Second Puc English Kpe-1 2023 QP

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SUB: ENGLISH (02) Max. Marks: 100

a. Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
b. Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
c. One-mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
d. All questions including multiple-choice questions from section-I should be answered in the first three
pages only.
e. For Multiple-Choice questions, choose the correct answer and rewrite it.
f. Answer to question number 28 (a-j) and 29 (i-iii) should be in sequence and at one place.

I. Answer the following questions by choosing the right option. 12x1=12.

1. Who is compared to 'new snow on a raven's back' in 'Romeo and Juliet'?
a. Romeo b. Juliet c. Rosaline d. the sun
2. In 'Too Dear', which was the source of special revenue for the kingdom of Monaco?
a. spirits b. tobacco c. gaming houses d. poll tax
3. According to Kahlil Gibran, what may be given to the children?
a. Money b. house c. love d. thoughts
4. Which country has recognized the "the rights of nature" in its constitution?
a. Bolivia b. India c. South Africa d. Ecuador
5. In "A Sunny Morning", ____________ was the name of the villa where Laura lived in her youthful days.
a. Maricela b. Valencia c. Madrid d. The Silver Maiden Villa
6. Which of the following is NOT a way advised by the supporters of Tammanna to get back his land from
a. Court of law b. to have a treaty with Basavaiah c. to take the case to the police d. to have some persons to
attack Basavaiah
7. In the poem "To the Foot from its Child", the foot feels out life like _______________
a. a butterfly b. an apple c. a blind man d. an eyeless reptile
8. Whom does Borges call "a gracious woman"?
a. his mother b. his sister c. Emily Dickenson d. his wife
9. Where does the tender sunshine lean on according to Kuvempu?
a. the poet b. the edge of the waves c. the heaven d. the verdant gardens
10. What has more dangers than anything else in Japan according to Mikes?
a. feeding a deer b. getting into a bus c. eating soup d. learning to bow
11. In the story 'The Voter', POP means________________
a. People's Organization Party b. Private Organization Party c. Progressive Organization Party d. People's
Orthodox Party
12. In 'Where There is a Wheel', N. Kannammal is ________________
a. Writer of the Cycle anthem b. Secondary School Teacher c. District Collector d. Arivoli Central Coordinator
13. Complete the following by filling in the blanks using the right form the verb given in brackets.3X1=3
A number of persons ___________ (appoint) by Basavaiah to praise him. He ___________(tell) that his house
looked empty because Tammanna’s books __________ ( not keep) there.

14. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate expression given in brackets 1X2=2.
The election campaigning in Umuofia was__________. All knew that Marcus Ibe would have ___________
[ a land slide victory , in full swing, put of with]

15. Fill in the blanks with the right linkers 1X4=4

A dramatic chipko movement took place in the Himalayan village of Adwani in 1977 ________ a village woman
named Bachni Devi led resistance against her own husband _______ had obtained a contract to cut trees. Her
involvement in Ecology , ________ Chipko, _______ was taking place in the Himalayan region.
[that, when, with, who]
16. Rearrange the jumbled segments to form a meaningful sentence. 1X1=1
Silver maiden/the/ called/ Don Laura/ was/ her/ Locality/ in
II. Answer any Eight of the following questions [choosing atleast two from poetry] in a paragraph of 80 - 100
words. 8X4=32.
17. How, According to Juliet would Romeo be immortalized to the word?
18. Why did the criminal refuse to run away from prison?
19. How did the Navadanya movement help the farmers?
20. How does the poem ‘On Children’ bring out the relationship of parents and children?
21. How do Laura and Gonzalo conceal their identity?
22. Give an account of the strategies used by Tammanna to destroy Basavaiah?
23. How does Neruda describe the busy life of the individual as represented by the foot?
24. Why was the progressive organization party [POP] formed?
25. What is the role of Arivoli in liberating women?
26. Why is bowing in Japan a complicated process?

