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Related Studies
Title of the Study Research Research Findings of the Statements Recommendation
Author Publication Date Objective Design/Method study Related to the of the study
and Used Chosen Topic (if any)
Multi-Hazard The main aim of The Rapid By simulating ▪ Philippines, one
Vulnerability Assessment the SCOSSO Visual different of the most
of School Infrastructure (Safer Surveying hazards hazard-prone
Communities procedures are such as real countries in the
Arash Nassirpour, Through Safer developed to earthquake world, is regularly
Carmine Galasso, and Schools) project swiftly monitor records or flood subject to various
Dina D’Ayala is to develop an and identify the and wind forces natural disasters
innovative multi- hazardous the response of such as
2017 hazard risk buildings. the schools are earthquakes,
assessment measured volcanoes, framework for to estimate their hurricanes,
eprint/10109211 school vulnerability tsunamis and
infrastructure in and suggest floods, inflicting
the Philippines. retrofitting loss of
measures. lives and costly
damage to the
▪ The vulnerability
of the school
buildings is of
high priority as
schools play a
critical role in the
education of the
next generation,
who are the most
vulnerable part of
the society due to
their age
and developmental

Title of the Study Research Research Findings of the Statements Recommendation

Author Publication Date Objective Design/Method study Related to the of the study
and Used Chosen Topic (if any)
Fire hazard in buildings: review, This paper aims Based on the Implementing During this long More focus should be
assessment and strategies for to present a review, an key measures time-span, on rapid evacuation
improving fire safety critical review of integrated that include buildings are instead of providing
current fire framework for reliable fire subjected to passive fire resistance.
Venkatesh Kodur, protection mitigation of protection several natural Also, there is a strong
Puneet Kumar, and measures and fire hazards is systems, proper (earthquake, need to study the
Muhammad Masood Rafi their proposed. The regulation and hurricane, behavior of buildings
applicability to proposed enforcement of tsunamis etc.) and subjected to wildfires as
2019 address current framework building code manmade (fire, there is a scarcity of
challenges involves provisions, explosion etc.) studies on the same relating to fire enhancement enhancement of hazards which can in literature.
content/doi/10.1108/PRR-12-2018- hazards of fire safety in public cause partial or
0033/full/html in buildings. four key areas: awareness and complete collapse
fire protection proper use of of the building,
features in technology and and incapacitation
buildings, resources is key of building
regulation and to mitigating operations. Such
enforcement, fire hazard in destruction or
consumer buildings. incapacitation in
awareness and Major research the event of a
technology and and training hazard can
resources required to jeopardize the life
advancement. improve fire safety of
Detailed safety in inhabitants and can
strategies on buildings cause significant
improving fire include direct and indirect
safety in developing monetary losses.
buildings in cost-effective
these four key fire suppression
areas are systems
presented, and and rational fire
future research design
and training approaches,
needs are characterizing
identified new materials
and developing
Title of the Study Research Research Findings of the Statements Recommendation
Author Publication Date Objective Design/Method study Related to the of the study
and Used Chosen Topic (if any)
Assessment of Building Damage The main HIRA (Hazard The results of - Detecting Response risk from
using Hazard objective of this Identification this study need damage caused to each class can be
Identification and Risk Assessment study to measure and Risk to be further the building is an suggested that heavy
Methods for School and classify Assessement) analyzed, i.e. the important part of rehabilitation for severe
Buildings in Jember District building damage which is a need for building damage, repair
risk zone for common inspection of structural damaged components
Sih Libertia, each primary method for damage to maintenance for medium damage
Anik Ratnaningsihb, and Ketut school to measuring risk. buildings by activities or and routine
Aswatama determine the means of more vulnerability maintenance for minor
likelihood accurately assessment. damage.
2019 and severity performed by Vulnerability
specialized assessment can be technical team in done in four
JournalOfBasicAndApplied/ accordance with stages:
article/view/10533 the field, so that identification of
the research events, the
results can be location of the
more clearly and damage, the
convincingly. severity of the
damage and the
age of the
- The risk
assessment is a
examination and
actual to identify
and provide
regarding the
occurrence and
serious danger
and possible
- Potential
dangers that exist
on any building
damage are
identified through
observation. Then
risk is measured
by probability
(likelihood) and
based on the
values shown by
security experts
Title of the Study Research Research Findings of the Statements Recommendation
Author Publication Date Objective Design/Method study Related to the of the study
