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December 2020

A research paper presented to the Philippine Research Institute that aims to conduct the development of
Filipino Youth in the Philippines.

Table of Contents

TOPIC PAGE……………………………………………………………………….3




IV.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION………………………………………………..9




1.The purpose of conducting this research is to figure out the frame of mind of the

present youth generation.

2. The researcher conduct this research to determine the factors that affect the

developmental stage of youth.

3. It’s main objective also is to address an existing gap in the knowledge of studying the

young generations of the modern world, as this paper supply an adequate amount of data

prsented that will help fill the gap of the future researchers.

II. Introduction

“The Filipino youth are right here, on the cusp of greatness, brimming with

idealism, and poised to make the Philippines a better place.”(Ofelia 2011). Over 100

years have passed since these words were written, and yet the challenge to the Filipino

youth is as relevant as ever. As young adults on the quest of discovering who they are

and who they are meant to be, the role of nation building has been firmly placed in the

hands of the young generations. Mentors from generations before have done their part in

shaping the nation and grooming the youth to be the next change agents. In they short

stay here, they have witnessed the tragic effects of the nation’s most lamentable social

ills like the orchestrated misuse of government funds, the systemic violation of basic

human rights, and the continous loss of life and property due to abandonment and greed.

Through all of these, it has become more and more apparent that the nation needs more

Filipino than citizens. The purpose of conducting this research is to figure out the stance

of the young generation, the new generation of the contemporary world if still not in the

right path must be abled to figure out the precise mindset of being a Filipino that will be

in charged for the nation building along with the other youth.

The main factor that the researcher considered in conducting the research paper is

the attitude of the youth in the modern days. In the philippines, youth in the modern

society is a little bit aggressive than before especially in many things and they don’t even

bother now to know what is right and what is wrong. The attitude of this kind of thinking

is very alarming as it is not helpful in the nation and sometimes it causes trouble for

them. They are now facing a modern and liberated society that can lead them in terms of

many things like lack of self-control, lack of self-discipline and lack of self-respect.

Conducting this research will deal those kind of attitude for a more better and reliable


The result of the study will be a great benefit to the 21st century learners, targeting

the youth, as this study will help them to become a better version of the themselves that

will build the nation someday. The society, as this study will help them to construct

strategies and methods on how to lead the youth on dealing with the society’s current

status. The future researchers, as the researchers in the near future will make use of the

result of the present study as this study will serve as their basis and comparison to their

future study.

The research paper also will play a huge role in the contemporary world as it helps

the world to create a strong and responsible youth for the tranformation of the new and

better world.


This section interprets and describes the significance of the researcher findings in light of

what was already known about the research problem being investigated and to explain any

new understanding or insights that emerged as result of the researcher study.

The youth in the contempory world must have an adequate amount of ink to draw a better

nation. More than a hundred years ago, one of our country’s national heroes, Dr. Jose Rizal,

said that the youth is the “fair hope of the fatherland”(Youth in Transition, 2005). Indeed,

how well the the country will fare decades from now will depend on the performance of its

future leaders and citizens,today’s youth. Wether they will turn out to be good and

productive members of the society depends to a great extent on how competently they are

managing their current affairs, the life-changing decisions they make now and will continue

to make and the level of support the society provides in this trying period of their lives.

Mariano(2010) emphasize that one of the factors affecting the youth in choosing

decisions is their peers. He defines youth as a machine learning process. In his article, he

explained that when youth are placed in choosing decisions, 90% of them are keeping their

basis on their peers. When a certain student decided to not finish the homeworks, the

probability rate of the other student sorrounding the student to copy the sttudent’s action is

80% based on his given data. In developing the mind of the youth, peers are significant in


Santos(2011) corroborates Mariano’s idea that peers are one of the factors that affect the

development of youth. Since it is important for youth to “fit in” with their peer group ,

decision making are often contaminated by their peers. Santos described her idea by means

of comparing the youth to a rotted fruit. She said that when the fruits sorrounding the fresh

fruit are all rotted, chances are very high to demonstate that the fresh fruit will also rot.

While those two philosophy expert combines their thoughts together to form a strong

argument, Abad, a sociology expert presents that social media contributes a lot in affecting

the developmental stage of youth. She stated that social media, helps young generations to

cheat on school assignments and for those who work can get some idea of their work. If

social media is used on a light scale, it will the help the students to improve their grades.

However, for those students who are heavy users,their grades tend to fall incredibly. Her

study shows that students who are using Facebook have an average GPA of 3.06 while those

who don’t use Facebook have an average GPA of 3.82.

The factors presented by the differents research experts if overcome will contributes a

lot in creating a responsible youth in the future. The type of stance they will demonstrate in

the future will reflect in the the nation that they are currently living.


Abad, B. (2011). Youth perspectives on Social Media. Quezon City: Ateneo De Manila
University Press.

Jacobi C. (2015, February 3). The Modern Youth. Youth Transition, pp. 56-61.

Mariano, V. (2008). The PEERS Effect. Tondo, Manila: Anvil Publishing.

Santos, P. (2009). How the youth percieve peers? The peers on youth, 13-14.
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This section sums up the objectives, the discussion and the conclusion of the conducted


The study describes the youth on the contemporary world , a research paper that is a

phenomenological study. The Filipino youth in modernity is one of the most important

features of a nation and this study was conducted to know the factors that affect the

developmental process of the young generation. The three research experts presented that

social media and peers affect the development of Filipino youth.

The result of the research will contributes to the 21st century learners, the society, the

future researchers and the contemporary world.

Based on the conducted study, the researcher conclude that if these following factors are

easily controlled by the younger generations, they will not just be called a citizen but a future

nation builder of the Philippines. By recognizing the younger generations the vital role of

the youth in the nation-building, inculcating in them the patriotism and nationalism,

encouraging their involvement in public and civic affairs, the youth will surely be capacitated

and empowered to participate and fruitfully engage in discussions and activities on matters of

great importance, such as the Constitutional Reform. Aside from being an active member of

society, the youth are also responsible in building sustainable peace. They are key players in

peacebuilding because of their adeptness in developing personal integrity, discipline, and

open mindedness.
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The youth are daughters and sons,students, member of the community, and sooner rather

than later, the country’s future.

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