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Lesson 9  Coined inferiority complex, exaggerated

feelings of weakness and inadequacy Claimed

that people overcompensate to hide their
feelings of inferiority.
ALFRED ADLER  We work endlessly to achieve social status, gain
power or acquire material possessions.
"A simple rule in dealing with those who are hard
 An Inferiority Complex occurs when the need
to get along with is to remember that this person is
for self-improvement is blocked.
striving to assert his superiority; and you must deal
 When one has constant criticism and repeated
with him from that point of view."
failure happens causing one to feel helpless and
 Alfred Adler was a physician, psychotherapist, insecure.
and the founder of Adlerian psychology,  Can become socially isolated and fearful Can
sometimes called Individual Psychology. develop an exaggerated competitive and
 He is considered the first community aggressive nature.
psychologist, because his work pioneered  Stagnation of growth in which difficulties seem
attention to community life, prevention, and too immense to be overcome.
population health.  Being overcome by a feeling lack of worth.
 His emphasis on the importance of feelings of  Feeling one never will be strong enough.
inferiority, the inferiority complex, is  Feeling one never will be intelligent enough.
recognized as an isolating element which plays
a key role in personality development. Theory of Inferiority
 Basic Human Motivation:  Need for self-esteem can be thought of as one
Drive for Superiority, the desire for self- of the social needs.
improvement, an "upward drive" for  A person's sense of self-esteem depends on
perfection. feedback from others.
 Basic Human Problem:  The need and anxiety it produces was
Inferiority Complex, extreme feelings of emphasized by Adler.
weakness or inadequacy; involves an inability to  Everyone feels inferior to a certain degree, this
accept natural limitations. motivates us to get better.
Individual Psychology  Common cause: parental neglect.
 2 methods of coping with inferiority->
Refers to the body of theories of the inferiority complex*, superiority complex*.
Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler, who held that  To deal with inferiority, people either
the main motives of human thought and behavior overcompensate by engaging in vocal
are individual man's striving for superiority and behavior*, or become lazy, tentative, and
power, partly in compensation for his feeling of helpless.
inferiority.  Overall, the way people overcome inferiority
Adler's Theory provides the basis for their lifelong personality.

 Suggested that every person has a sense of 5 types of inferiority:

inferiority. 1. Physical
 From childhood, people work toward 2. Intellectual
overcoming this inferiority by "striving for 3. Psychological
superiority." 4. Social
 Adler believed that this drive was the 5. Economical
motivating force behind human behaviors,
emotions, and thoughts. Inferiority Feelings and Personality

