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Literature 1. Literature helps expand horizons.

Broadens the
knowledge of life.
– from the word “litera” meaning “letters”. 2. Literature gives a look into the past, present,
– Authors own pov. Creative writing centers, literary and future. Provides window into the past.
institutions, universities and etc. 3. Literature gives a view into human conditions.
– Seen as Important Helps understand the human condition.
literature - Not going to last. To entertain, divert attention. Reasons for Literature being Banned
Considered literary are those that have withstood the  Racial issues. Destroying the image of the people.
test of time, or classical works.  Encouragement of damaging lifestyles/ill well.
Damaging lifestyle.
Claims that literature language is more unique, apart
 Blasphemous dialog. Damage the image of God
from being fictional and imaginative.
 Sexual situation or dialog/Literature with obscene
Literature is a record, oral and written of mans thought, acts.
experience, mans values, in language that is expressed.  Presence of witchcraft
 Religious affiliations/ definition of other religion.
Theory of Literature – convey the attitude of the speaker Damaging others religion
or writer, could also influence and persuade. (by Wellek  Political bias/anti-government
and Austin)  Age inappropriate
 Henry Van Dyke History of Philippine Literature
– “writings which interpret the meanings of nature and
life, in words of charm and power, touched with the  Pre-Spanish period (1565)
personality of the author, in artistic forms or permanent  Spanish Period (1565-1898)
interest”  The period of Enlightment (1872-1898)
– Works that talk about life that are written in an  American Regime (1898-1941)
exquisite language. Authors point of view.  Japanese Period (1941-1945)
 The rebirth of Freedom (1946-1970)
 Rene Wellek  The Period of Activism (1970-1972)
– Literary critic and scholar.  Period of the New Society (1972-1980)
– In the theory of literature, points that literature is a  Period of the Third Republic _1981-1985)
creative act and an art form, also the importance of  Post Edsa Period (1986-1999)
the creative process that occurs in the artists mind.
Pre-Spanish period (1565) the customs and tradition of
 Thomas De Quincey Filipinos can still be traced in their folk stories, old plays,
– 2 types of literature: Literature of knowledge and short stories. Filipino eventually Developed our
(capability to teach) & Literature of power (ability to alphabets “baybayin”
translate one’s belief or ideas).
A. Legends – history but unlikely to be true.
 Universality – appeals to everyone. All considered B. Folktales – about life, adventure, horror, and
significant. humor.
 Artistry – aesthetic appeal C. Epics – about heroic achievement’s
 Permanence – endures across time and draws out the D. Folksongs – songs that mirror the early form of
time culture.
 Timeliness – occurring at a particular E. Epigrams, riddles, chants – consist of stanza, wit
time. and wisdom.
 Timelessness – remaining invariable F. Proverbs and saying – law and rules for good
throughout time. behavior.
 Style – the way the writers express themselves in their
Spanish Period (1565-1898). A lot of literatures were
work. How man seas life a evidence by the formation of
destroyed. The only way to preserve it at that time was
his idea, forms, structure, and expressions.
through oral tradition. The started introducing the
 Intellectual Value – stimulates critical thinking
Catholism to the Filipinos.
 Spiritual Value – inspire its readers. Elevates the spirit
and soul. Influences on the development of Philippine
 Suggestiveness – relies on emotions in order to convey Literature:
meanings and messages. Create meaning. Implied
meaning, images, messages, evoking visions and etc. 1. The first Filipino Alphabet was replaced by
the Roman Alphabet.
Importance of Literature in Society 2. First book printed, entitled “doctrina
Cristiana en lengua Espanola y Tagala”
3. University was established in 1611: the 4. Valeriano Hernandez Pena – Father of Tagalog
university of Santo Tomas. Novel.
4. Chrisitian Doctrine became the basis of
religious practices. Japanese Period (1941-1945) Gave advantageous stance on
5. Spanish language became the literary Filipino Literature. Juan Laya, turned to use Filipinos
language language because of the strict prohibition.
6. European legends and traditions brought here LIWAYWAY was placed under strict surveillance until it
became assimilated in our songs, corridos was taken over by a Japanese named Ishiwara.
and moro-moros.
7. Ancient literature was collected and Filipinos Literature was given a spotlight in this period
translated to tagalog and other dialects.
Poetry During This Period:
8. Many grammar books were printed in
tagalog, Ilocano, and visayan. 1. Haiku – free verse, 17 syllables, 5 syllables first
9. Periodicals took on a religious tone during and third stanza and 7 syllables on the second.
this period. Short and covers wide scope of meaning.
2. Tanaga – short but measure and rhyme. Each line
The period of Enlightment (1872-1898). Filipino spirit
