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SESSION 2020-2023

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Vaishali Prasad Name: Ishant Kumar
(Associate Professor) Enrolment no.:05721301720
Bba Department Batch: 3rd SEMESTER
Shift: Evening


NAAC Accredited Grade ‘A’ Institute
(Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Government of India & Indraprastha university)
PSP, institutional area, Madhuban chowk, Rohini, new Delhi- 110085
Email:, Website:
Ph: 27555121-22-23-24 Fax: 27555120

1 Introduction to the topic
2 Literature review on the topic
3 Objective & scope of your study
4 Research methodology
5 Data collection and analysis
6 Finding and conclusion
7 Suggestions or recommendation
8 Response of questionnaire
9 Bibliography

the troposphere. However, once these chemicals enter the
stratosphere, ultraviolet radiation can convert them into
highly reactive species that can have a devastating effect
on stratospheric ozone. Similarly, anthropogenic CO2
emissions from combustion processes were considered safe
because they are not toxic, but the long-term accumulation
of CO2 in the atmosphere may lead to a climate change,
which could then be harmful to humans and the ecosystem.
Another drawback of this approach is that it does not
consider natural emissions as air pollution even though
they can be very harmful, such as gases and particles from
volcanic eruptions, and smoke from forest fires caused by
natural processes (lightning strikes).
So besides anthropogenic emissions, it is useful to also
consider geogenic emissions and biogenic emissions as
contributors to air pollution. Geogenic6 emissions are
defined as emissions caused by the non-living world, such
as volcanic emissions, sea-salt emissions, and natural fires.
Biogenic emissions come from the living world; such as
volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from forests
and CH4 emissions from swamps .
Human activity can also influence geogenic and biogenic
emissions. For example, human applications of nitrogen
fertilizers in agriculture can result in increased biogenic
emissions of nitrogen compounds from the soil. Also,
humans can affect the biogenic emissions of VOC by
cutting down trees or planting trees. Lastly, geogenic
emissions of dust from the earth’s surface can be altered if
the surface is changed by human activity.
So taking all of the above into account, we can define an
“air pollutant” as any substance emitted into the air from
an anthropogenic, biogenic, or geogenic source, that is
either not part of the natural atmosphere or is present in
higher concentrations than the natural atmosphere, and
may cause a short-term or long-term adverse effect.

Primary and Secondary Pollutants

Pollutants can be classified as primary or secondary.
Primary pollutants are substances that are directly emitted
into the atmosphere from sources. The main primary
pollutants known to cause harm in high enough
concentrations are the following:
• Carbon compounds, such as CO, CO2, CH4, and VOCs •
Nitrogen compounds, such as NO, N2 O, and NH3
• Sulfur compounds, such as H2 S and SO2 6
• Halogen compounds, such as chlorides, fluorides, and
• Particulate Matter (PM or “aerosols”), either in solid or
liquid form, which is usually categorized into these groups
based on the aerodynamic diameter of the particles:

1. Particles less than 100 microns, which are also
called “inhalable”10 since they can easily enter the nose
and mouth.
2. Particles less than 10 microns (PM10, often labeled
“fine” in Europe). These particles are also called
“thoracic” since they can penetrate deep in the respiratory
3. Particles less than 4 microns. These particles are
often called “respirable” because they are small enough to
pass completely through the respiratory system and enter
the bloodstream.
4. Particles less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5, labeled
“fine” in the US).
5. Particles less than 0.1 microns (PM0.1, “ultrafine”).