Adler's Inferiority Complex  Feelings of inferiority are a natural part of

personality development. They start in
 Alfred Adler: contemporary of Freud; placed childhood when we compare ourselves to
emphasis on human pursuit of superiority. adults and continue into adulthood when we
 Studied the influence of birth order on discover limitations to our abilities.
personality.  The natural and healthy reaction to inferiority
feelings is Compensation, efforts to overcome
real or imagined inferiority by developing one's
Inferiority Feelings
What Is Adler's Theory of Inferiority?
 The striving for superiority arises because as
 A psychological condition that exists when a
human beings we feel inferior.
person's feelings of inadequacy are so intense
 Inferiority feelings have their origin in our
that daily living is impaired.
encounter as infants in the environment. As
 According to Adler, all humans experience
human infants, unlike other animals, we are
feelings of inferiority as children and spend the
born immature, incomplete to satisfy even our
rest of their lives trying to compensate for
basic needs.
those feelings.
Feelings of Inferiority
What Is the Basic Principle of Adlerian Theory?
 One of Adler’s most well-known ideas is that
Adlerian theory purports that humans are
everyone experiences feelings of inferiority
social beings and therefore all behavior is socially
(i.e., worries that one is not achieving enough).
embedded and has social meaning. Adler
 Among psychologically healthy individuals,
emphasized the importance of relationships and
these feelings of inferiority encourage the
being connected to others, including the larger
pursuit of goals, providing motivation to strive
community in which people reside.
towards self-improvement.
 In other words, by developing positive ways of What Is Adler's Theory of Birth Order?
coping with feelings of inferiority, individuals
 A researcher named Alfred Adler developed
can end up achieving great things and making a
birth order theory in the 20th century.
positive contribution to society as a whole.
 The theory claims that the order in which a
 However, some individuals have difficulty
child is born shapes their development and
coping with feelings of inferiority, which leads
personality. Adler also claimed that family,
them to feel discouraged.
community, and social aspects play a major role
 Other individuals may cope with feelings of
in shaping a child's personality.
inferiority in unproductive ways, like behaving
selfishly in order to feel superior to others. The Science of Birth Order
 In Adlerian therapy, the therapist works to
 A researcher named Alfred Adler developed
provide the client the support and
birth order theory in the 20th century.
encouragement they need in order to cope
 The theory claims that the order in which a
more effectively with feelings of inferiority and
child is born shapes their development and
to develop healthy ways of overcoming these
 Adler also claimed that family, community, and
Superiority Complex social aspects play a major role in shaping a
child’s personality.
 Actually, caused by feelings of inferiority.
 Today, many psychologists believe that where
 "Safeguarding behaviors" are excuses for
you fall in your family’s birth order has a major
impact on your personality development.
 Compensation leads to lies, exaggeration, and
acting superior. Oldest Child
 The complex will only increase unless they get
 If you're the firstborn child, you have your
parents all to yourself for a period of time.
 Neurotics repressed feeling of inferiority belief
Because it’s your parents’ first-time being
that one is better than others.
parents, they tend to dole out attention to you.
 Feeling no one else is as athletically fit.
 They’re also extra careful when it comes to all
 Feeling one's own ideas are better than anyone
aspects of child rearing — from bumps and
bruises to early education.
 People behave arrogant, exaggerate their
 Eldest children benefit from all this attention.
 Your parents might expect a lot from you if  Some theories claim that firstborns are more
you're the oldest, especially as other children intelligent and have a higher IQ than later-
are born into your family. burns.
 Your parents might seem stricter with you, and  But the most recent studies show that
often expect you to set an example for your firstborns only hold a 1-point IQ advantage on
younger siblings and show responsibility. average over their siblings. Social factors could
 Studies show if you're the eldest child, you tend be to blame for this idea.
to demonstrate leadership skills.  Another study shows that firstborns might
 Maybe you're a leader in the workplace benefit from being surrounded by adults during
already, or rising to the top of your industry.‌ their first years.
 They absorb the way adults talk, while later-
Middle Child
burns are more exposed to the less-developed
 It’s a stereotype that if you're a middle child ways their siblings speak.
you're a peacekeeper, but there seems to be a  You tend to enjoy negotiation and compromise.
grain of truth behind the saying. You can often relate to people of different ages
 Because you lack the title of being the oldest or with ease.
the youngest, you seek to carve out a niche for  You can be competitive with your older sibling
yourself in the family dynamic. — maybe by breaking their sports records,
becoming more fluent in a language, or getting
Youngest Child
better grades. Or you might behave more
 As the baby of the family, you tend to take one rebelliously
of two paths when developing your personality,  The same study found that firstborns often take
according to Adler. a leadership and teaching role to their younger
 The first path is a clear journey to success, siblings.