has 17 syllables.
reawakened after the martyrdom of the three prists Gomez/s,
3. Karaniwang anyo (usual form) – where rhyme
Burgos and Zamora. Propagandists started to emerge. Many
scheme and verse are not prescribed.
Filipinos who showed their courage and fought for freedom.
The rebirth of Freedom (1946-1970) marked by the
Some of Dr. Jose P. Rizal books and writing includes:
struggle of mind and spirit. Filipinos had learned to express
1. Noli Me Tangre – gave spirit to the propaganda themselves more confidently in this time.
The Period of Activism (1970-1972) Because of the ills of
2. El Filibusterismo – seuql of Noli that talks about
society, the youth moved to reforms.
politics and corruption.
The Literary Revolution - The youth became strong and
Other Filipino heroes who used their writing skills in the
rebellious during this period. This was most especially
fighting for freedom:
heightened during the First Quarter Storm of 1970, where
1. Marcelo H. Del Pilar – popular with his pet name campus newspapers showed rebellious emotions because of
Plaridel, Pupdoh, Piping Dilat, and Dolores the economic and social situation that is quite palpable
Manapat. during this time. The once aristocratic writers developed an
2. Graciano Lopez Jaena – establishe the first awareness for society. They held pens and wrote on placards
magazine LA SOLIDARIDAD. in red paint the equivalent of the word MAKIBAKA (To
American Regime (1898-1941) Filipinos writers explored
all forms of literatures like news reporting, poetry, stories, Period of the New Society (1972-1980) When Martial Law
plays, essay, and novels. The writings depicted their love of was declared in 1972 by the late President Ferdinand Edralin
country and their longing for independence. Marcos. The government sequestered TV stations and other
publications so that information to be circulated in the
Characteristics of Literature during this period: country is controlled, that is, only those that are favorable to
1. Spanish, Tagalog, English writers (writer who the administration. The military government established a
contributed) new office called the Ministry of Public Affairs that
2. English became a medium of instructions as well supervised the newspapers, books and other publications.
as language that Americans taught to our ancestors Almost all themes in most writings dealt with the
through the establishment of the public-school development or progress of the country. The new society
education. tried to stop pornography and writings that that had negative
3. The Tagalog writers continued in their influences on people’s morals. All school newspapers, as
lamentations on the condition of the country and well as school organizations, were temporarily stopped.
their attempts to arouse love for one’s native
tongue. Period of the third Republic (1981-1985) After the Aquino
4. The English writers imitated the themes and assassination, the people’s voices calling for a change in
method of the Americans. leadership could no longer be contained. Both the public and
private sectors of government chanted and shouted; women,
Authors: men, and youth became more daring and raised their voices
1. Cecilio Apostol – dedicated to Rizal, Jacinto, in protest: “TAMA NA! NA SOBRA NA! PALITAN NA “.
Mabini and etc. Post EDSA Period (1986-present) democracy was restored
2. Paz Marquez Benitez – author of the dead star in the presidency of Corazon Aquino, the once taunted press
3. Manuel Arguilla – short story writer known for exercised their freedom again.
infusing “local color”.
In the short span of the existence of the true Republic of the face to the Filipino writer in the country, one strong face
Philippines, several changes are evident. This is most determinedly wielding a pen into untruths, hypocrisy,
noticeable in new Filipino songs, information in injustice, among others.
newspapers, speeches, and even television programs.
Cirilo F. Bautista was a poet, fictionist and essayist with
1. On Newspapers and other publications: Newspapers exceptional achievements and significant contributions to
that were once branded crony newspapers became instant the development of the country’s literary arts. Bautista
opposition papers overnight. realized that the classroom is an important training ground
for Filipino writers.
2. On Books: As a new era begins, the moments of the
glorious, bloodless revolution were commemorated. Some Levi Celerio, National Artist for Literature/Music (1997)
of these books were “People Power” and “Bayan ko” (April 30, 1910 - April 2, 2002) a prolific lyricist and
composer for decades. He effortlessly translated/wrote anew
These events that happened in the past were proof that the lyrics to traditional melodies: “O Maliwanag Na Buwan”
literature has existed to form the Filipinos’ culture, (Iloko), “Ako ay May Singsing” (Pampango),
traditions, and identity. It was used to entertain, preserve “Alibangbang” (Visaya) among others. He made it to the
memories, and, most importantly, as a powerful tool in the Guinness Book of World Records as the only person able to
fight against oppression and injustice. make music using just a leaf.