Sulfur compounds were responsible for the traditional

wintertime sulfur smog in London in the mid 20th century.
These anthropogenic pollutants have sometimes reached
lethal concentrations in the atmosphere, such as during the
infamous London episode of December 1952.
Secondary pollutants are not directly emitted from
sources, but instead form in the atmosphere from primary
pollutants (also called “precursors”). The main secondary
pollutants known to cause harm in high enough
concentrations are the following:
• NO2 and HNO3 formed from NO

• Ozone (O3 ) formed from photochemical reactions of
nitrogen oxides and VOCs
• Sulfuric acid droplets formed from SO2 , and nitric acid
droplets formed from NO2
• Sulfates and nitrates aerosols (e.g., ammonium (bi)sulfate
and ammonium nitrate) formed from reactions of sulfuric
acid droplets and nitric acid droplets with NH3 ,
• Organic aerosols formed from VOCs in gas-to-particle
In the 20th century, it was recognized that petroleum
products are responsible for a new type of “smog”, a
photochemical summertime smog composed of secondary
pollutants such as ozone, that is quite different from the
winter sulfur smog described earlier. This smog has been
labelled “Los Angeles” smog, to differentiate from the
“London” smog described before.
Photochemical smog14 was first recognized15 in the city
of Los Angeles in the 1940s. After decades of research, the
smog was identified as the product of photochemical
reactions involving “precursors (nitrogen oxides and VOC)
and sunlight, with the production of ozone and other
secondary chemicals.
While nitrogen oxides are emitted by a wide variety of
sources, automobiles mostly emit VOCs, even though
contributions can be found from vegetation and common
human activities, such as bakeries.
Some secondary pollutants – sulfates, nitrates, and
organic particles – can be transported over large distances,
such as hundreds and even thousands of miles. Wet and
dry deposition of these pollutants contributes to the “acid
deposition” problem (often called “acid rain”), with
possible damage to soils, vegetation, and susceptible lakes.

