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Owing to - because of As the mainstream goes,

Has …….. ever had …

impact on you In this day and age

Now a few words about For one thing

…….. First and foremost
Broadly speaking – It is blindingly obvious
generally speaking
Whereas some people
To give an illustration of contend ………, others
To put it more simply allege that ……

Conversely That is as maybe

It seems to be As a consequence
straightforward Likewise
Types of …….. are Elucidate – cast light
incessant upon
You may appear to be Burgeon – flourish
belied but I can reassure
Arduous – difficult
you that ……..
Ubiquitous – common
Another advantageous
facet/ drawback of …… Salient, chief, critical,
crucial, indispensable
Pernicious – dangerous Myriad- a lot

Exacerbate – aggravate A piece of cake- sth

Valid – serious enough easy

Ubiquitous-common Tedious- boring and

makes you tired
Laconic- efficient, clear
Tenacious- determined

Elucidate-cast light upon

Elbow grease- drudgery
Salient- important
Galvanize- excite smb
Straightforward into doing sth
In this day and age- Inadvertent- accidental
Incessant- endless
Abrupt- quick
Precipitate- trigger sth
Learning efficiency- when unexpectedly
you do not waste a lot
Belie- to fail to give a
of time learning
true impression
therefore quicker
Employ- use
Elucidate-cast light upon To give an illustration

Elbow grease- drudgery of- for instance

Salient- important Burgeon- increase rapidly

Straightforward Defunct- old-fashioned

In this day and age- Foster- encourage the

nowadays development of sth

Exacerbate- to make Abrupt- quick

worse Learning efficiency- when

Ignominious- shameful you do not waste a lot

of time learning
Pernicious- dangerous
therefore quicker
and harmful
Employ- use
Superfluous- unnecessary
Myriad- a lot
Conundrum- dilemma
A piece of cake- sth
Put it more simply- in
other words
Tedious- boring and
Alternatively, conversely-
makes you tired
on the other hand
Laconic- efficient, clear
Along with, coupled
with- as well as Tenacious- determined

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