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BITS PILANI, DUBAI CAMPUS 12-13 To comprehend why do social connections The Power of Social 5


FIRST SEMESTER 2022 – 2023 14-16 To teach students how to develop coping strategies Managing Stress, 6
Course Handout (Part – II) to manage stress, hardship, and trauma Hardship, and Trauma
Date: 01.09.2022 17-19 To explain mindfulness, benefits of mindfulness for Living in the Present, 7, 9
In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time Table) this portion further mind, brain and body and real-world applications of Mindfulness (TB),
specific details regarding the course. mindfulness RB1
Course No : HSS F365 (3 0 3)
Course Title : SCIENCE OF SUSTAINABLE HAPPINESS 20-21 To explain the benefits of pursuing goals and Committing to Your Goals 8
Instructor-in-charge : Dr. Shazi Shah Jabeen enable students to commit to their goals
Instructors : Dr. Shazi Shah Jabeen

Scope and objective of the course:

This course aims at bringing about an understanding of what happiness is; why it matters to everyone; key 22-23 6,7
To study cooperation and happiness, peacemaking and Cooperation &
psychological, social, and biological factors that relate to happiness; and the relationship between
reconciliation, the science of forgiveness and building Reconciliation
happiness, human connection, and prosocial qualities, such as compassion, cooperation, mindfulness, and
gratitude. It offers students practical strategies for tapping into and nurturing their own happiness, including
trying several strategies and 24-26 To discuss the benefits of practicing religion, Taking Care of Your 9
Course Pre/Co- requisite (if any) & Catalogue / activities that foster social and emotional well-being, and spirituality, meditation and physical activity Body and Soul
exploring how their own happiness changes along the way. Bulletin Description: Given in the Bulletin 2021
– 2022. 27-28 To discuss the correlation between self-compassion Self-compassion RB1
and happiness
Study Material:
Text Books: 29-31 To comprehend mental habits of happiness and Mental Habits of Happiness 10, RB1
i. Lyubomirsky, Sonja. (2007). The How of Happiness. New York: The Penguin Press. ii. Other required self compassion: A path to resilience and
reading materials will be provided to cover the topics in the course. Students are expected to read a small happiness
number of journal articles as well.
32-33 To discuss the role of: awe, wonder, beauty, New Frontiers and 2, 3
Reference books:
laughter, play, and narrative in building happiness Happiness “Fit”
i. O'Brien, Catherine. (2016). Education for Sustainable Happiness and Well-Being. New York: Routledge.
ii. Al Maktoum, Mohammed Bin Rashid. (2017). Reflections on Happiness and Positivity. Dubai: Explorer 34-36 To focus on the five hows behind sustainable happiness The Five Hows 10
Publishing and Distribution. Behind Sustainable
Course plan:
37-39 To enable students learn how to handle depression If You are Depressed 11
Lec. Learning objectives Contents Referenc
# es @
(Chapters) 40-42 To discuss how to align education with sustainability Sustainability, Happiness RB1
and happiness and Education
1 To discuss what is happiness and why does Introduction to the 1
happiness matter. Science of Happiness

2 To understand what is happiness and to study concepts What is happiness? 1 * The lectures may slightly diverge from aforesaid plan based on students ‘background & interest in the topic, which
of happiness across time and cultures may perhaps include special lectures and discussions that would be planned, scheduled and notified accordingly.

3-4 To study biology/genetics, life circumstances What Determines 1, 2 Evaluation Scheme:

and Intentional activities, to understand the Happiness? (TB), E Evaluation Components Duration Weightage Date & Time Venue
model of sustainable happiness RB1 C
5-7 To explain the relationship between gratitude Expressing Gratitude 4
and happiness, to discuss strategies to build & Cultivating 1 Quiz - 1 (Closed book) 20-25 minutes 10% 18.10.22 T5 d

optimism Optimism e

2 Quiz - 2 (Closed book) 20-25 minutes 10% 15.11.22 T5 e


8-9 To understand the phenomena of rumination and Avoiding Overthinking 4 b


social comparison and their adverse consequences and Social Comparison 3 Assignment - I (Open book) - 10% TBA o

10-11 To discuss the what and why of compassion and Compassion & Kindness 5, 8

4 Assignment - 2 (Open book) - 15% TBA n

the kindness-happiness loop


5 Assignment - 3 (Open book) - 15% TBA

6 Class Participation - 5% Continuous

7 Compre Exam (Closed book) 2 hours 35% 03.01.2023 FN

Mid-Sem Grading:
Mid-sem grading will be displayed after two evaluation components. (Refer Academic calendar for
schedule). Note: A student will be likely to get “NC”, if he / she doesn’t appear / appear for the sake of
appearing for the evaluation components / scoring zero in pre-compre total.
Makeup and Attendance policies:
Make-ups: are not given as a routine. It is solely dependent upon the genuineness of the circumstances
under which a student fails to appear in a scheduled evaluation component. In such circumstances, prior
permission should be obtained from the Instructor-in-Charge (I/C).Students with less than 60% of
attendance will not be allowed to avail the make-ups. The decision of the I/C in the above matter will be
Attendance: Every student is expected to be responsible for regularity of his/her attendance in class rooms
and laboratories, to appear in scheduled tests and examinations and fulfill all other tasks assigned to
him/her in every course. A student should have a minimum of 60% of attendance in a course to be eligible
to appear for the Comprehensive Examination in that course. For the students under the purview of
Academic Counseling Board (ACB), the Board shall prescribe the minimum attendance requirement on a
case-to-case basis. Attendance in the course will be a deciding factor in judging the seriousness of a
student which may be directly / indirectly related to grading.

General timings for consultation:

Student can contact the faculty for consultation in her chamber in 3rd hr on Wednesday.

General instructions:
Students should come prepared for classes and carry the prescribed text book(s) or material(s) as advised
by the Course Faculty to the class.
All notices concerning the course will be displayed on
Instructor-in-Charge HSS F365
the HSS Notice Board.

Contact details
Dr. Shazi Shah Jabeen, Professor, Chamber No:128 Contact No: +9714 2753 700 Ext. 219
Mobile No: +971 50 3568318, email: shazi@dubai.bits-pilani,

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