and Used Chosen Topic (if any)
Multi-Hazard Physical The main aim of The proposed The proposed - Rapid Visual
Vulnerability the proposed procedure uses a vulnerability Screening (RVS)
Prioritization of School form is to gain sidewalk survey rating procedures have
Infrastructure an acceptable of a school method proves been developed
in the Philippines understanding of building and a to be a and widely used
how the building data collection relatively in practice to
Nassirpour, will form, which the reliable identify,
C. Galasso, and perform under person approximate inventory, and
D. D’Ayala different conducting the method for screen buildings
hazards. survey can estimating the that are
2018 complete, based vulnerability of potentially
on visual structures based vulnerable to observation of on data multiple natural
publication/326082884_Multi- the building collected from hazards. RVS
Hazard_Physical_Vulnerability_Pri from the rapid visual procedures
oritization_of_School_Infrastructur exterior (and if survey. By typically consists
e_in_the_Philippines possible, the identifying the of methods and
interior), without most forms that help
requiring vulnerable users to quickly
detailed cases, further rate and rank
structural detailed buildings
drawings or investigations according to their
calculation can indicate physical
reports. whether the vulnerability.
structures need - Once a building
retrofitting/ has been
strengthening or rated/ranked as
a highly vulnerable,
replacement/rel it should be
ocation strategy further assessed
is necessary. by trained and
personnel through
further and more
analysis to
determine its
deficiencies and,
if necessary, to
interventions or
Title of the Study Research Research Findings of the Statements Recommendation
Author Publication Date Objective Design/Method study Related to the of the study
and Used Chosen Topic (if any)
Combining Structural and Non- This work The work is Results show Non-structural Since this work
structural Risk-reduction Measuresmainly aims to composed of how non- Risk Assessment considers average
to Improve Evacuation Safety in verify the effects three main parts: structural (NSRA) measures evacuation behaviours
Historical Built Environments of risk reduction (1) building measures seem involving and responses to
measures on the vulnerability to significantly preparation and demonstrate the
Gabriele Bernardini &Tiago Miguel evacuation assessment to impact the HBE evacuation approach capabilities,
Ferreira process. provide input safety since planning, as well future steps should
data for damage they can allow as public risk- improve the description
2021 (debris) scenario users to awareness of specific individual
prediction, to evacuate programs, could features (e.g. effective trace the bases towards a safe significantly motion abilities of
full/ for structural condition in one support DRR and users; cultural and
10.1080/15583058.2021.2001117 measures of the gathering DRM. As for economic factors
regarding the areas. other disasters at affecting risk
physical the single- perception and
elements of the building scale, preparedness) and
HBE; (2) such as in the consider these issues
simulation of the case of fires, into the performance-
evacuation emergency and based approach.
process evacuation
considering the planning assumes
damage scenario a paramount role
of the HBE, to in increasing the
trace the bases safety of the HBE
for non- and its users.
correlated to the
evacuation plan;
(3) assessment of
measures in a
separated and
manner, based
on the previous
Related Literature
Author Publication Date
Hazard Identification A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or
someone. Risk is the chance that a hazard will cause harm. Hazard identification process
Saskatchewan Construction Safety involves identifying both existing and potential workplace hazards, assessing the risks,
Association determining and implementing the controls, and reviewing hazards.


JOB HAZARDS IN SCHOOLS Many hazards on the job are obvious, like sharp objects, slippery floors, and hot liquids.
Other hazards, such as repetitive movements and chemicals, may be hidden. Sometimes it is
School Action for Safety and Health (SASH) hard to tell if pain in your arms, hands, or back was caused by repetitive movements on the
Program job. It may also be hard to tell if an illness you have was caused by the chemicals at work.

2020 Workplace hazards can be broken down into different categories, such as Safety Hazards,
Chemical and Biological Hazards, and Other Health Hazards, such as noise, heat, and radiation that don’t fit into the first two categories.

Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment of Schools in

Lower The hazard assessment is divided into two types: building-level surveys that include Rapid
Himalayas: Haridwar District, Uttarakhand, Visual Screening (RVS), Non-Structural Risk Assessment (NSRA), and Fire Safety Audit,
India and campus-level surveys that include vulnerability analysis for earthquakes, floods,
industrial hazards, landslides, and wind. The Rapid Visual Screening will
Shivani Chouhan, highlight potential weaknesses in a building's wall, roof, site condition, block geometry,
Aishwarya Narang, and foundation, seismic band availability, and other components.
Mahua Mukherjee

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