Meeting - Saved - Chat (2021 - 03 - 25 18 - 43 - 23 UTC)

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10:40:27 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone : multifamilyU

10:40:49 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone : Thank you SO much, Mr. Bawa!
10:42:36 From Neal Bawa to Everyone : To answer the Florida question -
significant risk due to floods and hurricanes. Risks will worsen. Anyone looking to
invest in California should look at ratings provided by four twenty seven to figure
out the best places to invest in florida
10:42:38 From Neal Bawa to Everyone :
10:43:46 From Neal Bawa to Everyone : Think about it. As certain parts in
Florida become unlivable, other parts will get MORE expensive, as people move
there. Opportunity increases, as stress increases
10:44:35 From Neal Bawa to Everyone : Build to rent is so hot that everyone who
is selling build to rent communities is selling them at low 4 cap. So, there is
plenty of room to overcome short term construction cost issues
10:51:14 From TEAM | CRE Symposium to Everyone :
11:31:30 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone : Don’t miss any of the
11:31:34 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone : UPGRADE YOUR TICKET TO VIP:
(Follow the link, click tickets, select VIP UPGRADE)
11:33:01 From Michael J. McLaughlin to Everyone : Michael J. McLaughlin contact
information: (415) 655-9753; email:
11:51:49 From TEAM | Taylor Mills to Everyone : The Link: So sorry about that
Try this: Simply follow this link to the Event Dashboard and click the teal “MAIN
STAGE” button.
11:51:54 From TEAM | Taylor Mills to Everyone : OOps!
11:52:03 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone :
11:52:23 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone : Here’s the calendar link to
schedule a consultation with someone from the team!
11:52:28 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone :
11:52:46 From TEAM | Taylor Mills to Everyone : Here is the Link for Michelle's
11:53:56 From TEAM | Taylor Mills to Everyone : Congrats Maddy Sander!
11:55:06 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone : Jacky Hung!
11:56:55 From TEAM | Taylor Mills to Everyone : Nerses Aposhian
11:57:29 From Neil Sinclair to Everyone : Sinclair prize winner
12:19:10 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone : Thank you so much for being
12:19:35 From TEAM | Morgan Devenport to Everyone : No throwing up on the
screen, please. Haha.
12:23:00 From Tammy Garza 209.993.2930 to Kathy Libey(Direct Message) : Hi
Kathy! I saw you on the MWM last night :)
12:23:45 From Kathy Libey to Tammy Garza 209.993.2930(Direct Message) : Nice to
see you again. We should chat sometime.
12:25:31 From Tammy Garza 209.993.2930 to Kathy Libey(Direct Message) : Sounds
great! My Calendly link is
12:27:56 From Michael Manheim to Everyone : Linda - Richard Wilson breakout room
has no Richard Wilson
12:29:14 From Mark Robbins to Everyone : Linda, are you able to share Richard's
email with me?
12:30:02 From Michael Gilman - Cross Mountain Capital to Everyone : Hi everyone
deal sponsor here with flow in the northeast (Nh and VT) and Mountain West
12:30:12 From Kathy Libey to Everyone : Why is Richard Wilson not in our
Breakout Room?
12:30:35 From Mark Robbins to Everyone : Good question!
12:33:28 From Deborah Chan to Everyone : Why is Richard Wilson not in our
Breakout Room?
12:33:33 From KarenBaumann to Everyone : The Break out for Richard is just
people having conversations
12:35:15 From Alex Ko to Everyone : Alex Ko 949-391-9989, Landlord, creative
investor, equity exchanger.
12:37:31 From Lauren Olson DFW to Everyone : Lauren Olson 469.333.7777
12:39:25 From Chester Co to Everyone : Based from what I hear, seems like most
folks here are investing in multifamily. Does anyone here also invest in other CRE?
I’ve invested in over 1000 units and am also a deal sponsor for hospitality assets.

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