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Pg. 265; Consultant indicates that additional strength

evaluation analysis report (on Existing Bridge) will be
prepared and submitted for client’s approval. This shall A Separate Report prepared
include existing strength, geometrical compliance among and submitted. However,
others.  detailed non-destructive report
1. Main Report which comprised the
Design Report
This report should be included in the Detailed Design Report requested detailed will be
and should include the results of Non-Destructive Tests incorporated in the final detail
carried out and in case of deficiency, the consultant should report
come up with most feasible remedial measures and cost
them to facilitate the client’s decision.
No analysis and design calculations for the proposed box
culverts has been submitted for review and yet RC drawings
Comment accepted and
Design of the same have been included in the drawings. 
2. Missing incorporated in the final detail
design report
The Consultant should submit this information to facilitate the
review process.
Drwg. UNRA/00027/DD-066/DD/00; varying bar spacings Comment
3. Structural Structural accepted and
Drawings Drawings (130mm, 160mm, 170mm, 260mm, 280mm etc.) have been incorporated accordingly
recommended in the same structure. This might cause
confusion at implementation stage including limiting space to
maneuver the vibrator during construction. Workability of
concrete will also be difficult due to bar congestion.

The consultant should optimize the design to have one bar

spacing to avoid difficulty during construction, this should be
applied to all the drawings
Generally, the quality of drawings submitted is still deficient. I
have attached a sample Design Report and Drawings for
Consultants information.
No details of self- drain materials to be secured behind the
Missing in External walls have been provided, the consultant should Comment accepted and
drawings consider providing these details together with the Box culvert incorporated accordingly
The hydraulic report indicates that Scour and erosion
protection shall be provided yet details of Gabion boxes and
Missing in Stone pitching have not been provided. All box culverts
drawings exposed to active rivers and streams should be provided with
gabion boxes to control scour and also retain high
(Scour and embankments.
Protection details shall be
5. incorporated in the final design
protection Boxes with high embankment should have the embankments details
using Gabion sloped secured from erosion using grouted stone pitching.
boxes and
Stone pitching) All these details should be captured in section 2500 and 2600
of the takeoff sheets and the corresponding Bill Item in the
It’s noted that some Box Culverts do not have Cushion, e.g
Boxes on Chainages, 1+766, 2+611, 79+662, 99+007,
114+511, 114+119, 114+314, 121+318, 121+877, 122+809,
123+330, among others have zero fill, yet need to be
slabs and
provided with similar Surface of pavement Layers and rising Comment considered and
6. Corbel, and
surface. incorporated accordingly
The consultant should clarify on the type of finishing of
layers on Box
pavement finishing at these Box culvert crossings.
Missing In addition, all Box culverts with cushion/ Fill less than 1.0m
Approach should be provided with Approach slabs to enable a smooth
slabs and transition over the box culverts.
Corbel, on
Boxes with Box Culverts on chainages and 17+182, 31+00, 32+290,
Minimal 40+813, 69+738, 75+980, 78+168, 82+712, 84+310, 90+542,
Fill/Cushion 103+690, 109+073, 110+160, 119+995,123+681, among
others have cushion/ Fill of less than 1.0m and these should
be provided with Approach slabs to enable a smooth
transition over the box culverts.

Modifications should be provided on the external Walls to

accommodate the corbel on which the Approach slab is pin
It’s noted in the take sheet that the consultant has considered
the length of barrel for all Box culverts as 17m, yet the
profiled drawings indicate that all the Boxes have varying
Barrow length i.e., 24m at chainages 55+918, 55+935,
120+056, 120+070, 121+318, and 30m at chainages
Bill of Comment considered and
8. 123+330, 123+305 among others.
Quantities adjusted accordingly
The Consult should harmonize the length of each Box culvert
Configuration in order to provide realistic Quantities since
these have direct implication on the quantities and the overall
cost of structures.
The Consultant should consider including quantities of
corresponding bill items i.e (Formworks, Concrete and rebars
Missing bill
for the approach slabs, corbel, and Painting of Concrete Contact Department
surfaces with two coats of bituminous paint to concealed side
walls, In the Bill of Quantities.
The Box culvert sectional inputs in the takeoff sheet differ
from the actual dimensions proposed in the shop drawings,
this results in wrongs quantities, the consultant should Contact Department
consider harmonizing the sizes in the drawings and
computations for quantities.
Misleading The number of Box culvert locations for corresponding culvert
11. Contact Department
Values configuration in the takeoff differs for that proposed in the
hydraulic report. The Consultant should harmonize these
quantities to provide realistic quantities.

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