Class 7 - Chapter 7

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CHAPTER 7- MORE ON PYTHON Brain Developer A, Fillin the blanks: 2 2 merce eae Precedence Expression ‘+ Control if else Colon . State True or False False False True True False . True Application Based Questions: 1. % (Remainder) Operator 2. if... else control structure - Multiple Choice Questions: 1. a) Operands 2. c) In some cases, yes 3. b) Sequential 4. c) Iterative 5. a)else Name the following: 1, Unary Operator, Binary Operator 2. And, or, not 3. ‘+ and '*" 4. if statement 5. Algorithm Answer the following questions briefly: 1. Operators are symbols that perform arithmetic and logical operations on operands and provide a meaningful result. 2. '/'and'//' both are Binary Arithmetic Operators. / (Division) operator is used to divide the numbers and give an output in the decimal form, e.g., Value of 5/2 is 2.5. whereas, // (Floor Division) divides the numbers and gives an output in the integer form, e.g., Value of 5//2 is 2 and the Value of -5//2 is -3. 3. '*' operator in a string manipulation is used to replicate a given string for a number of times. It is also known as Replication Operator. 4. The different types of control structures are Sequential statements, Conditional statements, and Iterative statements. 5. The if else control structure is used when either of the two different actions are to be performed depending upon the result of the conditional expression. oy pene

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