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This year, it was my first time joining EUMIND at Vibgyor High.

And to be honest,
it was worth joining this club. The paintings and projects we did, the memories I
made, everything was enjoyable. I felt, I was not going to school anymore but
going to a design academy. Our lunch breaks were not just filled with gossips and
laughter but were accompanied with a mix of paint, colours and vivid
imaginations. And the best part of this journey was my group. They were the most
supportive people throughout this journey and without them I do not think I
would have completely enjoyed this process or able to accomplish anything.
When we first started off our journey, I was excited and nervous at the same
time. We got assignments to do, we coordinated with each other through chats,
physical meets, researched about Van Gogh’s style and tried to incorporate it in
our group painting. We also held an exhibition and let me tell you, I had seen the
most beautiful creations out there. Everyone is so talented and artistic! And our
other fellow art groups, they were also supportive and less competitive. when we
had to create our song paintings, I got to know about the Dutch culture so much
and their different traditions and festivals. We interacted with the Dutch students
through the VC, asked some questions and answered theirs, also shared ideas
about our paintings and how we ended up making it. During the journey, I learnt a
lot, I learnt a new technique of painting - knife painting. In fact, it was new for all
our members. At first, we had difficulty with it but slowly and steadily we got
used to it. Was this a new beginning for me? Yes, because this was the first offline
year of school after 2 years and my first year in junior college. As well as after all
the interactions cut off between my friends because of the pandemic, I was able
to rekindle the relationships again with them as well as build new friendships with
other new people. We faced a lot of challenges, but if challenges did not exist,
how would have we showcased ourselves strong and how would this journey be
so interesting? This journey has been a thrilling part of my life and has taught me
the importance of coordination, cooperation and time. I would like to thank firstly
my team members, who have always cooperated and gave in their best for every
single thing we did, every single moment we passed. I would also like to thank my
teachers who were a big helping hand in this journey and without them we would
not have known how to go about this process. This odyssey has been very
meaningful to me, and I will make sure that I have learnt something helpful that is
going to help me be a better person in the future

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