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Comparison or Agreement Transition Words

These transition phrases and words reinforce the concepts and ideas directly preceding them, or enable the reader to
directly compare two preceding statements, ideas, or concepts.

Example: "Needing to gain only 2 yards for a critical first down, the coach was faced with going for it or kicking
the ball away. Calling a pass play seemed the safest bet. Moreover, the quarterback hadn't thrown an incomplete
pass all game."

 Moreover
 Comparatively
 Similarly
 In similar fashion
 Identically
 Likewise
 Furthermore
 In addition
 In light of
 In the same vein
 Equally
 Additionally
 As a matter of fact
 First of all
 In the first place

 Like
 Then
 As
 Compared to
 Although
 Likewise
 Too
 In the same way
 Of course
 In addition to
 Identically
 Part and parcel of
 By the same token
 Not only
 But also

Contrast or Contradiction Words & Phrases

Use these transition words and phrases to point out differences in ideas, or suggest to the reader that there are
alternative ideas to consider.

Example: "The coach decided to go for it on 4th down, albeit with a very simple quarterback sneak."

 However
 Conversely
 Despite
 In spite of
 Besides
 Nonetheless
 Nevertheless
 Be that as it may
 On the contrary
 Otherwise
 In reality
 Despite
 Although
 Then again
 Regardless

 After all
 While
 But
 Even though
 Whereas
 Rather than
 Even so
 Even though
 Unlike
 Yet
 After all
 At the same time
 Even so
 And yet
 In contrast with

Sequence and Time Transition Words

Convey a sequence of events or the structure and limits of time with these transition words.

Example: "Attention, passengers: At the present time, the subway is delayed because of a signal issue at the
Ashmont station."
 At the present time
 After
 Before
 Currently
 Eventually
 Finally
 Formerly
 Immediately
 Initially
 Lastly
 Later
 Meanwhile
 Next
 Previously
 Simultaneously

 Soon
 Subsequently
 To begin with
 All of a sudden
 Henceforth
 During
 Prior to
 At the same time
 In an instant
 Now that
 Quickly
 Once in awhile
 In time
 Right this minute
 Not a second too soon

Transition Words for Place and Location

Indicate location, presence, and state with these transition words.

Example: "The town finally voted to build a new high school adjacent to the old railway station."

 Above
 Over
 Under
 Between
 Beyond
 By
 Next to
 Below
 Behind
 Around
 Opposite
 Adjacent
 Central to
 In the background
 To the right/left

 In the back/front
 In front of
 Further
 Nearer
 Alongside
 In proximity to
 Kitty-corner to/from
 Across from
 In the vicinity of
 Inward
 Outward
 Amid
 Across
 On the horizon
 In the distance

Summarizing and Concluding Transition Words

Use these connecting words and phrases to summarize ideas and concepts, convey conclusions to readers, or restate
particular ideas and concepts.

Example: "Generally speaking, commuting into the city usually takes me an hour, except on rainy or snowy days,
when it can take as many as 3 hours to get to work."

 Briefly
 In brief
 Overall
 In summary
 To sum up
 To summarize
 In the final analysis
 Mostly
 For the most part
 At the end of the day
 After all is said and done
 In essence
 By and large
 Overall
 On balance

 Altogether
 In the short run
 As noted
 All things considered
 Hence
 In conclusion
 Thus
 To conclude
 All in all
 As demonstrated
 As discussed
 As decided
 As indicated
 Finally
 In fact

Examples, Emphasis, and More Information

This group of linking words and phrases will help illustrate, add more information, and provide examples for

Example: "There were a number of accidents and breakdowns on the highway today - surprisingly, I still made it to
school on time."

 Besides
 Furthermore
 In addition
 Indeed
 Moreover
 For example
 For instance
 In particular
 Particularly
 Specifically
 To illustrate
 To demonstrate
 For this reason
 Namely
 In detail

 To explain
 Such as
 Frequently
 In this case
 Putting it another way
 That is
 By all means
 In general
 Generally
 Truly
 Surely
 Hypothetically
 Putting it differently
 Significantly
 In fact

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