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By submitting this contract you are agreeing you have read and understood the class
syllabus and are committed to doing your best to be successful in this POLI 1 class.

 I love teaching and I really care about students. So, I want to make sure you are
taking care of yourself and setting yourself up for a great learning experience here.
 Please make sure you have read the syllabus and the class requirements and
especially that you understand the concepts of The Wellstone Triangle as a method
of citizen engagement and leadership development.
 Make sure you understand how to earn the grade you want and how many points
are required to earn that grade and what work it will take to earn those points.
 Make sure you have adequate time and desire in your life to successful this class.
 Make sure the way you want to learn is lined up with the way this class is set up in
terms of content, method and required work. People do not all learn the same way
and not all POLI 1 classes are the same. THIS class is especially focused on hands-on,
practical learning with a focus on training you in the actual skills to live in a
democratic society as an active participant. This is not just a theoretical goal for the
class. You will be required to participate in practical hands-on activities and
collaborative learning to demonstrate your competence in American politics.
 In other words, choose a class that is compatible with YOUR needs and desires.
 This is not a contract you should just accept without reading. Do not just blow this
off. Really pay attention to what you are signing so you understand the obligations
and opportunities you have as a member of my class.

 I understand and am prepared to participate in all of the class material and

assignments and I will make time to be successful in this class- both regular
classroom time and then enough additional “homework time” to carry out the
following weekly assignments:
 College Level (in both quantity and quality) weekly readings, videos and
class attendance (or the on-line equivalent)
 Five Reading and Video Quizzes
 Seven Chat Dialogues with my class partner that call for online meetings
with my group and time to prepare for these meetings
 Political Engagement Field work totaling a minimum of 12 hours of
volunteer work in a community Field Placement & Field Report(s)—or the
alternative to this assignment that may be offered.
 A Voter Registration Term Project that requires both hands-on community
engagement and a written reflective essay
 A Final exam essay
 This class is a participatory and hands-on learning class that calls for interaction
with my class partner, my other classmates, my class TA and Instructor, and with
people in my local community. This is NOT a class where I will just read or watch
videos at home and not interact with people.

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 I agree to follow up with my Chat Dialogue placement, setting up and completing

regular chat dialogues with my assigned partner group.
 I understand that I may earn up to 150 points of extra credit to make up any lost
points or to substitute for assignments I do not wish to complete.
 I will communicate clearly and promptly with my instructor and/or my class TA if I
need help or I have a question about the class.
 I will follow through on all commitments I make to myself, my class chat dialogue
group, class mates and instructor or TA – including and especially when I set up Chat
sessions with my partner.

I have looked at all my learning style and my options and have decided that this class is the
best choice for me!!

Replace this box here with YOUR profile photo by using the “Insert” tab and choosing

1. Your Name:
2. The grade you want to earn in this class: ______
3. How many total POINTS you plan to earn in this class: _____
4. On average, the total # of hours I will spend doing homework for this class each week
5. My current first choice for a Political Engagement Field Placement is:
6. The name of my Teaching Assistant is:
7. My time/day meeting with my Teaching Assistant is/was:

Date: TYPE NAME for Signature:

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