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NAME: Aubrey Cheeza Mae Faith V. Salud DATE: August 11, 2021 (Wednesday)
GROUP NO. :____________ RATING: _______________

Laboratory Activity 3
I- Draw and label the parts of animal and plant cell
II- Draw the Fluid Mosaic Model of the Cell Membrane. Label and give the function/s of each part
III- Complete the following table:


Nucleus The nucleus is a spherical- The nucleus controls and

shaped organelle that is regulates the activities of
present in every eukaryotic the cell (growth
cell. The Nucleus is the and metabolism) and
control centre of eukaryotic carries the genes,
cells. It is also responsible for
structures that contain the
the coordination of genes and
gene expression. The hereditary information.
structure of the nucleus
includes nuclear membrane,
chromosomes, nucleoplasm,
and nucleolus.
Mitochondria Mitochondria are The main job of
membrane-bound cell mitochondria is to perform
organelles (mitochondrion, cellular respiration. This
singular) that generate means it takes in nutrients
most of the chemical from the cell, breaks it
energy needed to power down, and turns it into
the cell's biochemical energy. This energy is then
reactions. in turn used by the cell to
carry out various functions.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum The smooth endoplasmic
Smooth ER (ER), in biology, a reticulum functions in many
continuous membrane metabolic processes.
system that forms a series It synthesizes lipids,
of flattened sacs within the phospholipids as in plasma
cytoplasm of eukaryotic membranes, and steroids.
cells and serves multiple Cells that secrete these
functions, being important products, such as cells of
particularly in the synthesis, the testes, ovaries, and skin
folding, modification, and oil glands, have an excess
transport of proteins . of smooth endoplasmic
Rough ER Rough ER looks like sheets Main function of Rough
or disks of bumpy Endoplasmic reticulum
membranes while smooth is protein synthesis and
ER looks more like tubes. help them fold properly.
Rough ER is called rough
because it has ribosomes
attached to its surface.

Golgi complex The Golgi complex is a cell The Golgi

organelle found in most complex prepares proteins
cells. and lipid (fat) molecules for
use in other places inside
and outside the cell.

Lysosome Lysosomes are involved

A lysosome is a membrane- with various cell processes.
bound cell organelle that They break down excess or
contains digestive worn-out cell parts. They
enzymes. may be used to destroy
invading viruses and
Peroxisome Peroxisomes are small Peroxisomes are organelles
vesicles, single membrane- that sequester diverse
bound organelles found in oxidative reactions and
the eukaryotic cells. play important roles in
They contain digestive metabolism, reactive
enzymes for breaking down oxygen species
toxic materials in the cell detoxification, and
and oxidative enzymes for signaling.
metabolic activity.

IV. Reference/s used:

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