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Aromatic waters

 It is a clear, saturated aqueous solution of volatile oils (e.g. Rose oil, peppermint oil)
or other aromatic and volatile substances (e.g. Camphor) in water.
 Aromatic waters are not therapeutically potent, they are mainly used for perfuming
and flavoring properties, & can be used in the making of liquid formulations like
suspension or even as a medium for water soluble drugs (because it is a pleasant
flavoring medium). Some of the aromatic waters have a mild therapeutic action
due to their carminative properties such as Peppermint water
 Types of Aromatic Waters

Simple aromatic waters Concentrated aromatic waters

 - Contains Purified water as a solvent - Contains Alcohol as a solvent
 - More diluted - More concentrated
 -e.g. Chloroform water - e.g. Concentrated peppermint water Bp
 Solution Method
 Distillation Method
 Alternative Solution Method
 This method is simpler, quicker and more economical as compared to distillation
 Advantages// It’s simple, quick and more economic (cheaper).
 Disadvantages// It’s time consuming and hard to obtain a clear preparation
(although you can use boiling purified water to help prevent this).

 Example: Chloroform Water

 Chloroform 2.5ml
 Purified water to 1000 ml

 Add chloroform to Purified water. Shake frequently until chloroform dissolves in
the purified water.
 This method consists of placing the odoriferous portion of the plant in the round
bottom flask with sufficient purified water & then distilling most of the water &
carefully the excess oil separate from distillate & then the aqueous phase which
may be need further clarification is the product.

 Advantages// gives a more concentrated and clear preparation

 Disadvantages// time consuming, less economic, complicated

 Example: Strong rose water

 This method less time consuming, & simple methods

 Camphor water
 Peppermint water
 Camphor 1 gm
 Alcohol (90 %) 2 ml
 Purified water to 1000 ml

Dissolve the camphor in alcohol. Add the solution frequently to the purified water.
Shake well after each addition untill the camphor is dissolved.

Storage conditions// Avoid exposure to light, keep in a cool and dry place, discard
if it turns cloudy (due to microbial contamination). protected from strong light
 Peppermint oil 20 ml
 Alcohol (90 %) 600 ml
 Purified water to 1000 ml

Dissolve the Peppermint oil in alcohol. Add the sufficient purified water in
successive small quantities with vigorous shaking after each addition to produce
1000 ml.

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