There is emerging evidence, largely from studies in
Europe and North America, that economic
deprivation increases the magnitude of morbidity and
mortality related to air pollution. Two major reasons
why this may be true are that the poor experience
higher levels of exposure to air pollution, and they are
more vulnerable to its effects--in other words, due to
poorer nutrition, less access to medical care, and
other factors, they experience more health impact per
unit of exposure. The relations among health, air
pollution, and poverty are likely to have important
implications for public health and social policy,
especially in areas such as the developing countries
of Asia where air pollution levels are high and many
live in poverty. The aims of this study were to
estimate the effect of exposure to air pollution on
hospital admissions of young children for acute lower
respiratory infection (ALRI*) and to explore whether
such effects differed between poor children and other
children. ALRI, which comprises pneumonia and
bronchiolitis, is the largest single cause of mortality
among young children worldwide and is responsible
for a substantial burden of disease among young
children in developing countries. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first study of the health effects
of air pollution in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam.
For these reasons, the results of this study have the
potential to make an important contribution to the
growing literature on the health effects of air pollution
in Asia. The study focused on the short-term effects
of daily average exposure to air pollutants on hospital
admissions of children less than 5 years of age for
ALRI, defined as pneumonia or bronchiolitis, in
HCMC during 2003, 2004, and 2005. Admissions
data were obtained from computerized records of
Children's Hospital 1 and Children's Hospital 2 (CH1
and CH2) in HCMC. Nearly all children hospitalized
for respiratory illnesses in the city are admitted to one
of these two pediatric hospitals. Daily citywide 24-
hour average concentrations of particulate matter
(PM) < or =10 microm in aerodynamic diameter
(PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide
(SO2) and 8-hour maximum average concentrations
of ozone (O3) were estimated from the HCMC
Environmental Protection Agency (HEPA) ambient air
quality monitoring network. Daily meteorologic
information including temperature and relative
humidity were collected from KTTV NB, the Southern
Regional Hydro-Meteorological Center. An individual-
level indicator of socioeconomic position (SEP) was
based on the degree to which the patient was exempt
from payment according to hospital financial records.
A group-level indicator of SEP was based on
estimates of poverty prevalence in the districts of
HCMC in 2004, obtained from a poverty mapping
project of the Institute of Economic Research in
HCMC, in collaboration with the General Statistics
Office of Vietnam and the World Bank. Poverty
prevalence was defined using the poverty line set by
the People's Committee of HCMC of 6 million
Vietnamese dong (VND) annual income. Quartiles of
district-level poverty prevalence were created based
on poverty prevalence estimates for each district.
Analyses were conducted using both time-series and
case-crossover approaches. In the absence of
measurement error, confounding, and other sources
of bias, the two approaches were expected to provide
estimates that differed only with regard to precision.
For the time-series analyses, the unit of observation
was daily counts of hospital admissions for ALRI.
Poisson regression with smoothing functions for
meteorologic variables and variables for seasonal
and long-term trends was used. Case-crossover
analyses were conducted using time-stratified
selection of controls. Control days were every 7th day
from the date of admission within the same month as
admission. Large seasonal differences were
observed in pollutant levels and hospital admission
patterns during the investigation period for HCMC. Of
the 15,717 ALRI admissions occurring within the
study period, 60% occurred in the rainy season (May
through October), with a peak in these admissions
during July and August of each year. Average daily
concentrations for PM10, O3, NO2, and SO2 were
73, 75, 22, and 22 microg/m3, respectively, with
higher pollutant concentrations observed in the dry
season (November through April) compared with the
rainy season. As the time between onset of illness
and hospital admission was thought to range from 1
to 6 days, it was not possible to specify a priori a
single-day lag. We assessed results for single-day
lags from lag 0 to lag 10, but emphasize results for an
average of lag 1-6, since this best reflects the case
reference period. Results were robust to differences
in temperature lags with lag 0 and the average lag (1-
6 days); results for lag 0 for temperature are
presented. Results differed markedly when analyses
were stratified by season, rather than simply adjusted
for season. ALRI admissions were generally
positively associated with ambient levels of PM10,
NO2, and SO2 during the dry season (November-
April), but not the rainy season (May-October).
Positive associations between O3 and ALRI
admissions were not observed in either season. We
do not believe that exposure to air pollution could
reduce the risk of ALRI in the rainy season and infer
that these results could be driven by residual
confounding present within the rainy season. The
much lower correlation between NO2 and PM10
levels during the rainy season provides further
evidence that these pollutants may not be accurate
indicators of exposure to air pollution from
combustion processes in the rainy season. Results
were generally consistent across time-series and
case-crossover analyses. In the dry season, risks for
ALRI hospital admissions with average pollutant lag
(1-6 days) were highest for NO2 and SO2 in the
single-pollutant case-crossover analyses, with excess
risks of 8.50% (95% CI, 0.80-16.79) and 5.85% (95%
CI, 0.44-11.55) observed, respectively. NO2 and SO2
effects remained higher than PM10 effects in both the
single-pollutant and two-pollutant models. The two-
pollutant model indicated that NO2 confounded the
PM10 and SO2 effects. For example, PM10 was
weakly associated with an excess risk in the dry
season of 1.25% (95% CI, -0.55 to 3.09); after
adjusting for SO2 and O3, the risk estimate was
reduced but remained elevated, with much wider
confidence intervals; after adjusting for NO2, an
excess risk was no longer observed. Though the
effects seem to be driven by NO2, the statistical
limitations of adequately addressing collinearity,
given the high correlation between PM10 and NO2 (r
= 0.78), limited our ability to clearly distinguish
between PM10 and NO2 effects. In the rainy season,
negative associations between PM10 and ALRI
admissions were observed. No association with O3
was observed in the single-pollutant model, but O3
exposure was negatively associated with ALRI
admissions in the two-pollutant model. There was
little evidence of an association between NO2 and
ALRI admissions. The single-pollutant estimate from
the case-crossover analysis suggested a negative
association between NO2 and ALRI admissions, but
this effect was no longer apparent after adjustment
for other pollutants. Although associations between
SO2 and ALRI admissions were not observed in the
rainy season, point estimates for the case-crossover
analyses suggested negative associations, while
time-series (Poisson regression) analyses suggested
positive associations--an exception to the general
consistency between case-crossover and time-series
results. Results were robust to differences in
seasonal classification. Inclusion of rainfall as a
continuous variable and the seasonal reclassification
of selected series of data did not influence results. No
clear evidence of station-specific effects could be
observed, since results for the different monitoring
stations had overlapping confidence intervals. In the
dry season, increased concentrations of NO2 and
SO2 were associated with increased hospital
admissions of young children for ALRI in HCMC.
PM10 could also be associated with increased
hospital admissions in the dry season, but the high
correlation of 0.78 between PM10 and NO2 levels
limits our ability to distinguish between PM10 and
NO2 effects. Nevertheless, the results support the
presence of an association between combustion-
source pollution and increased ALRI admissions.
There also appears to be evidence of uncontrolled
negative confounding within the rainy season, with
higher incidence of ALRI and lower pollutant
concentrations overall. Exploratory analyses made
using limited historical and regional data on monthly
prevalence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
suggest that an unmeasured, time-varying
confounder (RSV, in this case) could have, in an
observational study like this one, created enough
bias to reverse the observed effect estimates of
pollutants in the rainy season. In addition, with
virtually no RSV incidence in the dry season, these
findings also lend some credibility to the notion that
RSV could influence results primarily in the rainy
season. Analyses were not able to identify differential
effects by individual-level indicators of SEP, mainly
due to the small number of children classified as poor
based on information in the hospitals' financial
records. Analyses assessing differences in effect by
district-level indicator of SEP did not indicate a clear
trend in risk across SEP quartiles, but there did
appear to be a slightly higher risk among the
residents of districts with the highest quartile of SEP.
As these are the districts within the urban center of
HCMC, results could be indicative of increased
exposures for residents living within the city center.

