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Summary of the Pre-Spanish Filipino Civilization to the Ordeal

The Maragtas are myths that may or may not be based on real-life occurrences.
They speak of the 10 datus, or chiefs, who fled Datu Makatunaw's rule over Borneo and
settled on the island of Panay. These ten chiefs and their families are said to be the
direct ancestors of the whole Visayan people, according to folklore. This legend has
been commemorated yearly since the 1950s during the Ati-atihan festival.The Penal
Code of Rajah Kalantiaw, the third chief of Panay, is the second-oldest known written
code of the Filipino people.

It was consisted of eighteen orders (sugo) and was written in the year 1433. You
must appreciate sights that are revered, such as those of trees with a reputation for
value and other sights. Failure to comply will result in the payment of one month's worth
of work in gold or honey. Any rebellious individual will be slain by being dismembered
and transported to the Cayman Islands.

The elders assisted the datu in creating the barangay's laws. The supreme datu
would invite the inferior datus to his home when a decision needed to be made
regarding a law affecting the entire confederation. The rules that were implemented
were primarily based on usages, conventions, and tradition. These regulations, which
were handed down from one generation to the next, were thought to have been given
by God. The barangay, a settlement of 30 to 100 households living in a pook, served as
the indigenous Filipinos' governing body ("locality" or "area").

Ruled by a chieftain known as a datu, who was in charge of the executive,

legislative, and judicial branches of government The datu used his judicial power to
resolve problems and conflicts by acting as a judge (hukom). Trial and appellate courts
were both functions of the Real Audiencia de Manila. Its jurisdictions included exclusive
original, concurrent original, and exclusive appellate. The innocent defendant was
thought to always prevail in trials because it was God's will. The gods were said to
protect the innocent and punish the evil. Ordeals included a boiling water ordeal, a
candle ordeal, a river ordeal, and a wrestling or combat ordeal.

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