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Let Us Practice (Activity 1: LEVEL UP! B.

True or False)

B. Write T if the statement is true and F if false.

T 1. The meaning of a text is dependent on the other texts.

T 2. Authors tend to build on what previous authors have published or started.

T 3. We can gain full understanding of a concept by referring to one text.

F 4. A well-written research paper has one reference.

T 5. If you want to know more about the topic, you need to read references
tackling the same thing.

T 6. Reading can help broaden what you know about the topic.

T 7. Referring other ideas or information about a concept increases the

credibility of the information.

F 8. Creative reader also involves understanding that texts are always

developed in a certain context.

F 9. Hyperlink is always the counterpart of hypertext.

T 10. Intertextuality makes the reader more assured of what he knows.

Let Us Practice More (Activity 2.2) p. 14-15

Questions for Discussion and Writing

1. In your own words, how do you define stress?

In my own opinion, stress is what is an emotion or what a person feels or

experiences during situations where they are being challenged. It may come from
any situation that can make you feel nervous, frustrated or angry. Stress is also how
a person reacts to pressure they experience in their daily lives.
2. What makes a person stressed?

Situations where a person is being challenged or pressured is what makes a person

stressed. Examples of situations like these include taking examinations or joining a
competition. Stress is often experienced when a person encounters something new
or unexpected for them.

3. How is stress related to catching a cold?

According to one study, the more stress a person had before being exposed to a
cold virus, the more likely he or she was to get a cold. The likelihood of experiencing
negative sentiments like guilt, anger, and upset were the most important
characteristics of stress in predicting whether participants will have a cold.

4. What are the other reasons why people catch cold?

The transmission of the virus is another reason why people develop colds. When
someone who is sick coughs, sneezes, or talks, droplets in the air spread the virus. It
can also be transferred by exchanging contaminated objects such as dining utensils,
towels, toys, or cellphones with someone who has a cold.

5. Is stress the only reason for catching a cold? If yes, elaborate your answer. If not,
then give other reasons and explain further.

I disagree with this statement that stress is the only reason for catching a cold. There
are many other reasons for catching a cold. An example of this is based on my
experience that I got a cold because I got wet in the rain. Researchers claim that
stress is not the cause of all colds. When exposed to a virus, those who are under
extreme stress are more likely to develop a cold than those who are under milder

6. Make a 4-sentence paragraph whether you agree or not about this statement:
stress can probably cause cancer.

No, I don’t agree with this statement that stress can probably cause cancer. Based
on research, there was no evidence that could prove that people who are more
stressed are more likely to get cancer. Being stressed or experiencing stress often
doesn’t increase the risk of getting cancer. Stress may cause your immune system to
weaken, but it doesn’t mean you are directly prone to cancer.
Let Us Practice on pp. 7-8

Identify the following assertions by writing convention, fact, opinion or preference as

assertions of statements in a separate sheet of paper.

Fact 1. Social media is defined as the Internet and mobile-based tools and
devices that facilitate the integration of technology, telecommunications, and social

Preference 2. Facebook is cooler social media platform than Twitter.

Fact 3. In 2012, there were 1.4 billion users of social media worldwide.

Opinion 4. Teachers should use social media in their lessons to get more
students interested.

Fact 5. Another name for social media is “Web 2.0” because both terms
emphasize the social aspects of the internet as avenues for communication,
collaboration, and creative expression.

Opinion 6. Many teenagers’ present obsession with taking selfies shows they
are the most narcissistic generation.

Preference 7. Social networks are the most distracting websites on the internet.

Fact 8. In the first quarter of 2014, nearly 300 million smartphone units were
sold all over the world.

Convention 9. Parents ought to enforce stricter guidelines in social media to

safeguard their children’s privacy.

Fact 10. Children are learning how to operate mobile devices at increasingly
younger ages; many of them have an idea of how to use a touchscreen tablet before
they are two.
Let Us Practice (Activity 1.1 &1.2) on pp. 6-7

1.1 Direction: Read and understand each statement below. Identify and write FACT if
the statement shows claim of value and write BLUFF if is not.

BLUFF 1. Obesity can cause heart disease.

FACT 2. Playing online games is wasteful activity.

FACT 3. Basketball is more exciting than volleyball.

BLUFF 4. He destroyed the property of his neighbor.

BLUFF 5. Research activity needs to be parts of the curriculum.

BLUFF 6. Students should always wear complete uniform in school.

FACT 7. Sometimes God put us in the dark to show that He is the light.

BLUFF 8. Covid-19 virus threatens many lives.

FACT 9. A clean environment creates a happy and peaceful society.

BLUFF10. Mall goers should wear their face mask and face shield anywhere in the

1.2 Direction: To strengthen your understanding of types of claims, take this nine
question self-test. See if you can identify which type of claim the statement is
making, then check the answer.

Claim of Fact 1. Vaping can lead to increased blood pressure, lung disease, and
insulin resistance.

Claim of Value 2. The basic keys to success are perseverance and discipline.

Claim of Fact 3. Studies have shown that exposure to violent media is a risk factor
for violent behaviors.

Claim of Value 4. The Career Support Network is an excellent resource for people
who are considering a mid-life career change.
Claim of Policy 5. To ensure that graduates are competitive for top jobs in their
fields, the college must put additional resources into its career services office and
internship programs.

Claim of Value 6. Although the International Astronomical Union announced that

Pluto is not actually a planet, experts disagree on what characteristics define a

Claim of Fact 7. Increased investments in solar power will benefit national security by
reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

Claim of Policy 8. Parents should not only be aware of how their children are using
social media, but also understand the potential positive and negative impacts of
social media use.

Claim of Fact 9. Advances in computer modeling have made it possible to create

completely new types of architectural structures.
Activity 1. Book Review on pp. 4

Let us try this short activity. Choose one of your favorite book and answer the
questions below. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.


Title: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Author: C. S. Lewis

What is the book about?

This book is a fantasy novel about a place called Narnia that is frozen in everlasting
winter and waiting to be set free behind the wardrobe door. Lucy, the youngest of the
Pevensie siblings, is the first to discover the professor's fascinating old house and the
mystery of the wardrobe. When Lucy told her elder siblings about the wonderful land of
Narnia, they didn't trust her at first. Edmund, Peter, and Susan quickly follow Edmund
through the closet. They discover a nation buried beneath the White Witch's wicked
enchantment in Narnia. They understand they've been summoned to a big adventure
when they encounter the Lion Aslan and heroically join the battle to free Narnia from the
Witch's dark enchantment.

What was your most favorite part?

In this story the part where I liked the most is when all of the Pevensie siblings
finally decide to take the risk and go inside the wardrobe. Then they finally realize
that what Lucy said was true that a magical land named Narnia exists behind the
wardrobe. They all enjoy themselves exploring the unfamiliar place and new
surroundings of Narnia.

What was your least favorite part?

The point of the story where Aslan saves Edmund by sacrificing himself to Jadis
the White Witch was my least favorite part. Aslan is tied down and bound to the
Stone Table, his mane chopped off. With Susan and Lucy watching from the
woods, Jadis delivers a speech before stabbing and killing Aslan.

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