Our objectives for doing this project is to express our

disapproval of air pollution as it has been the biggest

cause of global warming so far. Things like greenhouse
gases and car exhaust are the most common causes
for air pollution
 Although Singapore is not causing so much air
pollution, there are countries like China which
produces a lot of air pollution. [ Most of the time
Beijing is covered with haze and the air quality there
is so bad that people are forced to wear a mask, to
prevent themselves from inhaling the bad air].
If we do not stop air pollution, the icecaps in the
north pole will eventually melt and the sea level will
rise, thus flooding the low lying countries. (Like
Singapore) It will kill cute animals like Polar bears.

All of us have a part to play! Air pollution is also

destroying the Ozone Layer and lots of animals thus
we want to reduce it. 

We think that by doing a campaign, we can warn

people of the cons of air pollution and tell them what
they can do to stop it.

The scope of environmental studies is very wide and it
deals with many areas like.
i)Conservation of natural resources,
ii) ecological aspects,
iii) pollution of the surrounding natural resources,
iv) controlling the pollution,
v) social issues connected to it, and
vi) impacts of human population on the environment

A Methodology of Assessment of Air Pollution
Health Impact Based on Structural Longitudinal
Modelling of Hierarchical Systems and Fuzzy
Algorithm: Application to Study of Children
Respiratory Functions
Assessing the effects of air-pollution is a significant
problem in the field of modern environmental
epidemiology. When modeling these effects it is
important that the models must be epidemiologically
meaningful and robust (that is, insensitive to
variations in the model parameters). The objective of
this paper is to propose a methodology for the
assessment of the health impact of air pollution. The
proposed methodology involves the construction of
models for complex dynamic hierarchical systems in
environmental epidemiology and their problem-
oriented interpretation.
The principal stages of the proposed methodology
1)Creation of a multivariate hierarchical structural
model based on system analysis.
2)Generation of a mathematical formalization for this
3)Development of a statistical model for a particular
study case based on the mathematical formalization,
using the generalized estimating equations technique
and time-series analysis. At this stage, for a
dichotomized dependent variable, a special fuzzy
algorithm was used. The algorithm employed fuzzy
membership functions instead of the binary variable
to obtain robust regression models.
4)Use of the “multi-layered” approach for model
interpretation developed by the authors. This
approach involved the creation of special functional
time-dependent coefficients that reflect the effect of
air pollutants at a given time. These coefficients allow
an epidemiological meaningful model interpretation.
Thus, they can be used for air-pollution health effects
The proposed methodology was used to analyze data
collected from lung function measurements in 165
children from February-September 2002 (about 4000
individual daily records). The subject variables were
age, gender, body-mass index, and place of
residency. The meteorological variables included
daily maximum temperature, average humidity and
barometric pressure. The air-pollutant variables were
suspended particles, ozone, nitrogen and sulphur
oxides. In addition, the effects were studied up to a 3-
day lag. The results demonstrated a statistically
significant effect of air-pollution on lung function.
Changes in most of the pollutants did not cause a
critical decrease in lung function. However, for the
observed period, a 10 mkg/m3 increase in ozone was
associated with a mean decrease in lung function of
6 units for a one-day delay.
Discussion and Conclusions:
The assessment of the health effects of air pollution
and their interpretation make epidemiological sense,
lending support to the correctness of the proposed
methodology. Testing the models by changing the
dichotomization cut off for the lung function variability
shows that the models based on the proposed fuzzy
algorithm are robust.


