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It is imperative for every teacher to have a tool bag of strategies to use in their instruction

throughout the day. Thus, to improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.

To our brilliant, active and dynamic school head Sir Archie S. Pagaura,sir..To our department heads
Madam Marlita Pimentel, Madam Julieta Deon, Sir Romil Medrano and Sir Joseph Cabadonga, colleagues,
ladies and gentlemen a pleasant afternoon to all and welcome to the LAC session on First Diagnostic Test
Analysis of Assessment Data for Teaching and Learning Practices and Programs.

To formally begin, inviting everyone to please stand for a prayer, teacher Mae Esteeh Sumacot, leading.
and do remain standing for the singing of national anthem, teacher Jayson Cabadonga.

You may now take your seats. At this point, may I call on teacher Irish Avon Suizo for the checking of

Thank you mam for a lively way of checking of attendance.

According to Morris Chang, without strategy, execution is aimless, without execution, strategy is
useless. Let us all welcome Julieta Elano, Mater teacher 1 for the statement of purpose. Around of
applause please.

Thank you ma’am. At this moment is the session proper.

(Introduction of the speaker …….) Our first presenter is the Scientists” the genius” of Grade 7, please
join me in welcoming madam Genevi Virtudazo. A hand please.

Thank you, madam Genevi, for an excellent presentation.

This time, we have Sir Mark Tantoy, our genuine, versatile, and groovy grade 9 teacher. Please extend a

Thank you Sir Mark for your excellent presentation.

Awarding of certificates….

We would like to extend our appreciation to our speaker for the imparted knowledge hoping that we can
apply of what we learned today. With that, let me read to you the citation of the certificate……….

Certificate of participation is given to ……

Before we end this program, everyone is requested to stand for a closing prayer, teacher Viscelyn
Ordinario, leading.

I am JOYBIE LOAYON your host and that concludes our program. Thank you

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