Lazaro A. Francisco (February 22, 1898 - June 17, 1980)

National Artists for Literature developed the social realist tradition in Philippine fiction.
His eleven novels, now acknowledged classics of Philippine
- Award given to those exemplary individuals who literature, embodies the author’s commitment to
gave immeasurable effort in writing Literature. nationalism. Amadis Ma. Guerrero wrote, “Francisco
- is an award that does not end or start in the day that championed the cause of the common man, specifically the
thethe significantaward is bestowed by the oppressed peasants. His novels exposed the evils of the
President of the Philippines to an tenancy system, the exploitation of farmers by unscrupulous
individual.contributions of theseNational Artists landlords, and foreign domination.” Teodoro Valencia also
forThis kind of recognition is accompanied by a observed, “His pen dignifies the Filipino and accents all the
lifelong responsibility - aLiterature:responsibility to positives about the Filipino way of life. His writings have
express truth and reflect truth - which were contributed much to the formation of a Filipino nationalism.
evidentfrom their writings. Thus, literature in its “Master of the Tagalog Novel” His masterpiece novels
purest nature reflects truthand reality about life. — Ama, Bayang Nagpatiwakal, Maganda Pa Ang
Daigdig and Daluyong.
Francisco Arcellana (September 6, 1916 - August 1,
2002). Short story as lyrical prose-poetic form. For Nestor Vicente Madali Gonzalez (September 8, 1915 -
Arcellana, the pride of fiction is “that it is able to render November 28, 1999) known as N.V.M. Gonzalez, fictionist,
truth, that is able to present reality”. Arcellana kept alive the essayist, poet, and teacher, articulated the Filipino spirit in
experimental tradition in fiction, and had been most daring rural, urban landscapes. The awards attest to his triumph in
in exploring new literary forms to express the sensibility of appropriating the English language to express, reflect and
the Filipino people. shape Philippine culture and Philippine sensibility.