Air contamination happens when unreasonable

amounts of substances including gases, particulates,
and organic atoms enter Earth's environment. It
might cause maladies, hypersensitivities and even
demise to people. Air Pollution is worst in India and is
likely to cause more deaths. Amongst the top five
causes of deaths worldwide is CVD, COPD, lower
respiratory infections, and lung cancer. This paper is
to bring into highlight the air pollutants in India and
its effects on health. As Delhi is the capital of India, so
the focus of research was more on Delhi along with
Haryana from 2012- 2018 as compared to other
Keywords Air Pollution, Respiratory disease,
Cardiovascular disease, Immune system, asthma,
Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, India, Data
There were 7 million deaths in 2012 (WHO, 2015)
because of air contamination. Nine out of 10
individuals on the planet inhale contaminated air.
Recently, the air contamination status in Delhi has
experienced numerous adjustments as far as the
levels of toxins and the control estimates taken to
diminish them. The database of the World Health
Organization in September 2011 shows that Delhi has
the most extreme PM10 value by very nearly 10-times
at 198 μg/m3. Vehicles discharges were observed to
be related to indoor and open-air contamination in
Delhi. Contaminated air has a negative effect on a
human, influencing various distinctive frameworks
and organs. It shows intense respiratory
contaminations in young and constant bronchitis in

grown-ups, lung infection, and asthma.  Change in
vaporous and particulate air toxin fixations have a
checked and close transient relationship with
unfavorable results.

Air pollutants are classified as suspended particulate

matter (dust, fumes, mists, and smokes); gaseous
pollutants (gases and vapors); and odors. PM10 is
smaller than 10 microns (10µm) and is most
hazardous. PM2.5 occurs by the condensation of
gaseous pollutants such as SO2, Sulfur trioxide, and
Carbon monoxide; Nitrogen compounds such as
nitric oxide, NO2, and ammonia; Organic compounds
such as hydrocarbons; Volatile organic compounds;
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and halogen

derivatives such as aldehydes; and odorous
substances. Air Pollution effects the immune system
of the body, which acts as a host defence system that
protects against the disease .
TSPM: Stands for Total Suspended Particulate Matter
and one would get when a high-volume mass
concentration is done on a channel substrate. 
RSPM is a small portion of TSPM which is breathed in
by people through their respiratory framework. and
when all is said in done, considered as a particulate
issue with their breadth (streamlined) under 2.5

Material and Methods

The data was searched thoroughly in Google search
and PubMed. Data was obtained from World health
Organization (WHO), Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB), PPCB (Punjab Pollution Control Board), and
India is at 7th position among 20 most contaminated
countries of the world. Anand Vihar, R.K Puram, and
Punjabi Bagh are found to be the most contaminated
regions of Delhi, and Amritsar among Punjab found
to have most contaminated air. Air Quality Index was
found to be higher in these regions. Although AQI
has improved in 2017 than that of 2016, still it is
higher. Odd-Even campaign done in 2016, in April
(15-30) NO2 increases in Anand Vihar. The average
PM2.5 and PM10 were found to be higher during the
odd-even periods when compared with the pre-trial
The RSPM value has increased from 2013- 2016. It
shows decreased in 2017 in the month of October in
data available from PPCB for Vinod Milk Chilling
center, Amritsar but shows an increase from May-Oct
and decrease from Jan-March and same in April.

