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* What trade theories help to explain where cashews tree products have been

produced historically?

-Mercantile efforts
-Natural absolute advantage
-Acquired absolute advantage
-Factor proportion theories
-Product life cycle
-Dependency theory
-Strategic trade policies

* what factors threaten India's future competitive position in cashew nut production?

-Competitive position deteriorates

-increased population bids up price of land
-technology reduces production cost in area nearer large markets
-America's strategic trade policies
-Competitive position will not deteriorate
-advances in India plantation production
-India sells to large Indian market
-India's long reputation in world markets
-India is a politically stable country
-India is developing new cashew related products
-India's nuts have better flavor

* If you were an Indian processor, what alternatives might you consider to maintain
your future competitiveness?

-To move to a more mechanized process

-Improve production and use technologies

-Further differentiate India products, e.g., high quality

-Exercise greater control on foreign distribution channels

-Stimulate demand in India and nearby countries, e.g., China

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