)
(call the holy rivers in water : Ganga, Yamuna etc. if you can’t physically go to these holy rivers)

❏ Offer ghee lamp daily to Sri Yashoda Damodar picture (deity)

❏ Sing Damodarastakam (prayers by Satyavrata muni)

❏ Serve Tulsi devi - offer to Lord Krishna, water, circumambulate, perform arati, etc.

❏ Perform morning programs - Gurvastakam, Narsimha arati, Guru Puja, etc.

❏ Eat only prasadam (moderate eating and sleeping)

❏ Read Srimad Bhagvatam daily (Prayers of Gajendra , Krishna lila, Gopi Gita)

❏ Austerity: Refrain from things which are not favorable for Bhakti (gossip, TV, movies, etc.)

❏ Sing Caitanya Siksastakam

❏ Practice brahmacharya – celibacy

❏ Read Updeshamrata - Nectar of Instruction by Srila Rupa Goswami (at least 1 verse a day)

❏ Observe all the festivals of Kartik month - Govardhan Puja, Gopastami, Diwali, etc.

❏ Associate more with devotees - (in person or online)

❏ Circumambulate temple, deities, tulsi, etc.

❏ Go to holy places: Vrindavan etc. (if not physically - go virtually - hearing/ remembering)

❏ Give Charity to serve cows, vaishnavas, temples, book distribution, etc.

❏ Read Bhagavad Gita daily - (at least 1 verse a day)

❏ Worship deities by offering flowers, tulsi, nice Bhoga, lamp, etc.

❏ Involve the entire family and kids to follow the Kartik month joyfully

❏ Inspire (outreach) others to offer lamp to Lord Krishna and get the mercy of Kartik month


“A human being who wastes the month of Kartika is like the fool who acquires a cintamani (most
precious) gem and then throws it in mud. O brahmanas, one will be rejected by Sri Krishna if he
spends Kartika without regulations, because this month is very dear to Him.” -Padma Puran
Compiled by Shubha vilas Govinda Das (ISKCON Tampa, Florida)

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