Muzaffarnagar shows the high value of PM2.5 in Uttar
Pradesh and Jhangirpuri and Anand Vihar shows high
PM2.5 value on Diwali Day 2018 at 6:00 PM.

Fig3 India comes at 7th position in the world as highly

populated country (WHO)

Air Pollution in Haryana on Diwali Day






Haryana is more polluted specially Faridabad  Town 
with high AQI Value in 2018 as compared to previous

Fig 4 The most air pollution in Haryana is in Faridabad
in Sector 16 A recorded on Diwali day.
Air pollution in Punjab

Fig 5 Air Quality in Metro Cities 2009 in which Delhi

has PM 10 value 243 and that of Ludhiana is 254.

Diwali day Punjab Mandi Govindgarh at high value of
PM2.5 222 and less of all is Bathinda with PM2.5 value
of 118.

Fig 6 Air pollution in 2015 in Punjab

Fig 7 Air quality on 13th Nov 2018 in Punjab Mandi
Govindgarh and Jalandhar the highly polluted areas
Air pollution in Karnataka

Fig 8 2015 shows Bangalore more polluted then

Fig 9 Diwali Day  AQI Index  of  134 was seen in City
Railway Station, Bangalore.

The basic dimensions of PM are probably going to
damagingly affect the soundness of the nationals in
Bangalore that may result
in a gigantic weight on the general wellbeing
framework. Likewise, if this somehow happened to
influence the talented youthful human asset, it would
represent a risk to the city's economy that is
developing exponentially. It is essential
that the administration tends to the issue of
wellbeing affect because of air contamination by
holding fast to stringent
proportions of contamination control.
There is a requirement for more extensive research
and distributions in the zone of air contamination and
its consequences for wellbeing. Specifically, the
advancement of an important and far reaching proof
base would prepare Bangalore and India with the
capacity to take educated activities [14]

Air pollution in Delhi

Fig 10 Jhangirpuri showing the high AQI value in

Diwali Day in Delhi

Fig 11  Air Pollution on Diwali day in various areas of
Delhi in 2017
On Diwali Day PM10 value was high in Janakapuri as
compared to ITO, Pitampura and Parivesh Bhawan.
PM2.5 is higher in Pitampura. The So2 conc. And PM
10 and PM2.5 increases as compared to pre-Diwali

Fig 12  Air Pollution Pre-Diwali Day in various areas of
Delhi in 2017.
On Pre-Diwali day the value of PM 10 was noticed
higher in Pitampura.

Fig 13 Air Quality Index 2017 in  Anand Vihar , RK
Puram and Punjabi Bagh
Air Quality Index in 2017 is higher in Delhi as
compared to Faridabad, Varanasi, Lucknow, Jaipur,
Kanpur, Patna, Muzzaffarpur, Agra and Jodhpur.

Fig 14 Odd Even (April 15-30) and Pre-Odd Even
(April 1-14) No2 Conc in 2016. In R.K Puram, Punjabi
Bagh, Anand Vihar and Shadhara
During Odd- even in Delhi NO2 conc. Was found to
be higher in Anand Vihar.

Fig 15 Odd Even and Pre-Odd Even So2 Conc. In R.K
Puram, Punjabi Bagh, Anand Vihar and Shadhara

Fig 16  PM2.5 VALUE in RK Puram, Punjabi Bagh,
Anand Vihar and Shadhara

Fig 17 PM10 values

Fig 18      Showing PM2.5 value in various areas of

Types of Pollution-
1)     Air Pollution – It is caused by harmful gases and
smoke. Harmful gases include oxides of Carbon,
Nitrogen and Sulphur. There are two types of air
a)      Outdoor pollution
b)     Indoor pollution
a)      Outdoor Pollution- Sources for outdoor
pollution includes both natural and manmade where
natural pollution includes forest fires, oxides of
sulphur and nitrogen lightning strikes and particulate
matter. Manmade includes burning of fuels such as
coal, oil, power stations, industries and vehicles.
b)     Indoor pollution – Air inside the house or in
office building is refer to as indoor air pollution and is
more dangerous then Outdoor pollution as we spend
most time in the house or in office. Source of indoor
pollution includes tobacco smoke, pesticides be used,
household products and mostly the materials used
inside the house making such as formaldehyde and

