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Pearson English International Certificate ND083920236 UC You do not need any other materials. Total Marks Instructions © Your candidate details: Step 1: Write your surname(s), first name(s) and signature in the boxes at the top right of the page. Step 2: - If you have been given a label containing your details then stick it carefully in the box at the top left of the page. — If you have not been given a label, then write your centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top left of the page. © Do not use pencil. Use blue or black ink. © Some tasks must be answered with a cross in a box (B).If you change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box (58) and then mark your new answer with a cross (I). © Answer ALL the questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this question paper. Information © The marks are shown at the end of the section (e.g Total for Section 1 = 10 marks) © There are 9 sections in this question paper. © The total mark for this paper is 75. © There are 20 pages in this question paper. Any blank pages are indicated, e7azeon——(UNMIAVMIIINNT mana Scanned with CamScanner 4 Why should people stay off the road? GA Because the traffic is bad. GB Because of the bad weather, G € Because there was an accident. Scanned with CamScanner w What do we learn about the TV programme? GA thas been on TV before. B Itisbased on a book. GC thas famous actors in it. N 6 Whois the woman? Teer yy A Ateacher. EB Amanager. € Adoctor. pany Sill 7 Where is the speaker? A Inadepartment store. GB Inashoestore. BC Inanelectrical store. What must the students remember tomorrow? AREA : eS THI A Their essay. BONOT Warren EB Theirticket money. © C Theirlunch. 9 What time will the speakers arrive at the airport? B A 730 GB B 830 B c 930 © | 10 Where are the speakers? MAY SIH NEALUM LON OG: EA Inthe elevator. & B Inthe office. GC Athome. $s TOTAL FOR SECTION 1 = 10 MARKS TA NL DONOFWRITEIN THis AREA A 0 A rune Scanned with CamScanner SECTION2 iendship. Listen to the whole recording once. Then 11 You will hear a recording about fri with pauses for you to write down what you hear. you will hear the recording again Make sure you spell the words correctly. Scanned with CamScanner SECTION3 12-1 i ie ee answer five riesto Caer below then listen otes with infor : EES mation from the message. You will hear the Example: Longfield School Trip 12 The tripis on 13 To: morning City Art Gallery, afternoon 14 Sarah is invited because of 15 Cost of trip 16 Email contact a @ | 17-21 Youwill hear a recorded message. First, read the notes below then listen and = complete the notes with information from the message. You will hear the = recording twice. a & = “| example: Office open: Monday - Friday 10-8, . Weekends: 1g a 17 Tours by coach, boat or 18 Information on website www. 19 Secure online site for = = | 20 call Jo on 0208 323 4353 for = = 2 | 21 Any problems e £ TOTAL FOR SECTION 3 5 That is the end of the listening section of the test. = Now go on to the other sections of the test. 3 a i 0 00010008 0 0 MARKS 5 Turnover Scanned with CamScanner SECTION4 Jn text and put a cross bl by the missing word or phrase, as in the example. Read eacl ar Example Greenham Railway Station Ticket holders only allowed onto platforms. Passengers to keep behind yellow lines until train stops. Luggage to be kept with you at all times. EA. Buffet services available on most trains. _B_Donot lean out of windows of moving trains. _ C Smoking forbidden anywhere on the station. across the globe. ACE pioneers over 150 escorted programmes every year, from ‘one-day courses to ‘ACE CULTURAL TOURS runs tours and cruises in the United Kingdom, Europe and A extended study tours © B beach apartments QC funand entertainment 23 South Africans call their homeland’a world in one country’ It has a ) from Mediterranean to sub-tropical and desert, ‘ably, the finest wildlife on earth, with spectacular scenery and, argu Le GA climate © B mountain BC safari 000 ea A Scanned with CamScanner .. bicycles in front of the 24 Polite Notice. Please do not........... shop, unless you are shopping here. GA tide GB park ¢ display 25 (ust lke in an ordinary bookshop, you can select items for purchase by choosing the ADD TO CART button. A treading GB shopping 1 selling Following almost four years of planning and construction, Australia’s premier rail display centre is to the public from 1.00pm on Sunday 3rd April. BA given © B_ known © open en erence env meen TOTAL FOR SECTION 4 = 5 MARKS OO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA™ Scanned with CamScanner alow Puta cross Bin the box next to the ions , < The Proms ht-week summer season of daily (e, a ara The main venue for the con, s began in 1895 and, in adtion to todays Id at other y 70 concerts, events are held at other venues ae de Concert. Originally, people used to a The word Pro is hor ring the concerts. The founder ofthe Prom, Robe ‘or walk about 1e people who did not normally attend classical my. Newman, et ar ice ‘pices were kept low and people could eat, drink smoke as wel as walk about. Nowadays, ‘promen: to standing areas inside the hall for which ticket prices much lower Rateves seating. Standing tickets are usually sold on the ofthe concert which can resutin long queues of people. : it i ing the cor BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) took over running the concerts eae ne = many were put on the radio and then later on television. This has allowed a larger audience to appreciate the music. Most people idea of the roms i taken from the final concert which is called Last Night of the Proms, but ths s different from the others. It traditionally takes place on the second Saturday in September and is showin live