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History Syllabus 2011-12

Mr. Paul Oswald
 B.A. History & Secondary Ed. Certification from the University of St. Francis  M.A. Educational Administration from Governors State University

 815.774.7400 ext.46085

Course expectations: Students will analyze the political, economic, social, and cultural trends that have contributed to the growth and development of American society. This course will also emphasize reading, writing, and analysis of primary source documents, as well as developing personal responsibility throughout the school year. Required Materials: You need the following items with you in class every day:  U.S. History Textbook  There is a class-set available for daily use; you may check one out for overnight use.  U.S. History Binder w/ a spiral notebook for notes (mandatory)  A pen or pencil Classroom Rules: See attached discipline plan. Pre-Dismissal: (not always applicable)  Last 3-5 minutes of class  See teacher if: name in log or absent  Low-voice level, stay seated, clean-up your workspace Behavior Logs: Sign it no questions or comments about it! Tardy Policy: Refer to the Student Planner. Entering and Leaving the Room:  Be in your seat when the bell rings, not standing around or in the doorway  You may use your Get of Class Pass to leave the room  Sign out/in log  Return to the room promptly and take your seat  You will have only 5 passes per semester, so make them last!

Class work and Homework Policies: 1. The majority of the grades in this course will be from exams, quizzes, projects, essays, DBQ s, homework and reading comprehension questions. 2. All returned homework, notes, and class work can be used on the exam.  Not everything that is done in this course will be for a grade but will be essential in being successful in this course. 3. Unit Tests, Chapter Quizzes, essays, assignments, and projects will be allotted an appropriate number of points based on the difficulty of the work. There will be upwards of 1000 points per semester.  There will be 1 Discovery Project per semester 4. Students will be allotted a number of points for each video shown throughout the semester. Failure to pay attention to the video will result in lost points. 5. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up missed assignments or to get missed notes. Please see me during pre-dismissal for missing assignments. Reminder: Just because you were absent the day before an exam or quiz does not mean that you will not take it when you return on the exam date! 6. If you plan on cheating in this course, you will receive a zero. This policy holds true for plagiarism on written assignments and projects. Grading Scale: 100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-0 F

Topics covered in this course include: Semester 1  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3 Goal 1 Forming a New Nation and Developing a National Identity Goal 2 The Civil War and Reconstruction Goal 3 An Industrial Nation and the Progressives

 Unit 4 Goal 4 Entering the World Stage (American Imperialism) Semester 2  Unit 5 Goal 5 World War I, The Roaring Twenties, and the Great Depression  Unit 6  Unit 7  Unit 8 Goal 6 Rise of Dictators and World War II Goal 7 Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, and Vietnam Nixon to Reagan

Note: There will be a Unit Exam following each unit.

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