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FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2076 I bargained with Life for a penny,

Subject: English F.M.: 75 And Life would pay no more,

Time: 2:15hrs Class: 7th P.M.: 30 However I begged at evening

Candidates are required to given their answer on their own as When I counted my scanty store;
far as practicable.
For Life is a just employer,
1. Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct option. 5
He gives you what you ask,
a) Mary brought a bicycle. ____ bicycle was expensive.(a, and the)
But once you have set the wages,
b) Sajama lives in Pokhara ____her husband.(by, with, since)
Why, you must bear the task.
c) The school was closed ____ strike.(because of ,in spite of, because)
I worked for a menial’s hire,
d) The mirror fell off and broke ____.(yourself, itself ,herself )
Only to learn, dismayed,
e) Nothing is wrong,_____?(is it, was it, were they)
That any wage I had asked of Life,
2. Change the following sentences as indicated.3
Life would have paid.
a) Binod told me that he was hungry then. (into direct speech)
Jessie B. Rittenhouse (1869 – 1948)
b) Inshore asked marry,"Would you come to the party?"(into indirect
A. Find the words which are similar in meaning to given words .2

c) This is the man. The man sells meat.(join with who) to make someone agree/ small amount of money/ empty,/unhappy

3. Fill in the blanks with correct words from the box beliow.2 B. Choose the correct option.2

drinks are playing drink were playing a) The speaker of the poem is _____.

a) The boy's _____ cricket at the moment. I .visiting a shop

b) I never _______ red wine. Ii. accepting less than he expected Iii. Asking for high wage

4. Read the following poem and do the activities.10 b) Life is compared with___ in the poem.

My Wage i. lawyer
ii. Owner of the house iii. Employer life forms and self enlightenment as a means of attaining Buddha
hood. Till recently, fraternal polyandry was practised among the
c) The speaker ___. Sherpa, with brothers same family marrying a single wife, and
i. counted his empty store sometimes more than one common wife. But with the advent of
modernity the practise of fraternal polyandry has died out. It has now
ii. Took the medicine iii. Become very sad been lessening among Sherpa in their community.

d) The word ‘menial’s’ in the poem mean ____. A. Write 'T' after true and 'F' after false statements. 2
i. having little skill about something a) Sherpa origin in Tibet.

ii. Responsibilities b) They are shifted in Kathmandu.

ii. Payment c) They follow Hinduism.

C. Answer the following.6 d) They had polyandry system.

a) What did the speaker do in the evening? B. Complete the following. 2

b) What is life for him? a) Mostly, Sherpa have their origin in______.

c) What is the central theme of the poem? b) They are migrated to Kathmandu for_____

5. Read the text and do the activities that follow.10 c) They follow_____ Religion.

The term Sherpa means people from the east in Tibetan region. That d) Until recent years, they followed_____ system.
signifies their origin in Tibet, a eastern province of Khams, which they
left five centuries ago in search of a better life to the mythical valley of C. Answer the following. 6
Shangrila. Arriving in the Khumbu region in the shadow of Mt. Everest
a) Where are they originally from?
after crossing over the Himalayan pass of Nagpala, they decided to
settle there. They later spreaded to neighbouring areas and now can be b) in which place do they mostly live?
found in the Dudh Koshi River and its tributary valleys and in the
Helambu and upper Trisuli valleys. They have also settled to other c) How did they come to Kathmandu?
eastern hilly districts.
6. Read the text and do the activities that follow.15
Some Sherpas have migrated to Kathmandu for better lifestyle. But
The blind as they sit in the doorways ,impassive in their eternal
most of them still live at higher altitudes between3000 to 6000 meters.
darkness, remain as calm as ever in the midst of this fresh gaiety and
They practise Buddhism and the ideals of these Mahayana Buddhists
not understanding what is taking place around them. They continually
are based on the belief of reincarnation, non-violence towards others
check their dogs as they attempt to play. He was a peasant, the son of b. How did the others treated him?
a Norman farmer. As long as his father and mother lived he was more
or less taken care of, he suffered little save from his terrible infirmity, c. What was he provided for food?
but as soon as the old people were gone, an atrocious life of misery 6. Answer any five questions. 20
commenced for him.
a. Why has he given time to his children? (Looking back)
Dependent on a sister of his everybody in the farmhouse treated
him as beggar who is eating the bread of strangers. At every meal the b. Who are voracious people? (How voracious Are You?)
very food he swallowed was made a subject of reproach against him,
he was called a drone , a clown and although his brother in law has c. In which field is Manang famous? (Agriculture in Manang)
taken possession of his portion of the inheritance , he was helped
d. How did the priest get his food to eat? (The Day Dreaming Priest)
grudgingly to soup, getting just enough to save him from starving.
e. What were the young lambs doing in the fold? (The little Young
A. Complete the sentences. 4 Lambs)

a. The blind sit in the doorways in their _______. f. Define forest resources in your own words. (Forest Resources)

b. His brother in law had taken ______ of the inheritance. g. What happened when the sage was praying in the river? (The Sage’s
c. He suffered little save from his______.
7. Write a short essay about “Water Resources in Nepal”. 10
d. He was helped ____ to soup.

B. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statement. 5

a. The blind man was son of a farmer.
b. His life was cheerful.

c. He was suffered from terrible infirmity.

d. Other farmers treated him as a beggar.

e. His brother in law treated him well.

C. Answer the questions. 6

a. What happened to the blind man after his parents died?

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