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Respected moderator, adjudicators and to my fellow debaters,

Once again a pleasant afternoon to all of you.

We will further on would like to elaborate our points on why

“Globalization hinders economic growth”

First of all, the opposition team said that (1) Globalization actually
provides job opportunities—but the one issue which comes to the
front line is employment and livelihoods. While people largely
favor more openness and interconnection between societies, they
are much less positive when asked about the impact on their jobs
and incomes. This also comes in handy with how fierce our global
competition is becoming. Others were concerned with the loss of
jobs as a result of industrial restructuring in the face of
competitive global markets, and the downward pressures on
conditions of work and workers’ rights.

Secondly, is its recurring impact related on poverty alleviation

and income inequality. As a matter of fact, economic benefits and
social costs of globalization are not just really evenly distributed
among groups which causes the said problem. A participant in the
Philippines dialogue even once said “There is no point to a
globalization that reduces the price of a child’s shoes, but costs the
father his job”. This is the frequent reference to the difficulties
faced by small enterprises in taking advantage of globalization.
This usually happens when some countries are more developed
than others.
And Lastly, is the frequent failure of multinational enterprises to
respect the law and labor standards. Which results in various
economic, socially and even environmentally costly problems in
our country. And worse, affecting one’s inflation.

Clearly, globalization isn’t delivering on its promises, and

particularly not delivering decent work. Workers can hardly trust
the current model of globalization when they see every day a
growth of the informal economy. The Philippines dialogue even
emphasized, the experience of globalization was often of “much
talk of markets, but in reality, very little access, much talk of jobs,
but they were somewhere else, and much talk of a better life, but
for others.”

Hence, why we conclude that GLOBALIZATION truly hinders our

ECONOMIC GROWTH. It causes increased income inequality, led
to some deterioration in environmental and social standards,
increased the risk of economic crisis and thus affected the
economy of countries negatively.

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