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Ecological vehicle

Adlaine : seller

Houari : buyer

Houari: Hello, I am thinking of buying an ecological vehicle. What do you recommend me to


Adlaine: No problem, we can offer you several Ecologic vehicles: The Audi Q8 e-tron, The
Hyundai Nexo and the Jaguar I-Pace?

Houari: I'm really looking for the most ecological car possible

Adlaine: Do you usually do a short distance or long distance trip?

Houari: It all depends on the route but generally I prefer a short distance

Adlaine: We can offer you the Audi Q8 e tron

Houari: I'm listening to you

Adlaine: I will start by telling you about the characteristics of the vehicle
First of all the car has a range of five hundred and thirty two
The vehicle weighs two thousand four hundred and forty-five kilograms
It is 5 meters long, 2 meters wide and 2 meters high
the maximum speed of the audi q8 is 305 kilometers
The vehicle charges for thirty minutes

Houari: even if I load the vehicle at home, will it last thirty minutes?

Adlaine: No you need a specific grip

Houari: can we buy it to make it more efficient?

Adlaine: No recharging it at home is not possible but in garages yes it is possible

But I can do a special 10% discount if you are interested in the product.

Houari: What are the different options for this vehicle?

Adlaine: This vehicle is Full Option

Houari: How much are we at?

Adlaine: The price is your only concern sir?

We are talking about a last generation vehicle with a maximum speed of three hundred and
five So the quotation is eighty-seven thousand euros including the specific catch

Houari: I can't decide because I have a fairly modest budget, tell me more to convince me
Adlaine : No problem, so it's a heavy car that weighs two thousand two hundred and thirty
kilograms but despite that it goes from zero to one hundred kilometer hours in four seconds
and to limit pollution it's a car that consumes zero grams of CO2 per kilometer

Houari: Okay, it looks nice. But …

Adlaine: didn't you know you were satisfied sir with this full option SUV?

Houari: if it seems great to me but there is a little problem

Adlaine: if the problem is money we can fix it

Houari: so, You made me for seventy-five thousand

Adlaine: I want to be nice but still, I'll sell it to you for eighty two thousand five hundred

Houari: you can't do it to me for seventy seven thousand five hundred

Adlaine: I did it to you for eighty thousand with the last offer taken

Houari: contract concluded for eighty thousand euros

Adlaine: contract concluded for eighty thousand euros

*serrage de mains*

Adlaine : she’s yours

Houari : you have no number no phone number to contact you in case

Adlaine : yes, hold

Houari : thank you for giving me your time and for advising me I will tell you about it goodbye

Adlaine : goodbye

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