Arcellana’s published books are Selected Stories (1962), Amado V. Hernandez, poet, playwright, and novelist, is
Poetry and Politics: The State of Original Writing in English among the Filipino writers who practiced “committed
in the Philippines Today (1977), The Francisco Arcellana art”. For Hernandez, the function of the writer is to act as
Sampler (1990). the conscience of society and to affirm the greatness of the
human spirit in the face of inequity and oppression.
Virgilio S. Almario is also known as Rio Alma, is a poet,
literary historian and critic, who has revived and reinvented Joaquin
traditional Filipino poetic forms, even as he championed
modernist poetic.  his poetic voice soared from the lyrical to Nick Joaquin (May 4, 1917 - April 29, 2004), is regarded
the satirical to the epic, from the dramatic to the incantatory, by many as the most distinguished Filipino writer in English
in his often severe examination of the self, and the society. writing so variedly and so well about so many aspects of the
He has also redefined how the Filipino poetry is viewed and Filipino. Nick Joaquin has also enriched the English
paved the way for the discussion of the same in his 10 books language with critics coining “Joaquinesque” to describe his
of criticisms and anthologies, among which are Ang baroque Spanish-flavored English or his reinventions of
Makata sa Panahon ng Makina, Balagtasismo versus English based on Filipinisms.
Modernismo,Walong Dekada ng Makabagong Tula Bienvenido Lumbera writes that Nick Joaquin’s significance
Pilipino, Mutyang Dilim and Barlaan at Josaphat. in Philippine literature involves his exploration of the
He headed the National Commission for Culture and the Philippine colonial past under Spain. Nick Joaquin died
Arts as Executive Director, (from 1998 to 2001) ably April 29, 2004.
steering the Commission towards its goals. But more than F. Sionil Jose’s writings since the late 60s, when taken
anything else, what Almario accomplished was that he put a collectively can best be described as epic. it is the consistent
espousal of the aspirations of the Filipino-for national Silliman National Writers Workshop in Dumaguete City,
sovereignty and social justice-that guarantees the value of which has produced some of the country’s best writers.
his oeuvre.
Jose Garcia Villa (August 5, 1908 - February 7, 1997) one
of the finest contemporary poets regardless of race or
language. introduced the reversed consonance rime scheme,
Bienvenido Lumbera (April 11, 1932 - September 28, including the comma poems that made full use of the
2021) a poet, librettist, and scholar. he introduced to punctuation mark in an innovative, poetic way. The first of
Tagalog literature what is now known as Bagay poetry. As, his poems “Have Come, Am Here” received critical
a librettist for the Tales of the Manuvu and Rama Hari, he recognition when it appeared in New York in 1942 that,
pioneered the creative fusion of fine arts and popular soon enough, honors and fellowships were heaped on him:
imagination. Guggenheim, Bollingen, the American Academy of Arts and
Alejandro Roces (July 13, 1924 - May 23, 2011) short Letters Awards. He used Doveglion (Dove, Eagle, Lion) as
story writer and essayist, and considered as the country’s pen name, the very characters he attributed to himself, and
best writer of comic short stories. He is known for his the same ones explored by e.e. cummings in the poem he
widely anthologized “My Brother’s Peculiar Chicken.” In wrote for Villa (Doveglion, Adventures in Value). Villa is
his innumerable newspaper columns, he has always focused also known for the tartness of his tongue.
on the neglected aspects of the Filipino cultural heritage. The use of 21st century technology in producing
He was instrumental in great individuals, what popularizing literature
several local fiestas, notably, Moriones and Ati-atihan. He Electronic and Graphic Literatures proliferated in this time
steps will you take to personally led the campaign to change because of the availability of the internet and the different
the country’s Independence Day ensure that more Filipinos digital devices like desktop computers, laptops, and
from July 4 to June 12, and caused the change of language smartphones. The availability of these digital devices is the
from English are aware of their names and contributions? to reason why paperless production of literature emerged in
Filipino in the country’s stamps, currency, and passports. He this period. Many writers produce their literary works by
was the one who recovered Jose Rizal’s manuscripts when coming up with their own websites sponsored for free by
they were stolen from the National Archives. internet platforms (e.g., Wattpad, Blogger.com, Facebook,
Carlos P. Romulo (January 14, 1899 - December 15, Twitter, and many more). As literary works are readily
1985) he was the first Asian president of the United Nations available on the virtual space, readers can post their
General Assembly, then Philippine Ambassador to reactions in the form of comments and may even share these
Washington, D.C., and later minister of foreign affairs he works. For the readers, in these existing free online
was a reporter at 16, a newspaper editor by the age of 20, platforms, they can also enjoy reading different kind of
and a publisher at 32. He was the only Asian to win reading materials without going to bookstores or book rental
America’s coveted Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for a series places. With the use of their own gadgets, readers will be
of articles predicting the outbreak of World War II. able to access these platforms and read.