2)     Noise pollution- Noise pollution      

or Sound pollution have the harmful effect of noise
on human and animals. Machine, transport, loud
music is the major cause of sound pollution.
3)     Water pollution—It is the contamination of
water bodies like lake, rivers, ground water and
oceans as a result of human activities. It occurs when
the waste water get mixed with natural water making
it unsafe, polluted for drinking, and irrigation
4)     Land or Soil Pollution: It is the pollution in which
land is filled with industrial waste or garbage’s.
Effects of health on Air pollution
Respiratory diseases in Delhi from 2012 arose to 5
million. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease has
been increased from 2016 and is of great concerned
as the ambient air quality is getting worse.  There has
been rise of COPD cases from 28.1 million cases to
55.3 million cases in 2016 and an increase in
prevalence from 3.3 % to 4.2%. It also has side effect
on heart making an increase in Cardiovascular
disease. About 2000 patients for the age group of 18-
70 yrs was tested suffering from COPD in Ludhiana
district, and surrounding areas of Moga, Jalandhar,
Machiwara, and Ferozpur. Air pollution in Punjab is
highly concerned effecting young people with COPD. 
Outdoor air pollution has also become leading cause
of cancer. Most of the effect of pollution is creation of
hole in the ozone layers which protects us from

harmful Ultraviolet rays emitted by the Sun, and it
may cause skin cancer and cataract.

Fig 19 Asthma cases were studied among children’s in

Delhi in 2002-2009.

Fig 20 Death rate due to Air Pollution in India in 2016 

Fig 21 COPD death cases were more in 2016
The conc. Of No2, So2, PM10 increases during Diwali
day in a study done from 2002 -2007 Similar results
have noticed an increase in conc. Of SO2, PM 10,
PM2.5 however, the conc. Of NO2 was found to be
less on Diwali day as compared to Pre- Diwali day in
various areas of Delhi. In research done in 2006-2008,
it didn’t show considerable variation in conc. Of NO2.
Comparison of data of 5th Nov 2017 and 5th Nov
2018 shows PM2.5 value high in Punjabi Bagh. Anand
Vihar ranks high PM2.5 value for 05 Nov 2018 from
Punjab, Faridabad, Uttar Pradesh, etc. Agra seems to
be highly polluted at 9 AM then 05 Nov 2018 at 6:00
PM and there was an increase in PM2.5 value in
Panchkula and Ahmedabad. Day time should have
been decreasing as other cities except for Kanpur for
which data was not available but Agra shows high
PM2.5 value. This year before Diwali PM2.5 and
NO2value have increased as compared to previous
Diwali day in areas of Delhi Anand Vihar, R.K Puram,
and Punjabi Bagh. These areas are quite unsafe for
people to breath as they are more risk in developing
heart or COPD and cancer disease.
PM 10 value for Anand Vihar is more than RK Puram
and Punjabi Bagh in April, October and November
Anand Vihar, Jahangirpuri is found to be the more
polluted area of Delhi. . In Apr PM10 value is more
cause of pollution whereas in Oct and Nov the main
cause of pollution is PM2.5.
Most of the pollution is from the Residential area as
compared to the industrial area in 2015. PM2.5 is
higher as compared to PM10 value on Diwali Day.
Tobacco smoke and traffic pollution are mostly
affecting the health of children

There seems to be correlation between PM2.5, NO2,
SO2, CO and PM10; however, the correlation between
PM2.5 and NO2 was found to be 0.50 and that of
PM2.5 and PM10 was found to be 0.68

