Laboratory Exercise No 3 Crop Prot 1

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Name: Nikko Vincent Ferrer SCORE:

Course, Year and Section: BSA 2A

Instructor: Mrs. Vivian Segobre
Date of Submission: 100

Laboratory Exercise No. 3


Abiotic factors (non-living and non-parasitic agents) refer to external
conditions of the plants. This factor cannot spread from one plant to another but can
affect a large scale of plant population. Most of the abiotic diseases include
nutritional deficiencies (composed of the essential elements: macro and micro
elements), physical condition of the soil (structure, texture and type of soil),
presence of high amount of salt, and different climatic and environmental condition
like freezing, chilling, hot climatic temperature.

To enumerate and familiarize abiotic agents that may cause plant diseases.

Ballpen, Reference books, lectures or reliable internet sources

List down the different ten (10) external factors affecting a plant’s normal
function, growth and development.

Write your answer in the using the table below. (70 pts)
Abiotic Factors Description and Effect
Watering Watering is often the major concern when it comes to
root disease problems. Pythium and Phytophthora are
water molds and prefer a wet growing medium.
Overwatering provides the best environment for these
pathogens and also stresses plant roots, making them
susceptible to attack. Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and
Thielaviopsis also require moist media, but do not need
wet growing media to thrive. Often they attack plants
that are under stress, which can be triggered from
Temperature Some root disease pathogens, such as Pythium ultimum,
prefer cooler growing medium temperatures, while
Pythium aphanidermatum prefer warm growing media.
The crop itself has preferred temperature range, so if
the crop is grown hotter or colder it becomes stressed
and more susceptible to pathogen attack. For example,
vinca prefers hot growing conditions, but if growing
medium temperatures are below 75°F or 24°C, they are
more susceptible to root disease pathogens.
Air Movement As with foliar diseases, poor air movement through the
crop increases potential for root disease. Humid air stays
trapped in the plant canopy, thereby reducing plant
water use from the growing medium. The growing
medium dries out more slowly, making it easier to
overwater and therefore plants are under stress and
susceptible to root disease pathogens.
Humidity As with air movement, high humidity slows the dry down
rate of the growing medium via limited water usage by
the plant and slow evaporation form the growing
medium surface. If the growing medium dries out
slowly, it takes more time to dry the growing medium
which increases plant stress and susceptibility to root
disease pathogens.
Question: (30 pts)
1. What is the most prominent abiotic disease-causing factor is present here in the
Philippines? Give some examples. (10 pts)

Temperature, El Nino is a seasonal warming of the Pacific Ocean that upsets normal weather
patterns and is causing droughts in Northern Philippines. ASKI serves over 4,000 Kiva clients in
this area (Luzon) which is the most important island economically in the Philippines. With the
agricultural sector employing most of ASKI’s clients and 1/3 of Filipinos; the country’s economy
is at the mercy of a prolonged drought induced by El Nino.

Many of the borrower profiles and journals of ASKI clients mention the El Nino phenomenon as
the cause for diminished income, food shortages and difficulty in raising standards of living. If an
ASKI borrower is not engaged directly in farming, their partner or neighbors almost certainly will
be. As rice is the country’s staple, it is intricately connected to the national economy. Its supply
is so important that it usually influences inflation. My current location in Isabela province is the
worst-hit by the dry spell among 14 provinces nationwide. Statements below illustrate the
devastation of El Nino on rice farmers in Northern Philippines and the economy.
2. How are you going to address this abiotic factor with limited resources and
knowledge that most farmers have here in their production practice? (20 pts)

Studying abiotic factors can help us understand their effects and what we can do if they cause
crop harm. As a student, I would educate any farmers I know on how to prevent crop loss and
handle the situation they are facing.


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