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BIT-CPET 1201 GED 102

Assignment No. 1
Explain briefly the following:

1. Mathematics as a set of problem solving tools.

-In other definition, Mathematics is about reasoning and memorization. Base on the video
we watched earlier, Mathematics helps the person to know how a body or things works
with combination of physics. With the use of mathematics, we can asses and explain the
process of something in this world. And we can resolve any problem with the use of

2. Mathematics as an Art.
-Base on my observation on the video, the sculptures is created with mathematics but we
cannot see it easily. One of the example is the shapes, like a man show the various shapes
with elements representation. Every shapes has their own measure.

3. Mathematics as study of patterns

-In mathematics, pattern is an opportunity to observed, discover and experiment.
Understanding regularities based on information permits us to anticipate what will
happen next, appraise on the off chance that the same design will happen when factors
are changed, and start to expand the design. One of the example of it is in playing guitar.
Learning scales must need mathematics to create an pattern to a better sound.

4. Mathematics as Language
-Noam Chomsky, a etymologist, characterized language as a collection of sentences
developed from a limited set of components. Mathematics is a language of science.
Galileo Galilei quoted, “Mathematics is the language in which God has written the
Universe.” We can resolve a problem with the use of language and communication.

5. Mathematics as a process of thinking.

-The mathematical thinking process is the clarification and collaboration of arithmetic
through problem-solving, thinking and confirmation, communication, associations, and

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