Fig 22 Showing correlation between PM2.5 and PM10

Correlation coefficient for PM2.5 NO2 is 0.468688 and
for that of PM2.5 and PM10 IS 0.8

Fig 23 Faridabad the high polluted area

Fig 24 Anand Vihar showing high pollution as

compared to RK Puram and Punjabi Bagh.
The research done shows that almost entire Delhi,
mainly Ashok Vihar, Wazirpur, Jhangirpuri, Anand
Vihar, RK Puram, and Punjabi Bagh, UP mainly
Muzffarnagar, Greater Noida, Haryana mainly
Faridabad are quite unsafe for people living. In
Punjab Mandi Govindgarh and Jalandhar are most
polluted areas. There was rise in respiratory cases in
Anand Vihar and  Anand Vihar is considered as the
most polluted area of Delhi. The highest AQI index on
Diwali day was found to be in UP and on next day in
Faridabad. Air pollution is the biggest problem in
India in the three states Delhi, UP and Haryana and it
is cause of respiratory, cardiovascular disease and
skin cancer.

While we can debate all day about specific levels or
exact factors actually harming our health, we seem to
know on a general level that air pollution just isn’t a
good thing to have around. Science is constantly
evolving, and we are learning more every day about
the hazards of pollution and the role that the
environment has on our health.  Recently, new
reports on air pollution and disease have surfaced,
providing more evidence that air quality may affect us
even more than we thought.
While more research is needed to ascertain the
particular contributing factors, we have long known
that diesel pollution, commonly found in the air near
freeways, has been found to be harmful to human
health. The trigger by which traffic-related air pollution
affects respiratory and cardiovascular disease, and
perhaps autism, is through inflammation and
oxidative stress.
Environmental factors like poor air quality need more
attention – especially in Delhi. We need more study,
more monitoring, more discussion and more public
awareness. Our health continues to be at risk

1. Using public transports
Using public transport is a sure short way of
contributing to less air pollution as it provides with
less gas and energy, even carpools contribute to it.
In addition to less release of fuels and gas, using a
public transport can also help in saving money.

2. Turn off the lights when not in use

The energy that the lights take also contribute to air
pollution, thus less consumption of electricity can
save energy. Use energy saving fluorescent lights to
help the environment.

3. Recycle and Reuse

The concept of recycle and reuse is not just
conserve resources and use them judicially but also
is helpful for air pollution as it helps in reducing
pollution emissions. The recycled products also
take less power to make other products.

4. No to plastic bags
The use of plastic products could be very harmful to
the environment as they take a very long time to
decompose, due to their material made up of oil.
The use of paper bags instead is a better alternative
as they decompose easily and are recyclable.

5. Reduction of forest fires and smoking
The collecting of garbage and getting it on fire in dry
seasons or dry leaves catching fires is a huge factor
for causing air pollution, moreover smoking also
causes air pollution and causes the air quality to
worsen along with obviously damaging one’s health.

6. Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner
The usage of AC’s takes a lot of energy and emits a
lot of heat which is bad for the environment. AC’s
also take a lot of power and energy to work as
compared to fans.

7. Use filters for chimneys
The gas that is emitted from fireplaces in homes
and factories are extremely dangerous for air
pollution and harms the air quality severely. The use
of filters should be used at least if the consumption
couldn’t be lessened, this will help to reduce the
effect of harmful gases absorbing in the air.

8. Avoid usage of crackers
The use of crackers during festivals and weddings
is sadly one of the biggest contributors to air
pollution, leading to a layer of smog which is
extremely harmful for health. So, practice of no
crackers should be implemented.

9. Avoid using of products with chemicals
Products that use the chemicals in their usage or
smell strongly, like paints or perfumes should be
used less or outside the house. There can also be
an alternative to use products with low chemical
content and organic properties.

10. Implement Afforestation
Last but not the least, plant and grow as many trees
as possible. The practice of planting trees provides
a lot of benefits to the environment and helps with
the release of oxygen.


3) different case study of different author


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