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My little world of lies

What are the main characters?

Navali Kavanagh (male)
Caliqui Le Moitre (male)

What is this story about?

Discovering their love for each other as they go through together with their journey to fix themselves
along with the world.

What are there ambitions? Goals? Motivation?

Caliqui was a devoted police officer who wanted nothing but to serve people justice, till his own
passion would turn back against him and would be pushed into a corner to go on a hide and run escape.
Before the chief apologises as he was accused of murder by his co-worker.
It felt very close to home when people asked why he wanted to be a police. It was simple but
traumatising. It was because of his mum’s tragic death. He watched her own mum choking in pain as
the attacker sliced her throat open, no one helped her as the attacker continuously attacked her in the
public street. People watched. Officer’s watched. He watched and he couldn't do anything, he was a kid
after all.

Navali was a Russian soldier and a former dancer. He was always cherished with love by his family for
how talented he is. He always dreamt about becoming a soldier to protect his country when he was a
little kid. He adored Russia, although it always saddened him when he always see people starving in
the cold on the streets. He believed that the Russian government did it’s best to help its people and the
western were the one at fault for all the horrible things that happen inside Russia's walls. But that
would change everything when he joined the army. He saw violence everywhere when it was not
necessary. He saw the real Russian government as a fraud. He felt betrayed. So betrayed that he
decided to left Russia and go to England.

Where do they reside from?

United kingdom, England, Manchester embarrassed

Their imperfections
Navali has a hard time letting people in his bubble. He feels as if he is going to be betrayed every
minute. At with that, He likes to be in control of things rather than to be controlled. He inserts
dominance in every situation even if it was not necessary. Everytime someone gets on top of him or
makes him feel submissive, it reminds him when he was attacked
Caliqui has a massive clingy issue, he will literally go insane if you leave him alone for a minute.
Always anxious when he sees a red and blue lights passing by him or going by his directions.
Somewhat a masochist


Character’s information (solo)

Name: Navali Kavanagh
Gender: Male
Facial and Physical Features: He is a beautiful man with lashes green eyes, complimenting his reddish-
brown curls. His skin soft like feathers. His stomach hot with semi-hard abs, his chest plump and
bigger than an average male would have, but he didn’t bother after all, someone in the near future
would enjoy squeezing those little breast of his. Although he is blessed with many beauty, there is one
that he lacks. His height. He is not short but you can’t really say he is tall either. His height is 5’4
Age: 25
Job: He is a police officer who’s job is to patrol every night from 4:00 pm to 4:00 am. It was very
tiring, but it distracted him from his life outside his job. He was lonely, both from his job and from his
house. But it was more endurable when he was at job since he could interact to some of his officers and
other high ranking officers or civilians who come in the police station. But at his house was different. It
was just him, and his silly little companions, His nosy little shiba inu and his lovey dovey cat. They
distract him from once in a whie but it just makes it worst ‘cause he would think “ perfer prefer

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