Solid Soap Journal (IYMIA)

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Utilization Of Used Cooking Oil As A Raw Material In The Manufacture

Of Solid Soap

Siti Khyala1, Khairin Nisa2

1) Ar-RahmahVocatinal School, Cianjur, Indonesia (

2) Ar-Rahmah Vocational School, Cianjur, Indonesia (


The life of living things can never be separated from food. Today, humans live with
millions of kinds of oily food. Although very useful, but now oil is a source of big problems for
the environment. The continuous disposal of used cooking oil waste that is not environmentally
sound can have a negative impact on the environment and the survival of human life. Thus, the
community needs to be introduced to innovations in order to minimize household waste,
especially those that have the potential to damage the environment. Used cooking oil generated
from the rest of the frying pan in the kitchen or fried food vendors can be reprocessed into soap.
This project aims to raise public awareness of the environment in an effort to control
environmental pollution. The method used is a used cooking oil
Treatment system based on zero waste industry.

Keyword : Environment, Society, Soap, Cooking Oil

1. Introduction from plants such as coconut, seeds, nuts,

corn and soybeans. Basically a good oil is an
Cooking oil is an oil derived from
oil that contains more unsaturated fatty acids
plant or animal fat that is purified, liquid at
compared to its saturated fatty acid content
room temperature and is usually used for
(Kusumaningtyas, 2018: 202).
frying food. Vegetable cooking oil comes
Long and repeated heating of Used cooking oil known to the
cooking oil will produce peroxide public is cooking oil that has been used
compounds, these peroxide compounds are either once or several times. Erviana (2018:
free radicals that are toxic to the body. The 145) states that used cooking oil is a waste
maximum amount of peroxide in cooking oil because the acid and peroxide numbers
that is fit for human consumption is 10 increase and contain carcinogenic
meq/kg of cooking oil. However, generally compounds during the frying process. One
used cooking oil has a peroxide value of 20- of the phenomena encountered in the frying
40 meq/kg so it does not meet quality process is the decline in the quality of the oil
standards for health (Thadeus, 2012: 130). after repeated use at relatively high
temperatures (160-180°C).
The first sign of spoilage of cooking
oil is the formation of acrolein in cooking Considering the many bad effects on
oil. This acrolein causes itching in the throat health due to used cooking oil, a new
when consuming foods that are fried using breakthrough is needed. Efforts to process
cooking oil repeatedly. Acrolein is formed used cooking oil in the context of saving,
from the hydration of glycerol to form an but not endangering health and easy to do
unsaturated aldehyde or acrolein. So used are very necessary. One of them is by
cooking oil has undergone molecular conducting research on making soap from
decomposition, so that the smoke point used cooking oil.
drops dramatically, and if stored can cause
This soap which has been developed
the oil to become rancid. (lubis, 2019: 116).
since ancient Egyptian times functions as a
One of the household wastes
cleaning tool. The existence of soap that
generated from the school kitchen is used
only functions as a cleaning tool is felt to be
cooking oil from the frying pan in the school
lacking, given the marketing and public
kitchen. This has an unfavorable impact
demand for more value from bath soap.
from an environmental point of view. For
example polluting school drainage channels. Soap is a type of surfactant that can
clean oily dirt and is part of a group called
The lack of knowledge and
surfactants. The soap referred to here is a
awareness of the school community about
product of a mixture of sodium salts with
the dangers of used cooking oil waste to the
stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids which
environment makes the school community
contain small amounts of myristic and lauric
indifferent to the use and disposal of used
acid components. Soap is the oldest
cooking oil waste. On the other hand
cleansing cosmetic, dating back centuries.
(Kusumaningtyas, 2018: 203) states that if
used cooking oil waste from the school Soap is a popular commodity
kitchen is dumped directly into the processed from palm oil which functions as
environment, it will make the environment a substance capable of cleaning and
dirty and become a pollutant for water. removing foreign objects. The reaction that
Continuous disposal of used cooking oil occurs when making soap from palm oil is
waste that is not environmentally sound can called the saponification reaction.
have a negative impact on the environment
around the school.
Saponification is done by reacting palm oil
(triglycerides) with alkali (usually using
NaOH or KOH) to produce glycerol and an
alkaline salt of Na (soap). Saponification
can also be done by reacting fatty acids with
alkalis to produce soap and water. Soap is
usually in the form of a printed solid called a
bar because of its history and general shape.
Picture 1. Making soap from used cooking

2. Research Methods

3. Results and Discussion

The process used in this study is a chemical
process, namely saponification. In the Soap
making process, used cooking oil obtained Our first experiment used a reconsidered
from the school kitchen. The used cooking recipe, 155 ml of used cooking oil, 120 ml
oil waste is made into solid soap for washing of water, 10 drops of perfume, 10 drops of
activities, not for bathing. The process of dye. Dissolve NaOH into water and stir,
making solid soap starts from the because the results of the NaOH solution are
preparation of the materials that will be used hot, you have to wait more than 4 hours.
to make soap such as used cooking oil, Then we go to the next step, which is mixing
NaOH, food coloring, water, fragrance and the NaOH solution with used cooking oil,
salt, then the raw materials are weighed, put the NaOH solution into a container
after weighing, the NaOH will be dissolved containing used cooking oil and stir until
with how to put NaOH into a container that homogeneous, but because the taste of the
already contains water, then stir until soap dough doesn’t smell good, we add
blended, after that the NaOH solution will more fragrance and mix it again. And the
be put into a container containing used result is that the soap dough is slightly
cooking oil and stir until mixed. Then given broken and causes defects. But still we
dye and salt, then stirred until blended and continue to put it in the silicone mold and
changed color later the soap will be printed wait for more than 8 hours, and only check
and packaged.after finishing making soap, in the morning. The conclusion of the first
the soap will be used to wash dirty utensils experiment was almost successful, but the
that have been used to make soap, after dough was a bit broken due to excess
using the soap it can clean the equipment stirring. The first try soap can be used, not
from residual oil and dirt on the tool, too foamy but clean.
therefore soap from used cooking oil
socialization will be carried out.
The second experiment was still with the to look for shortcomings from advantages in
same recipe, 155 ml of oil, 120 water, 15 mixing, the dough is not homogeneous.
drops of fragrance, 10 drops of dye. The And can achieve the maximum possible
experiment failed because it was curing process.a soap made from used
inhomogeneous and too quickly thickened cooking oil which is waste and sticky with a
causing the dough to break, and made us slightly slimy texture, this is used to clean
confused as to why this time the dough the dirty nature of household items at home
really couldn’t come together perfectly, or and at school.
inhomogeneous. We threw away the dough
because we were confused that the dough
was too runny and broke. This soap made from used cooking oil can
function as a cleaning agent that cleans
household appliances such as rags, napkins,
The third experiment was still with the same or a bar of soap for washing hands.
recipe but again failed when stirring, the
insoluble NaOH liquid was the main cause
of the failure of the second experiment. But The curing process Is also needed here,
still we wait for the results and can be used, although it takes quite a long time, that’s
foaming and cleaning. But the final texture one of the drawbacks of an item or formula
of the soap is a bit slimy. made from waste materials, but its function
and physical properties are the same as
general cleaning soap.
The chemical reactions that occur in the
saponification process are :
5. Acknowledgment

(C17H35COO)3 + 3NaOH
3C17H35COONa + We are grateful to the Ar-Rahmah
Vocational school for support, providing
facilities and funding.

And also for the teacher who helped in the


4. Conclusion

From the many experiments our group 6. References

succeeded in making solid soap, and got
satisfactory results. Although many soap
doughs fail and are not perfect and continue
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