where you try to excel in every way, often  Some theories say tutoring improves the
becoming the go-to person in the family. intelligence of the tutor — in this case, the
 Youngest children can also become avoidant if older sibling.
they lack the confidence or drive to excel.
Birth Order and Health
 You might have freedoms your older siblings
don't have.  Some people think birth order affects health.
 As your parents’ rules become more relaxed,  Studies suggest if you’re the oldest, you're
your parents can be more hands-off with you. more likely to have a lower birth weight than
 You're usually assured of your place in the your siblings.
family and can be very creative, rebellious, and  Later-born children have an increased risk of
outgoing. hospitalization due to avoidable accidents. This
could relate to a lack of parental attention in a
Only Child
large family. Younger siblings may struggle with
 If you're an only child, you've been surrounded mental health during puberty and young
by adults since birth. adulthood, and are more likely to be admitted
 That’s not to say you weren’t socialized with to the hospital for reasons relating to alcohol.
other children through kindergarten, the  Overall, researchers found most birth order
playground, or school. differences are due to where your parents
 But during your time at home, you socialized choose to spend their time and resources.
with parents and other adults, mimicking their
Other Factors That Influence Birth Order
behaviors and becoming "small people".
 Your parents might be overprotective of you,  Birth order is a complex subject. There isn’t a
leading you to become dependent on your “one-size-fits-all” for every family.
parents for support.  Different factors affect social family dynamics,
 You aren’t used to sharing clothes, space, or and results differ from child to child and family
parental attention with siblings. to family.
 This can make you intelligent and creative, but
Some other factors that influence birth order
also stubborn and set in your ways.
Birth Order and Intelligence
 Parental attitudes and culture. In some  Adlerian therapy consists of four stages:
cultures, even if a boy is born after four girls, he engagement, assessment, insight, and
may still be treated as the oldest. reorientation.
 Age difference. Adler notes that if children  In Adler’s theory, individuals work to overcome
have an age difference of more than three feelings of inferiority and to act in ways that
years, subgroups with different dynamics may benefit the social interest.
form. Most experts agree, but place the age
Four Stages of Adlerian Therapy
gap at five years.
 Twins. Most twins get special attention from In Adler’s approach to therapy, termed
parents, so experts say these rules don’t individual psychology or Adlerian psychology,
necessarily apply. therapy progresses through a series of four stages:
 Confidence. A child’s opinion of themselves
1. Engagement. The client and therapist begin to
determines their outlook and attitude. While
establish the therapeutic relationship. The
birth order helps shape their personality, it’s
relationship should consist of collaboration
not the only factor.
towards addressing the client's problems. The
What are the four main goals of Adlerian therapist should offer support and
counseling? encouragement.
2. Assessment. The therapist works to learn more
In general, the goals of Adlerian play
about the client's background, including early
therapy are for clients to
memories and family dynamics. In this part of
(a) feel more connected to others and be able to therapy, the therapist attempts to understand
interact with others in prosocial ways; how the client may have developed certain
styles of thinking that are no longer helpful or
(b) develop and practice more positive ways for
adaptive for them.
belonging and gaining significance;
3. Insight. The therapist offers an interpretation of
(c) learn to cope with feelings of discouragement the client’s situation. The therapist suggests
and inferiority in healthier. theories about how past experiences may have
contributed to issues the client is currently
experiencing; importantly, the therapist leaves
The Stages of Adlerian Therapy it up to the client to decide whether these
theories are accurate and useful.
What are the four stages of Adlerian therapy?
4. Reorientation. The therapist helps the client to
 Carlson demonstrates the four stages of develop new strategies that the client can use
Adlerian Therapy: creating a relationship, in daily life.
assessment, insight, and reorientation
Social Interest
 Individual therapy, or Adlerian therapy, is an
approach in which a therapist works with a  One of Adler’s other key ideas was the concept
client to identify obstacles and create effective of the social interest. According to this idea,
strategies for working towards their goals. people are at their best—their psychologically
Adlerian believe that, by gaining insight into healthiest and most fulfilled—when they act in
challenges, people can overcome feelings of ways that benefit society.
inferiority.  For example, a person high in social interest
 Moreover, Adlerian believe that people are might go out of their way to help others, while
most fulfilled when they are working towards a person with lower levels of social interest may
the social interest; that is, when they are doing bully others or act in antisocial ways.
things that are beneficial for society as a whole. Importantly, levels of social interest can change
over time.
Key Takeaways: Adlerian Therapy
 A therapist can help their client increase his or
 Adlerian therapy, also known as individual her levels of social interest.
therapy, emphasizes the individual’s ability to
bring about positive change in his or her own

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