on TV.The concertisamix _| of Popular classics and British songs. Many people wear fancy dress, blow whistles, Gary umbrelas, balloons and flags. The party atmosphere is for everyone, with fags _ of many countries being waved. Even the orchestra leader joins in and makes a funny speech. Example: What does the text say about the Proms? Ga They are all held in the Albert Hall. BB They are held every summer, Bc They are held every day for two. months, 27 Why were the concerts called the Proms? Ga People wanted a shorter name, Ges People were allowed to eat and drink, Ge People could Move around, Scanned with CamScanner Hiss BELA PSLELILO SID DO NOT WRITE INTHIS'AREA 28 What's the disadvantage of having a standing ticket? A Nowadays you have to stand still. GB Theticket prices vary each day. © C You have to wait for a long time. 29 How did the BBC enable more people to enjoy the Proms? A Itbroadcast the concerts. © B Itkept the prices low. © C tran them much better. 30 Why do people get the wrong impression of the Proms? A They only watch the concerts on TV. GB They only know about the last night. GC They can't attend all the concerts. 31 What gives the Last Night of the Proms its party atmosphere? [1A The time it usually takes place. © B The fact that it is shown on TV. [IC Theway the audience behaves. TOTAL FOR SECTION MARKS Scanned with CamScanner SECTIONS Read the notice below and answer the questions. Thanet is beautiful, Let's keep it that way. lets are open seven days a week from 8.30am to 6.30pm during the These seasonal toil ‘summer months (usually April until late September). Please look after these toilets, as they provide a valuable service to the people who use this beach, We have provided bins around the beach for the disposal of litter. Please respect the beach and make use of these bins or take your litter home with you. Ifyou would like to report any vandalism or any problems with these toilets please call 01843 577000 Example: How does the notice describe Thanet? It is beautiful. 32 When does the summer season usually end in Thanet? 33 Who are these faci 34 What other facilities do they have? 35 What should you do if there is an issue? Scanned with CamScanner esos ee 2 = 2 ss ‘DO.NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA. “pions Read the information below and answer the questions, The history of coins in Aust The first Australians did not use money as we know it. They used a barter system and traded things all over the continent. Some popular trading items were special stones used for making tools, and pearl shells. Most of the first coins used in Australia came from the pockets of European sailors, Almost any gold, silver or copper coin was acceptable. The need for a system of money grew with the population as there weren't enough coins, particularly since trading ships took the coins out of the colony in exchange for their cargo. Example: Which system did early Australians use instead of money? barter 36 What was the purpose of the special stones traded by the early Australians? 37 Who first brought coins to Australia? 38 Which coins were people allowed to use in Australia at that time? 39 What was required as more people arrived in Australia? ee TOTAL FOR SECTION 6 = 8 MARKS 1 HY A000 40 00000 Tn ea Scanned with CamScanner SECTION7 Read the information from a website and complete the notes. Write no more than three | words from the information in each gap. Lee Valley Park Lee Valley Park stretches 26 miles from Ware in Hertfordshire 10 the banks of the River Thames. the park’ landscape ranges from rural to urban and includes important sites such as the 15th-century Rye House Gatehouse. A mixture of marshes, wooded areas, meadows, open water and rivers support a variety of wildlife and a large population Of birds, for which the park is internationally important. Protected areas have been designated as nature reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). At the park, visitors can enjoy cycling and golf across the park's beautiful hills. Residential accommodation for Youth & School groups is available at the YHA Lee Valley, Cheshunt (call 08453 719 057 for booking information). The Lee Valley Boat Centre The Lee Valley Boat Centre is on the River Lee, ideally located for exploring the Lee Valley Park. Try one of our day hire boats for a perfect day out with friends or family. Relax, cruise away from the pressures of work and phone for a few hours. Experience life at the leisurely pace of four miles per hour. We offer hourly hire rowing boats from Easter to the end of October. Broxbourne rail station is only a five minute walk away from the park and a 35 minute train journey will get you into London Liverpool Street Station. __ =e Scanned with CamScanner TTS TTT tC Example: Lee Valley Parkis 26 miles one long. 40 Landscape types: ©& | 41 Historic building in Lee Valley Park: 42 Internationally important for: 43 Leisure activities on park's hills: 44 Lee Valley Boat House location: 45 Can rent: 46 Nearest station to park: TOTAL FOR SECTION 7 = 7 MARKS OPO NOT WRITEIN THIS ARER ~~ “ODO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA. B imag 0 0 0 0 Turn over 20 Scanned with CamScanner from a website about Lee Valley Park. Now write an, that you both visit the park together. Write 70 to 99 llowing information: Scanned with CamScanner ur English class you have been talking about people's shopping habits, Now teac given you this essay for homework. better to buy things from a shopping centre than buying them online. Do yoy - agree?” B Write an essay in response to the following question: 's using a computer bad for your health? Put a cross Bin the box next to the task you have chosen. aQ Bo Scanned with CamScanner

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