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18/01/2023, 13:08 StudioBinder: Document

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The scene takes place in a medieval land, hundreds of years

in the past.

The sound of heavy rain can be heard, accompanied by thunder

faintly in the distance. We experience this for a few
seconds, before a voice can be heard.

This voice is of a young women in her early 20's, although

her voice sounds much older, speaking in a very sophisticated
tone. The way they speak seems to reveal an agenda, although
they seem to have a neutral tone towards the listener.

They then begin to speak:

(In a quiet tone)

Ah (brief pause) awake at last. Oh,

you seem distressed, do not fear,
you are safe now.

(She then becomes

slightly concerned)

You don't remember what happened,

do you?
(Back to the quiet tone)
(brief pause, then a slight sigh

) Well I expected as much. Allow me

to fill you in.

2 2

We cut to the landscape of a kingdom. It is one of the same

medieval times. There is a great castle, which towers over
many buildings and people. There is a slight aura of gloom
and sadness, although within it all, there is a thriving


(She now speaks in a much

more present voice, as
she wants her words to be
remembered)… 1/5
18/01/2023, 13:08 StudioBinder: Document

The beginning of our story takes us

back to a land called Nuveria. Its
kingdom had stood for longer than
the mountains themselves. It was a
place well known as a haven from
the cruel outside. Although flawed,
it was a proud place that many
called home. Besides, where wasn't
flawed, it was a result of the

3 3

We see the throne room of the king. The room is a clearly for
one of wealth, although it is modest, as the ruler is humble
for one of his position. The king is looking down in grief,
as is daughter is severely ill, and he has run out of


The kingdom was ruled by a king,

known only now as the king of
Blight. His name has been torn out
of any book, and silenced from any
story. He was a fair ruler, doing
what was right for his people,
although deep down, he was greedy
to a fault.

One day, the king's daughter fell

ill with a strange disease. The
king used everything in his power
to help her, although no matter
what he did, nothing seemed to
work. He grew desperate.

4 4

It is night and the king is now in a valley with many

soldiers around him. In Front of him is a large cave
entrance. He has a torch in his hand and is showing no sign
of turning back.

18/01/2023, 13:08 StudioBinder: Document

One day, when all hope seemed lost,

a man ran into the kings thrown
room, covered in dirt and short of
breath. He told the king that they
had found something unbelievable,
of which may be the solution to the
king's dilemma.

Without a second thought, the king

gathered his army and went on a
trek towards a distant valley,
located where most men wouldn't
dare to go. After a long travel,
the king came upon the cave, which
supposedly contained what he needed

The screen goes black for a few seconds and we can hear

5 5

The king gets to the bottom of the cave, where we see him
looking straight forward at a giant, lovecraftian esc
creature. We cannot fully see the creature as it is covered
in the shadows of the cave. All we can see are numerous
glowing red eyes, all staring at the king, as well as dozens
of black, slender arms emerging from the shadows. The
creature is surrounded by corpses of the kings soldiers. The
king stands still, staring at the beast, not scared, but
mesmerised by what he could see.

In front of the king layed a
creature, of which mankind had
never before seen. All that could
be seen was its blood red eyes, and
black, slender arms. Although the
king wasn't afraid, he was willing
to die if it meant saving his
child. He called out to the

(She speaks in a lighter

Oh divine being, I am at your
mercy, please give me the power to… 3/5
18/01/2023, 13:08 StudioBinder: Document

save my child, I offer you my life

in return.

(Back to normal tone)

In response, it began to howl

before placing a finger on the
kings chest. (slight pause) The
accord had been struck.

6 6

We see the kingdom in flames, with every house being turned

to ash, seemingly nothing being untouched. There are dark
clouds above the castle.

On the night of the kings return to
his castle, a raging fire ensued.
The blaze lasted for weeks,
spreading to anywhere that belonged
to the kingdom and its people. On
the fires final day, all life had
seemed to be drained from the once
thriving land, (slight pause,
before giving a more enthusiastic
tone) at least one would think.

We see the young women, with her identity hidden with a black
hood. He outfit appears regal and elegant. She is walking
through a kingdom of ash. You can see in the background a
castle, scorched and crumbling. She reaches her hand out to
help a fallen knight, with his armour covered in black soot.

As I was walking through the
remains of the kingdom, I found
you, a Knight who endured the
raging fire and lived. Such a
miracle cannot be a coincident,
wouldn't you agree. I believe you
have been chosen by the Gods
themselves, to slay the King of
Blight, and save this land before
it is too late.

(In an intense tone)… 4/5
18/01/2023, 13:08 StudioBinder: Document

So now you must rise, and take your

blade, for you are the last Knight
of Nuveria, our last hope.… 5/5

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