Rolando S. Tinio (March 5, 1937 - July 7,1997) a The birth of new genres
playwright, thespian, poet, teacher, critic, and translator Since this is the era of embracing rapid social changes and
marked his career with prolific artistic productions. Tinio’s emphasizing individualities, new genres entered the people’s
chief distinction as a stage director whose original insights consciousness, which many readers readily received and
into the scripts he handled brought forth production’s appreciated. Speculative Fiction and even LGBT-themed
notable for their visual impact and intellectual cogency. literature are just some of these genres. Speculative Fiction
Subsequently, after staging productions for the Ateneo is the kind of literature that deals with supernatural
Experimental Theater. He left a considerable amount of phenomena like folklore and fantasy, which the elders
work reviving traditional Filipino drama by re-staging old originally told through oral tradition. Many writers of today
theater forms like the sarswela and opening a treasure-house turn these tales into published works Another emerging
of contemporary Western drama. genre that is a little controversial is the LGBT- themed
Edith L. Tiempo (April 22, 1919 - August 21,2011) poet, literature. These are stories written to represent the struggles
fictionist, teacher and literary critic is one of the finest of an individual to be accepted in the current social strata
Filipino writers in English whose works are characterized by and also the authenticity of love that deals beyond the
a remarkable fusion of style and substance, of craftsmanship bounds of gender norms. The 21st Century era is both the
and insight. Born on April 22, 1919 in Bayombong, Nueva birthing time of new genres and the time for the pre-existing
Vizcaya, her poems are intricate verbal transfigurations of genres to be known and appreciated by a broader number of
significant experiences as revealed, in two of her much- people.
anthologized pieces, “The Little Marmoset” and “Bonsai”. Self-publishing as a means of introducing creative
As fictionist, Tiempo is as morally profound. Her language works:
has been marked as “descriptive but unburdened by
scrupulous detailing.” She is an influential tradition in The writers today are given the opportunity to fulfill their
Philippine literature in English. Together with her late dreams to have their works be read by broader public.
husband, Edilberto K. Tiempo, she founded and directed the Before, a writer had to go through a rigorous and difficult
process in order for their work to be published and known to
the rest of the world. Many aspiring writers tried, but after
numerous rejections, they gave up and forgot about their
dream of becoming successful.

Luckily in the 21st Century, there are ways to become an

accomplished author through self-publishing. This new
trend can be done for free – by using free online platforms
(like Wattpad) which are created to produce different kinds
of literature. This kind of online writing has become a hit in
the Philippines, where many popular Wattpad novels have
been adapted into movies and even television series. a writer
can also enroll in a mentoring program like PaperKat Books
owned by Kath Eustaquio-Derla. In this kind of mentoring
program, the mentor will accept budding writers to help
them produce both paperback and e-format literature. In this
kind of program also, the writers are taught different
marketing strategies to sell their books easier.

Accessibility of different literature from every part of the


Many modern viewers would prefer to read subtitles while

watching foreign television shows and movies. Many
Filipinos nowadays would rather read subtitles than watch a
tagalized (dubbed in Filipino) series or movie There are also
online platforms and mobile applications where you can
read various types of texts written in different countries’
native languages and then translated into English. You can
also watch various series and movies from all over the

Classic literatures’ preservation and survival through

seminal production.

The influence of the classic cannot be removed and is still

present in the 21st Century. Truthfully, these timeless stories
are the foundation of some of the great works created in the
21st Century. Thus, prove the saying that the classic
literature can surpass the test of time and still be relevant to
those who will appreciate it. Overall, the existence of
21st Century Literature speaks about what we have in our
days. the ever-developing technologies. Before, writing was
so simple that it only required a pen and paper, or if we go a
little further back, they used stones and walls to carve and
record important things. But now we have the convenience
of transcribing what we have in our minds by simply
uploading them to the internet, where people can read and
appreciate right away. Because of the existence of
computers and the internet, we live in an era of rapid
transmission of literature.

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