III. Answer the following in about 200 words. 1X6=6

27. How, according to Juliet, would Romeo be immortalized to the world?

Poetry is magical, mysterious and unexplainable. How does Borges explain the aspect of poetry?
Cycling has a direct link to personal independence! Describe with reference to “Where There is A Wheel”

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. 10X1=10
There was a general air of laughter when air India Boeing 737 took off from Delhi airport on its morning flight to
Bangalore. Not many had paid any serious attention to the demonstration given by the two pretty air hostesses on
what to do in an emergency. Soon the breakfast. It is only a four- hour flight from Delhi to Bangalore.
My father had opened his briefcase and was looking into some files and I pulled out a book and started
After three hours of smooth flying, suddenly the plane started dipping with a sudden lurch. Passengers, Who
were standing had to clutch to seats to prevent themselves from falling. I looked out of window and saw nothing
but white clouds. Some passengers who were dozing woke up. Suddenly the lights were on and we heard the
captain’s voice on the intercom. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain Mehta speaking. I regret to inform you
that the plane has developed engine trouble and I have to make a forced landing. So tighten up your belts and put
on your life jackets. The air hostesses, the steward will keep the emergency exists ready. Try get out of the plane as
soon as I land do not panic. God bless you all”.
There was a stunned silence after this announcement. The trained crew worked swiftly and competently.
So the 247 passengers were helped to put on their life jackets. We were asked to keep our heads down. One of the
lockers opened and a piece of luggage fell on a woman’s head. She screamed and the air hostess rushed to her aid.
a.Name the air craft that took off from Delhi?
b.What did the hostesses demonstrate on?
c.What is the duration of flight from Delhi to Bangalore?
d.The person who started to read a book was_______
a. the captain b. the narrator c. the narrator’s father
e. How long did the plane fly smoothly?
f. Who was the captain of the plane?
g. The captain had to make a forced landing due to
a. his ill health b. engine trouble in the plane c. poor visibility
h. Who will keep the emergency exits ready?
i. Add a prefix to the word ‘trained’ to form its antonym?
j. How many passengers were helped to put on their life jackets?
29. Read the following lines and answer the questions. 3X1=3
Seven years I could not walk a step.
When to the great physician came
He demanded: Why the crutches?
And I told him: I am lame
I. What could the speaker not do for seven years?
II. Who asked the speaker ‘why the crutches’?
III. The crutches were used by
a. The physician b. The speaker c. both of them

30. Reports the following conversations. 5X1=5
Don Gonzalo : I am a native of velencia. Why are you surprised to hear the name of that city?
Don Laura : I know that city as I spent several seasons there. Is the name maricela familiar to you?
Don Gonzalo : Yes.

31. Complete the following dialogue. 4X1=4

Bharat: Hello, Is it SBI Bank Kashmira

Laxman: ____________[Reply]
Bharat: _____________[Ask for information]
Laxman: December 30th is the last date for linking Adhar number to Bank Account.
Bharat: Is it Mandatory
Laxman: ____________ [Reply]
Bharat: ____________[Expressing gratitude]
32. Read the following passage and make notes by drawing and filling the boxes given below 8X ⁄ =4

A lichen is a plant consisting of two separate plants, a fungus and an alga, so closely associated with each
other as to appear a single plant. The algal cells of the association are always enveloped by the fungus. The combined growth
of the partners results in a constant definite form and the internal steucture of the lichens. This group has about 400 genera
and 15000 species. The science of the lichens is termed Lichenology and one who studies this science is known as

i. ii.

iii. iv. Enveloped by

v. genral vi. species vii. Science known as

viii. specialist in the field

33. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in ‘Deccan Herald’ dated
3rd September 2022. 5X1=5

Office Assistants
Qualification : II PUC pass. Computer knowledge must.
Apply within fifteen days to : The Manager
Pushpa Industries
Mysore Road, Mandya 571403

(Write XXX for your name, YYY for your address)

34. Imagine you are the general secretary of your college. You have to introduce the chief guest of ‘Environment
Day’ function held at your college Profile of the chief guest is given below. 5X1=5
Name : Dr. Praveenkumar. M
Native place : Belgaum
Education : M.Tech. IAS 2010 Batch
Served as : A.A in Bagalkot D.C in Bijapur
Present post : Divisional Commissioner in Belgaum
Achievements : Transparency in administration, Many pro people activities, sanctioned relief fund to farmers.
Interested in literature, music and photography of wild life Based on the information write a speech in about 100
words to introduce the chief guest at the function.
Given below is a vertical bar graph representing data about two crops wheat and sugarcane grown in Bagalkot
district over the years. Based on the information, write a report in about 120 words.

35. What do underlined words in the following extract refer to 4X1=4
Bharat, a software engineer in multinational company, was told that his (i) parents would leave Mysore the next
week. They (ii) decided to spend some days in Hubli Where (iii) their daughter, Geeta was living. She was eagerly
waiting for her (iv) parents at home.

k. His _________ ii. They ___________

iii. Where _________ iv. Her ____________


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