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Teacher: Cebanu Ala

Grade: 7 th
Date: 06.12.2021
Topic: No ordinary place to eat
Unit 4: Eat, drink and be merry

Specific Competences: CS1 – Linguistic competence, CS2-Sociolinguistic competence, CS3- Pragmatic competence, CS4-Pluri(inter)-
cultural competence.
Competence Units:
1.4. Citirea unor enunțuri și texte cunoscute cu respectarea pauzelor, accentului, intonației și unităților de sens

2.2. Identificarea informațiilor cheie prezentate linear în contexte sociale de interes nemijlocit al elevului

3.1.Identificarea prin audiere/ lectură/ vizionare a informațiilor detaliate din mesaje scrise, formulate simplu și clar, referitoare la situații din viața

4.3. Aprecierea în termeni simpli a unor aspecte ale textului literar/ nonliterar pe subiecte de interes personal

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss

1. to design a restaurant
2. to answer correctly questions orally
3. to analyze the restaurants
4. to be able to work in groups
5. To learn vocabulary related to the new topic
6. To practice speaking skills

Material used: textbook, worksheets, whiteboard

Lesson skills emphasized: Speaking, Reading, Writing
Resources: Headway Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book OXFORD

1. Organizational matters : Greeting students

and putting absences
2. work on the board: the lexical field of the The board and the chalk
word restaurant
9 min
3. discussions : Are there lots of places to eat
WARMING UP and drink in your town ? What are they ? Conversation
Where did poeple in your country eat and
drink hundreds of years ago ?

1. Reading the text: dividing the class into WB page 35

three groups Selective Reading
Group A read about Dinner in the sky 5 min
1.4 Group B read about Ithaa undersea
Group C read about ’s Baggers Restaurant

REALIZATION 2. Work with vocabulary, unknown words Using the dictionary 5 min
3. Answer the questions about your WB page 35
restaurant – exercise 3 page 35 Questions - Answers 5 min

4. Exercise 4
Make a comparison from the other 2 Discussions
groups about the restaurants 5 min
1. Creativity: Teamwork of 4 people in a Brainstorming 10 min
3.1 team. The task is to Invent, imagine the
REFLECTION most unusual restaurant and present it to
the class. Adding some images (using the

2. Exercise 1
To match amounts in A with nouns to B WB page 37 3 min

Home task: Describe a visit of one of your favorite

restaurant using the next questions: Worksheet
4.3 EXTENSION What was good about it? 2 min
why did you like that place?
how was the staff?
how often do you go?
what is unusual about that restaurant?

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